Source code for

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import dbus.service
import gobject
import pprint
import os

from device import BTGenericDevice
from media import GenericEndpoint, BTMediaTransport
from codecs import SBCChannelMode, SBCSamplingFrequency, \
    SBCAllocationMethod, SBCSubbands, SBCBlocks, A2DP_CODECS, \
    SBCCodecConfig, SBCCodec
from serviceuuids import SERVICES
from exceptions import BTIncompatibleTransportAccessType, \

[docs]class BTAudio(BTGenericDevice): """ Wrapper around dbus to encapsulate the org.bluez.Audio interface. :Properties: * **State(str) [readonly]**: Possible values: "disconnected", "connecting", "connected" with possible state transitions: * "disconnected" -> "connecting" Either an incoming or outgoing connection attempt ongoing. * "connecting" -> "disconnected" Connection attempt failed * "connecting" -> "connected" Successfully connected * "connected" -> "disconnected" Disconnected from the remote device See also: :py:class:`.BTGenericDevice` for setup params. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): BTGenericDevice.__init__(self, addr='org.bluez.Audio', *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def connect(self): """ Connect all supported audio profiles on the device. :return: .. note:: This may invoke any registered media endpoints where media profiles are compatible. """ return self._interface.Connect()
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ Disconnect all audio profiles on the device :return: .. note:: This may release any registered media endpoints where media profiles are compatible. """ return self._interface.Disconnect()
[docs]class BTAudioSource(BTAudio): """ Wrapper around dbus to encapsulate the org.bluez.AudioSource interface. See also: :py:class:`.BTAudio` """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): BTGenericDevice.__init__(self, addr='org.bluez.AudioSource', *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class BTAudioSink(BTAudio): """ Wrapper around dbus to encapsulate the org.bluez.AudioSink interface * **Connected(boolean) [readonly]**: Indicates if a stream is setup to a A2DP sink on the remote device. * **Playing(boolean) [readonly]**: Indicates if a stream is active to a A2DP sink on the remote device. See also: :py:class:`.BTAudio` """ SIGNAL_CONNECTED = 'Connected' """ :signal Connected(signal_name, user_arg): Sent when a successful connection has been made to the remote A2DP Sink """ SIGNAL_DISCONNECTED = 'Disconnected' """ :signal Disconnected(signal_name, user_arg): Sent when the device has been disconnected from. """ SIGNAL_PLAYING = 'Playing' """ :signal Playing(signal_name, user_arg): Sent when a stream with remote device is started. """ SIGNAL_STOPPED = 'Stopped' """ :signal Stopped(signal_name, user_arg): Sent when a stream with remote device is suspended. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): BTGenericDevice.__init__(self, addr='org.bluez.AudioSink', *args, **kwargs) self._register_signal_name(BTAudioSink.SIGNAL_CONNECTED) self._register_signal_name(BTAudioSink.SIGNAL_DISCONNECTED) self._register_signal_name(BTAudioSink.SIGNAL_PLAYING) self._register_signal_name(BTAudioSink.SIGNAL_STOPPED)
[docs] def is_connected(self): """ Returns `True` if a stream is setup to a A2DP sink on the remote device, `False` otherwise. :return Connected: state of `Connected` attribute :rtype: boolean """ return self._interface.IsConnected()
[docs]class SBCAudioCodec(GenericEndpoint): """ SBCAudioCodec is an implementation of a media endpoint that provides common functionality enabling SBC audio source and SBC audio sink media endpoints to be established. Since certain procedures are specific to whether or not the endpoint is a source or sink, in particular the trigger points for when the media transport is acquired/release, these parts are left to their respective sub-classes. SBCAudioCodec handles the following steps in establishing an endpoint: * Populates `properties` with the capabilities of the codec. * `SelectConfiguration`: computes and returns best SBC codec configuration parameters based on device capabilities * `SetConfiguration`: a sub-class notifier function is called * `ClearConfiguration`: nothing is done * `Release`: nothing In additional to endpoint establishment, the class also has transport read and write functions which will handle the required SBC media encoding/decoding and RTP encapsulation. The user may also register for `transport ready` events which allows transport read and write operations to be properly synchronized. See also: :py:class:`SBCAudioSink` and :py:class:`SBCAudioSource` """ def __init__(self, uuid, path): config = SBCCodecConfig(SBCChannelMode.ALL, SBCSamplingFrequency.ALL, SBCAllocationMethod.ALL, SBCSubbands.ALL, SBCBlocks.ALL, 2, 64) caps = SBCAudioCodec._make_config(config) codec = dbus.Byte(A2DP_CODECS['SBC']) delayed_reporting = dbus.Boolean(True) self.tag = None = dbus.Dictionary({'UUID': uuid, 'Codec': codec, 'DelayReporting': delayed_reporting, 'Capabilities': caps}) GenericEndpoint.__init__(self, path) def _transport_ready_handler(self, fd, cb_condition): """ Wrapper for calling user callback routine to notify when transport data is ready to read """ self.user_cb(self.user_arg) return True
[docs] def register_transport_ready_event(self, user_cb, user_arg): """ Register for transport ready events. The `transport ready` event is raised via a user callback. If the endpoint is configured as a source, then the user may then call :py:meth:`write_transport` in order to send data to the associated sink. Otherwise, if the endpoint is configured as a sink, then the user may call :py:meth:`read_transport` to read from the associated source instead. :param func user_cb: User defined callback function. It must take one parameter which is the user's callback argument. :param user_arg: User defined callback argument. :return: See also: :py:meth:`unregister_transport_ready_event` """ self.user_cb = user_cb self.user_arg = user_arg if ('r' in self.access_type): io_event = gobject.IO_IN else: io_event = gobject.IO_OUT self.tag = gobject.io_add_watch(self.fd, io_event, self._transport_ready_handler)
[docs] def unregister_transport_ready_event(self): """ Unregister previously registered `transport ready` events. See also: :py:meth:`register_transport_ready_event` """ if (self.tag): gobject.source_remove(self.tag) self.tag = None
[docs] def read_transport(self): """ Read data from media transport. The returned data payload is SBC decoded and has all RTP encapsulation removed. :return data: Payload data that has been decoded, with RTP encapsulation removed. :rtype: array{byte} """ if ('r' not in self.access_type): raise BTIncompatibleTransportAccessType return self.codec.decode(self.fd, self.read_mtu)
[docs] def write_transport(self, data): """ Write data to media transport. The data is encoded using the SBC codec and RTP encapsulated before being written to the transport file descriptor. :param array{byte} data: Payload data to encode, encapsulate and send. """ if ('w' not in self.access_type): raise BTIncompatibleTransportAccessType return self.codec.encode(self.fd, self.write_mtu, data)
[docs] def close_transport(self): """ Forcibly close previously acquired media transport. .. note:: The user should first make sure any transport event handlers are unregistered first. """ self._release_media_transport(self.path, self.access_type)
def _notify_media_transport_available(self, path, transport): """ Subclass should implement this to trigger setup once a new media transport is available. """ pass def _acquire_media_transport(self, path, access_type): """ Should be called by subclass when it is ready to acquire the media transport file descriptor """ transport = BTMediaTransport(path=path) (fd, read_mtu, write_mtu) = transport.acquire(access_type) self.fd = fd.take() # We must do the clean-up later self.write_mtu = write_mtu self.read_mtu = read_mtu self.access_type = access_type self.path = path def _release_media_transport(self, path, access_type): """ Should be called by subclass when it is finished with the media transport file descriptor """ try: os.close(self.fd) # Clean-up previously taken fd transport = BTMediaTransport(path=path) transport.release(access_type) except: pass @staticmethod def _default_bitpool(frequency, channel_mode): if (frequency == SBCSamplingFrequency.FREQ_16KHZ or frequency == SBCSamplingFrequency.FREQ_32KHZ): return 53 elif (frequency == SBCSamplingFrequency.FREQ_44_1KHZ): if (channel_mode == SBCChannelMode.CHANNEL_MODE_MONO or channel_mode == SBCChannelMode.CHANNEL_MODE_DUAL): return 31 elif (channel_mode == SBCChannelMode.CHANNEL_MODE_STEREO or channel_mode == SBCChannelMode.CHANNEL_MODE_JOINT_STEREO): return 53 else: # TODO: Invalid channel_mode return 53 elif (frequency == SBCSamplingFrequency.FREQ_48KHZ): if (channel_mode == SBCChannelMode.CHANNEL_MODE_MONO or channel_mode == SBCChannelMode.CHANNEL_MODE_DUAL): return 29 elif (channel_mode == SBCChannelMode.CHANNEL_MODE_STEREO or channel_mode == SBCChannelMode.CHANNEL_MODE_JOINT_STEREO): return 51 else: # TODO: Invalid channel_mode return 51 else: # TODO: Invalid frequency return 53 @staticmethod def _make_config(config): """Helper to turn SBC codec configuration params into a a2dp_sbc_t structure usable by bluez""" # The SBC config encoding is taken from a2dp_codecs.h, in particular, # the a2dp_sbc_t type is converted into a 4-byte array: # uint8_t channel_mode:4 # uint8_t frequency:4 # uint8_t allocation_method:2 # uint8_t subbands:2 # uint8_t block_length:4 # uint8_t min_bitpool # uint8_t max_bitpool return dbus.Array([dbus.Byte(config.channel_mode | (config.frequency << 4)), dbus.Byte(config.allocation_method | (config.subbands << 2) | (config.block_length << 4)), dbus.Byte(config.min_bitpool), dbus.Byte(config.max_bitpool)]) @staticmethod def _parse_config(config): """Helper to turn a2dp_sbc_t structure into a more usable set of SBC codec configuration params""" frequency = config[0] >> 4 channel_mode = config[0] & 0xF allocation_method = config[1] & 0x03 subbands = (config[1] >> 2) & 0x03 block_length = (config[1] >> 4) & 0x0F min_bitpool = config[2] max_bitpool = config[3] return SBCCodecConfig(channel_mode, frequency, allocation_method, subbands, block_length, min_bitpool, max_bitpool) @dbus.service.method("org.bluez.MediaEndpoint", in_signature="", out_signature="") def Release(self): print('Release') @dbus.service.method("org.bluez.MediaEndpoint", in_signature="", out_signature="") def ClearConfiguration(self): print('ClearConfiguration') @dbus.service.method("org.bluez.MediaEndpoint", in_signature="ay", out_signature="ay") def SelectConfiguration(self, caps): print('SelectConfiguration(%s)' % caps) our_caps = SBCAudioCodec._parse_config(['Capabilities']) device_caps = SBCAudioCodec._parse_config(caps) frequency = SBCSamplingFrequency.FREQ_44_1KHZ if ((our_caps.channel_mode & device_caps.channel_mode) & SBCChannelMode.CHANNEL_MODE_JOINT_STEREO): channel_mode = SBCChannelMode.CHANNEL_MODE_JOINT_STEREO elif ((our_caps.channel_mode & device_caps.channel_mode) & SBCChannelMode.CHANNEL_MODE_STEREO): channel_mode = SBCChannelMode.CHANNEL_MODE_STEREO elif ((our_caps.channel_mode & device_caps.channel_mode) & SBCChannelMode.CHANNEL_MODE_DUAL): channel_mode = SBCChannelMode.CHANNEL_MODE_DUAL elif ((our_caps.channel_mode & device_caps.channel_mode) & SBCChannelMode.CHANNEL_MODE_MONO): channel_mode = SBCChannelMode.CHANNEL_MODE_MONO else: raise BTInvalidConfiguration if ((our_caps.block_length & device_caps.block_length) & SBCBlocks.BLOCKS_16): block_length = SBCBlocks.BLOCKS_16 elif ((our_caps.block_length & device_caps.block_length) & SBCBlocks.BLOCKS_12): block_length = SBCBlocks.BLOCKS_12 elif ((our_caps.block_length & device_caps.block_length) & SBCBlocks.BLOCKS_8): block_length = SBCBlocks.BLOCKS_8 elif ((our_caps.block_length & device_caps.block_length) & SBCBlocks.BLOCKS_4): block_length = SBCBlocks.BLOCKS_4 else: raise BTInvalidConfiguration if ((our_caps.subbands & device_caps.subbands) & SBCSubbands.SUBBANDS_8): subbands = SBCSubbands.SUBBANDS_8 elif ((our_caps.subbands & device_caps.subbands) & SBCSubbands.SUBBANDS_4): subbands = SBCSubbands.SUBBANDS_4 else: raise BTInvalidConfiguration if ((our_caps.allocation_method & device_caps.allocation_method) & SBCAllocationMethod.LOUDNESS): allocation_method = SBCAllocationMethod.LOUDNESS elif ((our_caps.allocation_method & device_caps.allocation_method) & SBCAllocationMethod.SNR): allocation_method = SBCAllocationMethod.SNR else: raise BTInvalidConfiguration min_bitpool = max(our_caps.min_bitpool, device_caps.min_bitpool) max_bitpool = min(SBCAudioCodec._default_bitpool(frequency, channel_mode), device_caps.max_bitpool) selected_config = SBCCodecConfig(channel_mode, frequency, allocation_method, subbands, block_length, min_bitpool, max_bitpool) # Create SBC codec based on selected configuration self.codec = SBCCodec(selected_config) dbus_val = SBCAudioCodec._make_config(selected_config) return dbus_val @dbus.service.method("org.bluez.MediaEndpoint", in_signature="oay", out_signature="") def SetConfiguration(self, transport, config): print('SetConfiguration(%s, %s)' % (transport, config)) self._notify_media_transport_available(config.get('Device'), transport) def __repr__(self): return pprint.pformat(self.__dict__)
[docs]class SBCAudioSink(SBCAudioCodec): """ SBC audio sink media endpoint SBCAudioSink implies the BT adapter takes on the role of a sink and the external device is the source e.g., iPhone, media player. Refer to :py:class:`SBCAudioCodec` for basic overview of endpoint steps """ def __init__(self, path='/endpoint/a2dpsink'): uuid = dbus.String(SERVICES['AudioSink'].uuid) SBCAudioCodec.__init__(self, uuid, path) def _property_change_event_handler(self, signal, transport, *args): """ Handler for property change event. We catch certain state transitions in order to trigger media transport acquisition/release """ current_state = self.source.State if (self.state == 'connected' and current_state == 'playing'): self._acquire_media_transport(transport, 'r') elif (self.state == 'playing' and current_state == 'connected'): self._release_media_transport(transport, 'r') self.state = current_state def _notify_media_transport_available(self, path, transport): """ Called by the endpoint when a new media transport is available """ self.source = BTAudioSource(dev_path=path) self.state = self.source.State self.source.add_signal_receiver(self._property_change_event_handler, BTAudioSource.SIGNAL_PROPERTY_CHANGED, # noqa transport)
[docs]class SBCAudioSource(SBCAudioCodec): """ SBC audio source media endpoint. SBCAudioSource implies the adapter takes on the role of source and the external device is the sink e.g., speaker. Refer to :py:class:`SBCAudioCodec` for basic overview of endpoint steps """ def __init__(self, path='/endpoint/a2dpsource'): uuid = dbus.String(SERVICES['AudioSource'].uuid) SBCAudioCodec.__init__(self, uuid, path) def _property_change_event_handler(self, signal, transport, *args): """ Handler for property change event. We catch certain state transitions in order to trigger media transport acquisition/release """ current_state = self.sink.State if ((self.state == 'disconnected' and current_state == 'connected') or (self.state == 'connecting' and current_state == 'connected')): self._acquire_media_transport(transport, 'w') elif (self.state == 'connected' and current_state == 'disconnected'): self._release_media_transport(transport, 'w') self.state = current_state def _notify_media_transport_available(self, path, transport): """ Called by the endpoint when a new media transport is available """ self.sink = BTAudioSink(dev_path=path) self.state = self.sink.State self.sink.add_signal_receiver(self._property_change_event_handler, BTAudioSource.SIGNAL_PROPERTY_CHANGED, # noqa transport)