AdHoc Standalone Python Script Generator ######################################## The *AdHoc* compiler can be used as a program (see `Script Usage`_) as well as a module (see :class:`adhoc.AdHoc`). Since the *AdHoc* compiler itself is installed as a compiled *AdHoc* script, it serves as its own usage example. After installation of the ** script, the full source can be obtained in directory ``__adhoc__``, by executing:: --explode .. @@contents@@ Purpose ======= *AdHoc* provides python scripts with - template facilities - default file generation - standalone module inclusion See also `Use Cases`_. *AdHoc* has been designed to provide an implode/explode cycle: ======== ======= ========= ======= ========= source_0 xsource_0 source_1 implode explode xsource_1 ... ------> ------> ... source_n xsource_n ======== ======= ========= ======= ========= where ``xsource_i === source_i``. I.e., ``diff source_i xsource_i`` does not produce any output. Quickstart ========== | # -\*- coding: utf-8 -\*- | mvar = 'value' | # -\*- coding: utf-8 -\*- | # |adhoc_run_time| | import module # |adhoc| | print('mvar: ' + module.mvar) Compilation:: --compile >/tmp/ Execution outside source directory:: cd /tmp && python shows:: mvar: value Decompilation:: cd /tmp && \ mkdir -p __adhoc__ && \ --decompile __adhoc__/ .. |@:| replace:: ``@:`` .. |:@| replace:: ``:@`` .. |adhoc_run_time| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc_run_time``\ |:@| .. |adhoc| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc``\ |:@| Description =========== The *AdHoc* compiler/decompiler parses text for tagged lines and processes them as instructions. The minimal parsed entity is a tagged line, which is any line containing a recognized *AdHoc* tag. All *AdHoc* tags are enclosed in delimiters (default: |@:| and |:@|). E.g: |@:|\ adhoc\ |:@| Delimiters come in several flavors, namely line and section delimiters and a set of macro delimiters. By default, line and section delimiters are the same, but they can be defined separately. `Flags`_ are tagged lines, which denote a single option or command. E.g.: | import module # |@:|\ adhoc\ |:@| | # |@:|\ adhoc_self\ |:@| my_module_name `Sections`_ are tagged line pairs, which delimit a block of text. The first tagged line opens the section, the second tagged line closes the section. E.g.: | # |@:|\ adhoc_enable\ |:@| | # disabled_command() | # |@:|\ adhoc_enable\ |:@| `Macros`_ have their own delimiters (default: |@m| and |m>|). E.g.: | # |@m|\ MACRO_NAME\ |m>| The implementation is realized as class :class:`adhoc.AdHoc` which is mainly used as a namespace. The run-time part of :class:`adhoc.AdHoc` -- which handles module import and file export -- is included verbatim as class :class:`RtAdHoc` in the generated output. Flags ----- :|adhoc_run_time|: The place where the *AdHoc* run-time code is added. This flag must be present in files, which use the |adhoc| import feature. It is not needed for the enable/disable features. This flag is ignored, if double commented. E.g.: | # # |adhoc_run_time| :|adhoc| [force] [flat | full]: Mark import line for run-time compilation. If ``force`` is specified, the module is imported, even if it was imported before. If ``flat`` is specified, the module is not recursively exported. If ``full`` is specified, the module is recursively exported. (This parameter takes priority over ``flat``). If neither ``flat`` nor ``full`` are specified, :attr:`adhoc.AdHoc.flat` determines the export scope. This flag is ignored, if the line is commented out. E.g.: | # import module # |adhoc| .. _adhoc_include: :|adhoc_include| file_spec, ...: Include files for unpacking. ``file_spec`` is one of :file: ``file`` is used for both input and output. :file ``from`` default-file: ``file`` is used for input and output. if ``file`` does not exist, ``default-file`` is used for input. :source-file ``as`` output-file: ``source-file`` is used for input. ``output-file`` is used for output. If ``source-file`` does not exist, ``output-file`` is used for input also. This flag is ignored, if double commented. E.g.: | # # |adhoc_include| file :|adhoc_verbatim| [flags] file_spec, ...: Include files for verbatim extraction. See adhoc_include_ for ``file_spec``. The files are included as |adhoc_template_v| sections. *file* is used as *export_file* mark. If *file* is ``--``, the template disposition becomes standard output. Optional flags can be any combination of ``[+|-]NUM`` for indentation and ``#`` for commenting. E.g.: | # |adhoc_verbatim| +4# my_file from /dev/null *my_file* (or ``/dev/null``) is read, commented and indented 4 spaces. If the |adhoc_verbatim| tag is already indented, the specified indentation is subtracted. This flag is ignored, if double commented. E.g.: | # # |adhoc_verbatim| file :|adhoc_self| name ...: Mark name(s) as currently compiling. This is useful, if ```` imports other module parts. E.g: | import pyjsmo # |@:|\ adhoc\ |:@| where ``pyjsmo/`` contains: | # |@:|\ adhoc_self\ |:@| pyjsmo | from pyjsmo.base import * # |@:|\ adhoc\ |:@| :|adhoc_compiled|: If present, no compilation is done on this file. This flag is added by the compiler to the run-time version. Sections -------- :|adhoc_enable|: Leading comment char and exactly one space are removed from lines in these sections. :|adhoc_disable|: A comment char and exactly one space are added to non-blank lines in these sections. :|adhoc_template| -mark | export_file: If mark starts with ``-``, the output disposition is standard output and the template is ignored, when exporting. Otherwise, the template is written to output_file during export. All template parts with the same mark/export_file are concatenated to a single string. :|adhoc_template_v| export_file: Variation of |adhoc_template|. Automatically generated by |adhoc_verbatim|. :|adhoc_uncomment|: Treated like |adhoc_enable| before template output. :|adhoc_indent| [+|-]NUM: Add or remove indentation before template output. :|adhoc_import|: Imported files are marked as such by the compiler. There is no effect during compilation. :|adhoc_unpack|: Included files are marked as such by the compiler. There is no effect during compilation. :|adhoc_remove|: Added sections are marked as such by the compiler. Removal is done when exporting. Before compilation, existing |adhoc_remove| tags are renamed to |adhoc_remove_|. After automatically added |adhoc_remove| sections have been removed during export, remaining |adhoc_remove_| tags are renamed to |adhoc_remove| again. .. note:: Think twice, before removing material from original sources at compile time. It will violate the condition ``xsource_i === source_i``. :|adhoc_run_time_engine|: The run-time class :class:`RtAdHoc` is enclosed in this special template section. It is exported as ```` during export. Macros ------ Macros are defined programmatically:: AdHoc.macros[MACRO_NAME] = EXPANSION_STRING A macro is invoked by enclosing a MACRO_NAME in :attr:`adhoc.AdHoc.macro_call_delimiters`. (Default: |@m|, |m>|). :|MACRO_NAME|: Macro call. Internal -------- :|adhoc_run_time_class|: Marks the beginning of the run-time class. This is only recognized in the *AdHoc* programm/module. :|adhoc_run_time_section|: All sections are concatenated and used as run-time code. This is only recognized in the *AdHoc* programm/module. In order to preserve the ``xsource_i === source_i`` bijective condition, macros are expanded/collapsed with special macro definition sections. (See :attr:`adhoc.AdHoc.macro_xdef_delimiters`; Default: || replace:: ``:|>`` .. || .. |adhoc_macro_call| replace:: |