Source code for bt_manager.cod

from __future__ import unicode_literals

[docs]class BTCoD: """ Bluetooth class of device decoder for providing a human readable form of the device class value. The class of device is a 24-bit number allowing different types of bluetooth devices to be described consistently and succinctly using a hierarchical scheme. * **Major Service**: The major services that the device supports. Several values can be OR'd together to form a device supporting multiple major services e.g., telephony, networking and audio could be the combined service set for a device. * **Major Device**: The form-factor or major type of device which may only take a single value e.g., Laptop, Toy, Health Device, Phone, etc. * **Minor Device**: The minor function of the device whose range of values depends on the major function e.g., Car audio, SmartPhone, etc. :param integer cod: 24-bit integer value representing the class of device. .. note:: The class of device may be obtained from both the :py:class:`.BTAdapter` and :py:class:`.BTDevice` classes using the `Class` attribute. """ _MAJOR_SERVICE_POS = 13 _MAJOR_SERVICE_MASK = 0xFFE000 _MAJOR_SERVICE_CLASS = { 0x002000: 'Limited Discoverable Mode [Ref #1]', 0x004000: '(reserved)', 0x008000: '(reserved)', 0x010000: 'Positioning (Location identification)', 0x020000: 'Networking (LAN, Ad hoc, ...)', 0x040000: 'Rendering (Printing, Speakers, ...)', 0x080000: 'Capturing (Scanner, Microphone, ...)', 0x100000: 'Object Transfer (v-Inbox, v-Folder, ...)', 0x200000: 'Audio (Speaker, Microphone, Headset service, ...)', 0x400000: 'Telephony (Cordless telephony, Modem, Headset service, ...)', # noqa 0x800000: 'Information (WEB-server, WAP-server, ...)', } _MAJOR_DEVICE_POS = 8 _MAJOR_DEVICE_MASK = 0x001F00 _MAJOR_DEVICE_CLASS = { 0x0000: 'Miscellaneous [Ref #2]', 0x0100: 'Computer (desktop, notebook, PDA, organizer, ... )', 0x0200: 'Phone (cellular, cordless, pay phone, modem, ...)', 0x0300: 'LAN /Network Access point', 0x0400: 'Audio/Video (headset, speaker, stereo, video display, VCR, ...', # noqa 0x0500: 'Peripheral (mouse, joystick, keyboard, ... ', 0x0600: 'Imaging (printer, scanner, camera, display, ...)', 0x0700: 'Wearable', 0x0800: 'Toy', 0x0900: 'Health', 0x1F00: 'Uncategorized: device code not specified' } _MINOR_DEVICE_CLASS = { 0x0100: [{'mask': 0x1C, 'pos': 2, 0x00: 'Uncategorized, code for device not assigned', 0x04: 'Desktop workstation', 0x08: 'Server-class computer', 0x0C: 'Laptop', 0x10: 'Handheld PC/PDA (clamshell)', 0x14: 'Palm-size PC/PDA', 0x18: 'Wearable computer (watch size)', 0x1C: 'Tablet'}], 0x0200: [{'mask': 0x1C, 'pos': 2, 0x00: 'Uncategorized, code for device not assigned', 0x04: 'Cellular', 0x08: 'Cordless', 0x0C: 'Smartphone', 0x10: 'Wired modem or voice gateway', 0x14: 'Common ISDN access'}], 0x0300: [{'mask': 0xE0, 'pos': 5, 0x00: 'Fully available', 0x20: '1% to 17% utilized', 0x40: '17% to 33% utilized', 0x60: '33% to 50% utilized', 0x80: '50% to 67% utilized', 0xA0: '67% to 83% utilized', 0xC0: '83% to 99% utilized', 0xE0: 'No service available'}], 0x0400: [{'mask': 0x7C, 'pos': 2, 0x00: 'Uncategorized, code not assigned', 0x04: 'Wearable Headset Device', 0x08: 'Hands-free Device', 0x0C: '(Reserved)', 0x10: 'Microphone', 0x14: 'Loudspeaker', 0x18: 'Headphones', 0x1C: 'Portable Audio', 0x20: 'Car audio', 0x24: 'Set-top box', 0x28: 'HiFi Audio Device', 0x2C: 'VCR', 0x30: 'Video Camera', 0x34: 'Camcorder', 0x38: 'Video Monitor', 0x3C: 'Video Display and Loudspeaker', 0x40: 'Video Conferencing', 0x44: '(Reserved)', 0x48: 'Gaming/Toy'}], 0x0500: [{'mask': 0xC0, 'pos': 6, 0x00: 'Not Keyboard / Not Pointing Device', 0x40: 'Keyboard', 0x80: 'Pointing device', 0xC0: 'Combo keyboard/pointing device'}, {'mask': 0x3C, 'pos': 2, 0x00: 'Uncategorized device', 0x04: 'Joystick', 0x08: 'Gamepad', 0x0C: 'Remote control', 0x10: 'Sensing device', 0x14: 'Digitizer tablet', 0x18: 'Card Reader (e.g. SIM Card Reader)', 0x1C: 'Digital Pen', 0x20: 'Handheld scanner for bar-codes, RFID, etc.', 0x24: 'Handheld gestural input device (e.g., "wand" form factor)'}], # noqa 0x0600: [{'mask': 0xF0, 'pos': 4, 0x10: 'Display', 0x20: 'Camera', 0x40: 'Scanner', 0x80: 'Printer'}], 0x0700: [{'mask': 0x1C, 'pos': 2, 0x04: 'Wristwatch', 0x08: 'Pager', 0x0C: 'Jacket', 0x10: 'Helmet', 0x14: 'Glasses'}], 0x0800: [{'mask': 0x1C, 'pos': 2, 0x04: 'Robot', 0x08: 'Vehicle', 0x0C: 'Doll / Action figure', 0x10: 'Controller', 0x14: 'Game'}], 0x0900: [{'mask': 0x3C, 'pos': 2, 0x00: 'Undefined', 0x04: 'Blood Pressure Monitor', 0x08: 'Thermometer', 0x0C: 'Weighing Scale', 0x10: 'Glucose Meter', 0x14: 'Pulse Oximeter', 0x18: 'Heart/Pulse Rate Monitor', 0x1C: 'Health Data Display', 0x20: 'Step Counter', 0x24: 'Body Composition Analyzer', 0x28: 'Peak Flow Monitor', 0x2C: 'Medication Monitor', 0x30: 'Knee Prosthesis', 0x34: 'Ankle Prosthesis', 0x38: 'Generic Health Manager', 0x3C: 'Personal Mobility Device'}] } def __init__(self, cod): self.cod = cod @property
[docs] def major_service_class(self): """ Return the major service class property decoded e.g., Audio, Telephony, etc """ major_service = [] for i in BTCoD._MAJOR_SERVICE_CLASS.keys(): if (self.cod & i): major_service.append(BTCoD._MAJOR_SERVICE_CLASS[i]) return major_service
[docs] def major_device_class(self): """ Return the major device class property decoded e.g., Computer, Audio/Video, Toy, etc. """ return BTCoD._MAJOR_DEVICE_CLASS.get(self.cod & BTCoD._MAJOR_DEVICE_MASK, 'Unknown')
[docs] def minor_device_class(self): """ Return the minor device class property decoded e.g., Scanner, Printer, Loudspeaker, Camera, etc. """ minor_device = [] minor_lookup = BTCoD._MINOR_DEVICE_CLASS.get(self.cod & BTCoD._MAJOR_DEVICE_MASK, []) for i in minor_lookup: minor_value = self.cod & i.get('mask') minor_device.append(i.get(minor_value, 'Unknown')) return minor_device
def __str__(self): """Stringify all elements of the class of device""" return '<cod:' + str(hex(self.cod)) + ' Major Service:' + str(self.major_service_class) + \ ' Major Device:' + \ self.major_device_class + ' Minor Device:' + \ str(self.minor_device_class) + '>' def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()