Processors & Arguments¶
Avenue is build to be very extensible, not only path routing can be achieved using Avenue. But, because routing is mostly used in web-application, we have some processors specific for this end.
The quick start example, with the default processors:
from avenue import Avenue
from avenue import MethodProcessor
from avenue import PathProcessor
router = Avenue([
MethodProcessor('method', optional=True),
@router.attach(path='/', method='GET')
def hello_world():
return 'Hallo world!'
route = {'path': '/', 'method': 'GET}
assert router.solve(**route) == 'Hallo world!'
This matches the quick start example, but we defined the processors explicitly. When the solve method is ran, the names of the processors are used to match the arguments against.
MethodProcessor is marked as optional, this means you can attach a route without an method=’...’ parameter. It allows you to create more generic patterns, where some routes match the path and any method.
You can pass any argument into the solve method, as long as the processor-names are there. Omitting the path, for example, will simply use the None value for path.
Custom processor¶
You can define your own processors, this allows you to match on domain, role, user rights, cookies, post values, anything you can think of! Normally we would write a decorate for this and wrap our route in it. The processor pattern allows your code to be much cleaner and easier to maintain.
A custom RoleProcessor:
from avenue import Avenue
from avenue import MethodProcessor
from avenue import PathProcessor
from avenue import Processor
class RoleProcessor(Processor):
def __call__(self, value, route):
# prepare takes care of the `optional` part automaticly
argument, value = self.prepare(value, route)
# argument is the parameter with which the route was defined
# value is the parameter which `solve` was called with
if not argument:
# processor is optional
return 0
elif value in argument:
# value is one of the allowed roles
return 1
# you could also raise some other error and return
# a 403 to your users, this simply marks the route
# as not runnable if the role does not match
error = 'Role does not match, `{:s}` not in `{:s}`'.format(
value, ', '.join(argument))
raise MatchError(error)
# create a router with the RoleProcessor
router = Avenue([
MethodProcessor('method', optional=True),
RoleProcessor('role', optional=True),
# define a route and use the role parameter
@router.attach(path='/', method='GET', role=['user', 'administrator'])
def hello_world():
return 'Hallo world!'
# solve with a role
route = {'path': '/', 'method': 'GET', 'role': 'user'}
assert router.solve(**route) == 'Hallo world!'
# solve without a role
route = {'path': '/', 'method': 'GET'}
except NotFound:
# no role, so it can't match `hello_world`