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Source code for attest.reporters

# coding:utf-8
from __future__ import absolute_import

import inspect
import os
import sys
import traceback

from os            import path
from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points

    from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
except ImportError:
    ABCMeta = type
    abstractmethod = lambda x: x

from attest      import statistics, utils
from attest.hook import (ExpressionEvaluator,

__all__ = (

[docs]class TestResult(object): """Container for result data from running a test. .. versionadded:: 0.4 """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): setattr(self, key, value) full_tracebacks = False debugger = False #: The test callable. test = None #: The exception instance, if the test failed. error = None #: The :func:`~sys.exc_info` of the exception, if the test failed. exc_info = None #: A list of lines the test printed on the standard output. stdout = None #: A list of lines the test printed on the standard error. stderr = None def debug(self): if self.debugger: import pdb tb = self.exc_info[2] pdb.post_mortem(tb) @property
[docs] def test_name(self): """A representative name for the test, similar to its import path. """ parts = [] if self.test.__module__ != '__main__': parts.append(self.test.__module__) if hasattr(self.test, 'im_class'): parts.append(self.test.im_class.__name__) parts.append(self.test.__name__) return '.'.join(parts)
[docs] def raw_traceback(self): """Like :func:`traceback.extract_tb` with uninteresting entries removed. .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ tb = traceback.extract_tb(self.exc_info[2]) if self.full_tracebacks: return tb if not COMPILES_AST and AssertImportHook.enabled: newtb = [] for filename, lineno, funcname, text in tb: newtb.append((filename, 0, funcname, None)) tb = newtb clean = [] thisfile = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)) for item in tb: failfile = path.abspath(path.dirname(item[0])) if failfile != thisfile: clean.append(item) return clean
[docs] def traceback(self): """The traceback for the exception, if the test failed, cleaned up. """ clean = self.raw_traceback lines = ['Traceback (most recent call last):\n'] lines += traceback.format_list(clean) msg = str(self.error) lines += traceback.format_exception_only(self.exc_info[0], msg) return ''.join(lines)[:-1]
@property def assertion(self): if isinstance(self.error, TestFailure): expressions = str(self.error.value) return '\n'.join('assert %s' % expr for expr in expressions.splitlines())
def _test_loader_factory(reporter): class Loader(object): def loadTestsFromNames(self, names, module=None): from .collectors import Tests Tests(names).run(reporter) raise SystemExit return Loader()
[docs]class AbstractReporter(object): """Optional base for reporters, serves as documentation and improves errors for incomplete reporters. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @classmethod
[docs] def test_loader(cls): """Creates a basic unittest test loader using this reporter. This can be used to run tests via distribute, for example:: setup( test_loader='attest:FancyReporter.test_loader', test_suite='tests.collection', ) Now, ``python -q test`` is equivalent to:: from attest import FancyReporter from tests import collection If you want to run the tests as a normal unittest suite, try :meth:`~attest.collectors.Tests.test_suite` instead:: setup( test_suite='tests.collection.test_suite' ) .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ return _test_loader_factory(cls)
[docs] def begin(self, tests): """Called when a test run has begun. :param tests: The list of test functions we will be running. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def success(self, result): """Called when a test succeeds. :param result: Result data for the succeeding test. :type result: :class:`TestResult` .. versionchanged:: 0.4 Parameters changed to `result`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def failure(self, result): """Called when a test fails. :param result: Result data for the failing test. :type result: :class:`TestResult` .. versionchanged:: 0.4 Parameters changed to `result`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def finished(self): """Called when all tests have run.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class PlainReporter(AbstractReporter): """Plain text ASCII output for humans.""" def begin(self, tests): = len(tests) self.failures = [] def success(self, result): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() def failure(self, result): if isinstance(result.error, AssertionError): sys.stdout.write('F') else: sys.stdout.write('E') sys.stdout.flush() self.failures.append(result) def finished(self): print print width, _ = utils.get_terminal_size() for result in self.failures: print result.test_name if result.test.__doc__: print inspect.getdoc(result.test) print '-' * width if result.stdout: print '->', '\n'.join(result.stdout) if result.stderr: print 'E:', '\n'.join(result.stderr) print result.traceback print result.debug() print 'Failures: %s/%s (%s assertions)' % (len(self.failures),, statistics.assertions) if self.failures: raise SystemExit(1)
[docs]class FancyReporter(AbstractReporter): """Heavily uses ANSI escape codes for fancy output to 256-color terminals. Progress of running the tests is indicated by a progressbar and failures are shown with syntax highlighted tracebacks. :param style: `Pygments`_ style for tracebacks. :param verbose: Report on tests regardless of failure. :param colorscheme: If `style` is *light* or *dark*, maps token names to color names. .. admonition:: Styles Available styles can be listed with ``pygmentize -L styles``. The special values ``'light'`` and ``'dark'`` (referring to the terminal's background) use the 16 system colors rather than assuming a 256-color terminal. Defaults to *light* or the environment variable :envvar:`ATTEST_PYGMENTS_STYLE`. .. versionchanged:: 0.6 Added the 16-color styles *light* and *dark* and the complementary `colorscheme` option .. _Pygments: """ def __init__(self, style=None, verbose=False, colorscheme=None): import progressbar, pygments = style self.verbose = verbose self.colorscheme = colorscheme if style is None: = os.environ.get('ATTEST_PYGMENTS_STYLE', 'light') def begin(self, tests): from progressbar import ProgressBar, Percentage, ETA, SimpleProgress widgets = ['[', Percentage(), '] ', SimpleProgress(), ' ', ETA()] self.counter = 0 self.progress = ProgressBar(maxval=len(tests), widgets=widgets) self.progress.start() self.passes = [] self.failures = [] def success(self, result): self.counter += 1 self.progress.update(self.counter) self.passes.append(result) def failure(self, result): self.counter += 1 self.progress.update(self.counter) self.failures.append(result) def finished(self): from pygments.console import colorize from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import PythonTracebackLexer, PythonLexer if in ('light', 'dark'): from pygments.formatters import TerminalFormatter formatter = TerminalFormatter( if self.colorscheme is not None: from pygments.token import string_to_tokentype for token, value in self.colorscheme.iteritems(): token = string_to_tokentype(token.capitalize()) formatter.colorscheme[token] = (value, value) else: from pygments.formatters import Terminal256Formatter formatter = Terminal256Formatter( self.progress.finish() print width, _ = utils.get_terminal_size() def show(result): print colorize('bold', result.test_name) if result.test.__doc__: print inspect.getdoc(result.test) print colorize('faint', '─' * width) for line in result.stdout: print colorize('bold', '→'), print line for line in result.stderr: print colorize('red', '→'), print line if self.verbose: for result in self.passes: if result.stdout or result.stderr: show(result) print for result in self.failures: show(result) print highlight(result.traceback, PythonTracebackLexer(), formatter) if result.assertion is not None: print highlight(result.assertion, PythonLexer(), formatter) result.debug() if self.failures: failed = colorize('red', str(len(self.failures))) else: failed = len(self.failures) print 'Failures: %s/%s (%s assertions)' % (failed, self.counter, statistics.assertions) if self.failures: raise SystemExit(1)
[docs]def auto_reporter(**opts): """Select a reporter based on the target output and installed dependencies. This is the default reporter. :param opts: Passed to :class:`FancyReporter` if it is used. :rtype: :class:`FancyReporter` if output is a terminal and the progressbar and pygments packages are installed, otherwise a :class:`PlainReporter`. .. versionchanged:: 0.5 A `test_loader` function attribute similar to :meth:`AbstractReporter.test_loader`. """ if sys.stdout.isatty(): try: return FancyReporter(**opts) except ImportError: pass return PlainReporter()
auto_reporter.test_loader = lambda: _test_loader_factory(auto_reporter)
[docs]class XmlReporter(AbstractReporter): """Report the result of a testrun in an XML format. Not compatible with JUnit or XUnit. """ def __init__(self): self.escape = __import__('cgi').escape def begin(self, tests): print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' print '<testreport tests="%d">' % len(tests) def success(self, result): print ' <pass name="%s"/>' % result.test_name def failure(self, result): if isinstance(result.error, AssertionError): tag = 'fail' else: tag = 'error' print ' <%s name="%s" type="%s">' % (tag, result.test_name, result.exc_info[0].__name__) print self.escape('\n'.join(' ' * 4 + line for line in result.traceback.splitlines()), quote=True) print ' </%s>' % tag def finished(self): print '</testreport>'
[docs]class QuickFixReporter(AbstractReporter): """Report failures in a format that's understood by Vim's quickfix feature. Write a Makefile that runs your tests with this reporter and then from Vim you can do ``:mak``. If there's failures, Vim will jump to the first one by opening the offending file and positioning the cursor at the relevant line; you can jump between failures with ``:cn`` and ``:cp``. For more information try `:help quickfix <>`_. Example Makefile (remember to indent with tabs not spaces):: test: @python -rquickfix .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ failed = False def begin(self, tests): pass def success(self, result): pass def failure(self, result): self.failed = True fn, lineno = result.raw_traceback[-1][:2] type, msg = result.exc_info[0].__name__, str(result.exc_info[1]) if msg: msg = ': ' + msg print "%s:%s: %s%s" % (fn, lineno, type, msg) def finished(self): if self.failed: raise SystemExit(1)
[docs]def get_reporter_by_name(name, default='auto'): """Get an :class:`AbstractReporter` by name, falling back on a default. Reporters are registered via setuptools entry points, in the ``'attest.reporters'`` group. A third-party reporter can thus register itself using this in its :file:``:: setup( entry_points = { 'attest.reporters': [ 'name =' ] } ) Names for the built in reporters: * ``'fancy'`` — :class:`FancyReporter` * ``'plain'`` — :class:`PlainReporter` * ``'quickfix'`` — :class:`QuickFixReporter` * ``'xml'`` — :class:`XmlReporter` * ``'auto'`` — :func:`auto_reporter` :param name: One of the above strings. :param default: The fallback reporter if no reporter has the supplied name, defaulting to ``'auto'``. :raises KeyError: If neither the name or the default is a valid name of a reporter. :rtype: Callable returning an instance of an :class:`AbstractReporter`. .. versionchanged:: 0.4 Reporters are registered via setuptools entry points. """ reporter = None if name is not None: reporter = list(iter_entry_points('attest.reporters', name)) if not reporter: reporter = list(iter_entry_points('attest.reporters', default)) if not reporter: raise KeyError return reporter[0].load(require=False)
[docs]def get_all_reporters(): """Iterable yielding the names of all registered reporters. .. testsetup:: from attest import get_all_reporters >>> list(get_all_reporters()) ['xml', 'plain', 'quickfix', 'fancy', 'auto'] .. versionadded:: 0.4 """ for ep in iter_entry_points('attest.reporters'): yield