Source code for adhoc

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, Wolfgang Scherer, <Wolfgang.Scherer at>
# This file is part of AdHoc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>,
# or write to Wolfgang Scherer, <Wolfgang.Scherer at>

# @:adhoc_uncomment:@
# @:adhoc_template:@ doc/index.rst
# AdHoc Standalone Python Script Generator
# ########################################
# The *AdHoc* compiler can be used as a program (see `Script Usage`_)
# as well as a module (see :class:`adhoc.AdHoc`).
# Since the *AdHoc* compiler itself is installed as a compiled *AdHoc*
# script, it serves as its own usage example.
# After installation of the ** script, the full source can be
# obtained in directory ``__adhoc__``, by executing::
# --explode
# .. @@contents@@
# @:adhoc_template:@ doc/index.rst # off
# @:adhoc_uncomment:@

.. _Script Usage: - Python ad hoc compiler.

======  ====================
usage: [OPTIONS] [file ...]
or      import adhoc
======  ====================


  ===================== ==================================================
  -c, --compile         compile file(s) or standard input into output file
                        (default: standard output).
  -d, --decompile       decompile file(s) or standard input into
                        output directory (default ``__adhoc__``).
  -o, --output OUT      output file for --compile/output directory for

  -q, --quiet           suppress warnings
  -v, --verbose         verbose test output
  --debug[=NUM]         show debug information

  -h, --help            display this help message
  --documentation       display module documentation.

  --template list       show available templates.
  --template[=NAME]     extract named template to standard
                        output. Default NAME is ``-``.
  --extract[=DIR]       extract adhoc files to directory DIR (default: ``.``)
  --explode[=DIR]       explode script with adhoc in directory DIR
                        (default ``__adhoc__``)
  --implode             implode script with adhoc
  --install             install script

  -t, --test            run doc tests
  ===================== ==================================================

** is compatible with Python 2.4+ and Python 3. (For Python
<2.6 the packages *stringformat* and *argparse* are needed and


.. |=NUM| replace:: ``[=NUM]``

Script Examples


Sections marked by |adhoc_template| can be retrieved as templates on
standard output.

Additionally, all other files compiled into an adhoc file with one of

================ ======================
|adhoc|          ==> |adhoc_import|
|adhoc_verbatim| ==> |adhoc_template_v|
|adhoc_include|  ==> |adhoc_unpack|
================ ======================

are accessible as templates.

``python --template list`` provides a list of templates:

>>> ign = main(' --template list'.split())
================================================= ================================ ================
                     Command                                  Template                   Type
================================================= ================================ ================ --template adhoc_test                    # !adhoc_test                    adhoc_import --template adhoc_test.sub                # !adhoc_test.sub                adhoc_import --template argparse_local                # !argparse_local                adhoc_import --template namespace_dict                # !namespace_dict                adhoc_import --template stringformat_local            # !stringformat_local            adhoc_import --template use_case_000_                 # !use_case_000_                 adhoc_import --template use_case_001_templates_       # !use_case_001_templates_       adhoc_import --template use_case_002_include_         # !use_case_002_include_         adhoc_import --template use_case_003_import_          # !use_case_003_import_          adhoc_import --template use_case_005_nested_          # !use_case_005_nested_          adhoc_import --template docutils.conf                 # docutils.conf                  adhoc_template_v --template                               # -                              adhoc_template --template README.txt                    # README.txt                     adhoc_template --template col-param-closure             # -col-param-closure             adhoc_template --template doc/USE_CASES.txt             # doc/USE_CASES.txt              adhoc_template --template doc/index.rst                 # doc/index.rst                  adhoc_template --template max-width-class               # -max-width-class               adhoc_template --template rst-to-ascii                  # -rst-to-ascii                  adhoc_template --template test                          # -test                          adhoc_template --template                   # !                   adhoc_unpack --template Makefile                      # !Makefile                      adhoc_unpack --template README.css                    # !README.css                    adhoc_unpack --template doc/Makefile                  # !doc/Makefile                  adhoc_unpack --template doc/_static/adhoc-logo-32.ico # !doc/_static/adhoc-logo-32.ico adhoc_unpack --template doc/adhoc-logo.svg            # !doc/adhoc-logo.svg            adhoc_unpack --template doc/                   # !doc/                   adhoc_unpack --template doc/make.bat                  # !doc/make.bat                  adhoc_unpack --template doc/        # !doc/        adhoc_unpack --template                      # !                      adhoc_unpack
================================================= ================================ ================

``python --template`` prints the standard template ``-``
(closing delimiter replaced by ellipsis):

>>> ign = main('./ --template'.split()) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
# @:adhoc_disable... allow modification of exploded sources in original place
# @:adhoc_disable...
# @:adhoc_run_time... The run-time class goes here
# @:adhoc_run_time_engine... settings enabled at run-time
# @:adhoc_enable...
# RtAdHoc.flat = False
# @:adhoc_enable...
# @:adhoc_run_time_engine...
#import adhoc                                               # @:adhoc...

``python --template test`` prints the template named ``-test``.
the leading ``-`` signifies disposition to standard output:

>>> ign = main('./ --template test'.split())
Test template.


The default destination for extracting files is the current working

Files extracted consist of

- packed files generated by |adhoc_include|
- templates generated by |adhoc_verbatim|
- templates with a file destination other than standard output

``python --extract __adhoc_extract__`` unpacks the following files into
directory ``__adhoc_extract__``:

>>> import shutil
>>> ign = main('./ --extract __adhoc_extract__'.split())
>>> file_list = []
>>> for dir, subdirs, files in os.walk('__adhoc_extract__'):
...     file_list.extend([os.path.join(dir, file_) for file_ in files])
>>> for file_ in sorted(file_list):
...     printf(file_)
>>> shutil.rmtree('__adhoc_extract__')


The default destination for exporting files is the
subdirectory ``__adhoc__``.

Files exported consist of

- imported modules generated by |adhoc|
- all files covered in section `Extract`_

``python --explode __adhoc_explode__`` unpacks the following files into
directory ``__adhoc_explode__``:

>>> import shutil
>>> ign = main('./ --explode __adhoc_explode__'.split())
>>> file_list = []
>>> for dir, subdirs, files in os.walk('__adhoc_explode__'):
...     file_list.extend([os.path.join(dir, file_) for file_ in files])
>>> for file_ in sorted(file_list):
...     printf(file_)
>>> shutil.rmtree('__adhoc_explode__')

File Permissions

- File mode is restored.
- File ownership is not restored.
- File modification times are restored.

  Since only naive datetimes are recorded, this only works correctly
  within the same timezone.

.. @:adhoc_index_only:@

AdHoc Module

.. @:adhoc_index_only:@

# @:adhoc_uncomment:@
# @:adhoc_template:@ doc/index.rst
# Purpose
# =======
# *AdHoc* provides python scripts with
# - template facilities
# - default file generation
# - standalone module inclusion
# @:adhoc_index_only:@
# See also `Use Cases`_.
# @:adhoc_index_only:@
# *AdHoc* has been designed to provide an implode/explode cycle:
# ========  =======  =========  =======  =========
# source_0                               xsource_0
# source_1  implode             explode  xsource_1
# ...       ------>  ------>  ...
# source_n                               xsource_n
# ========  =======  =========  =======  =========
# where ``xsource_i === source_i``. I.e., ``diff source_i xsource_i``
# does not produce any output.
# Quickstart
# ==========
#     | # -\*- coding: utf-8 -\*-
#     | mvar = 'value'
#     | # -\*- coding: utf-8 -\*-
#     | # |adhoc_run_time|
#     | import module # |adhoc|
#     | print('mvar: ' + module.mvar)
# Compilation::
# --compile >/tmp/
# Execution outside source directory::
#     cd /tmp && python
# shows::
#     mvar: value
# Decompilation::
#     cd /tmp && \
#     mkdir -p __adhoc__ && \
# --decompile < >__adhoc__/
# .. |@:| replace:: ``@:``
# .. |:@| replace:: ``:@``
# .. |adhoc_run_time| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc_run_time``\ |:@|
# .. |adhoc| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc``\ |:@|
# Description
# ===========
# The *AdHoc* compiler/decompiler parses text for tagged lines and
# processes them as instructions.
# The minimal parsed entity is a tagged line, which is any line
# containing a recognized *AdHoc* tag.
# All *AdHoc* tags are enclosed in delimiters (default: |@:| and |:@|). E.g:
#   |@:|\ adhoc\ |:@|
# Delimiters come in several flavors, namely line and section
# delimiters and a set of macro delimiters. By default, line and
# section delimiters are the same, but they can be defined separately.
# `Flags`_ are tagged lines, which denote a single option or
# command. E.g.:
#   | import module     # |@:|\ adhoc\ |:@|
#   | # |@:|\ adhoc_self\ |:@| my_module_name
# `Sections`_ are tagged line pairs, which delimit a block of
# text. The first tagged line opens the section, the second tagged
# line closes the section. E.g.:
#   | # |@:|\ adhoc_enable\ |:@|
#   | # disabled_command()
#   | # |@:|\ adhoc_enable\ |:@|
# `Macros`_ have their own delimiters (default: |@m| and |m>|). E.g.:
#   | # |@m|\ MACRO_NAME\ |m>|
# The implementation is realized as class :class:`adhoc.AdHoc` which
# is mainly used as a namespace. The run-time part of
# :class:`adhoc.AdHoc` -- which handles module import and file export
# -- is included verbatim as class :class:`RtAdHoc` in the generated
# output.
# Flags
# -----
# :|adhoc_run_time|:
#     The place where the *AdHoc* run-time code is added.  This flag must
#     be present in files, which use the |adhoc| import feature.  It
#     is not needed for the enable/disable features.
#     This flag is ignored, if double commented. E.g.:
#       | # # |adhoc_run_time|
# :|adhoc| [force] [flat | full]:
#     Mark import line for run-time compilation.
#     If ``force`` is specified, the module is imported, even if it
#     was imported before.
#     If ``flat`` is specified, the module is not recursively
#     exported.
#     If ``full`` is specified, the module is recursively
#     exported. (This parameter takes priority over ``flat``).
#     If neither ``flat`` nor ``full`` are specified,
#     :attr:`adhoc.AdHoc.flat` determines the export scope.
#     This flag is ignored, if the line is commented out. E.g.:
#       | # import module  # |adhoc|
# .. _adhoc_include:
# :|adhoc_include| file_spec, ...:
#     Include files for unpacking. ``file_spec`` is one of
#     :file:
#       ``file`` is used for both input and output.
#     :file ``from`` default-file:
#       ``file`` is used for input and output. if ``file`` does not
#       exist, ``default-file`` is used for input.
#     :source-file ``as`` output-file:
#       ``source-file`` is used for input. ``output-file`` is used for
#       output. If ``source-file`` does not exist, ``output-file`` is
#       used for input also.
#     This flag is ignored, if double commented. E.g.:
#       | # # |adhoc_include| file
# :|adhoc_verbatim| [flags] file_spec, ...:
#     Include files for verbatim extraction. See adhoc_include_ for
#     ``file_spec``.
#     The files are included as |adhoc_template_v| sections. *file* is used
#     as *export_file* mark. If *file* is ``--``, the template disposition
#     becomes standard output.
#     Optional flags can be any combination of ``[+|-]NUM`` for
#     indentation and ``#`` for commenting. E.g.:
#       | # |adhoc_verbatim| +4# my_file from /dev/null
#     *my_file* (or ``/dev/null``) is read, commented and indented 4
#     spaces.
#     If the |adhoc_verbatim| tag is already indented, the specified
#     indentation is subtracted.
#     This flag is ignored, if double commented. E.g.:
#       | # # |adhoc_verbatim| file
# :|adhoc_self| name ...:
#     Mark name(s) as currently compiling.  This is useful, if
#     ```` imports other module parts. E.g:
#       | import pyjsmo             # |@:|\ adhoc\ |:@|
#     where ``pyjsmo/`` contains:
#       | # |@:|\ adhoc_self\ |:@| pyjsmo
#       | from pyjsmo.base import * # |@:|\ adhoc\ |:@|
# :|adhoc_compiled|:
#     If present, no compilation is done on this file. This flag is
#     added by the compiler to the run-time version.
# Sections
# --------
# :|adhoc_enable|:
#     Leading comment char and exactly one space are removed from lines
#     in these sections.
# :|adhoc_disable|:
#     A comment char and exactly one space are added to non-blank
#     lines in these sections.
# :|adhoc_template| -mark | export_file:
#     If mark starts with ``-``, the output disposition is standard output
#     and the template is ignored, when exporting.
#     Otherwise, the template is written to output_file during export.
#     All template parts with the same mark/export_file are concatenated
#     to a single string.
# :|adhoc_template_v| export_file:
#     Variation of |adhoc_template|. Automatically generated by |adhoc_verbatim|.
# :|adhoc_uncomment|:
#     Treated like |adhoc_enable| before template output.
# :|adhoc_indent| [+|-]NUM:
#     Add or remove indentation before template output.
# :|adhoc_import|:
#     Imported files are marked as such by the compiler. There is no
#     effect during compilation.
# :|adhoc_unpack|:
#     Included files are marked as such by the compiler. There is no
#     effect during compilation.
# :|adhoc_remove|:
#     Added sections are marked as such by the compiler. Removal is
#     done when exporting.
#     Before compilation, existing |adhoc_remove| tags are renamed to
#     |adhoc_remove_|.
#     After automatically added |adhoc_remove| sections have been
#     removed during export, remaining |adhoc_remove_| tags are
#     renamed to |adhoc_remove| again.
#     .. note:: Think twice, before removing material from original
#        sources at compile time. It will violate the condition
#        ``xsource_i === source_i``.
# :|adhoc_run_time_engine|:
#     The run-time class :class:`RtAdHoc` is enclosed in this special
#     template section.
#     It is exported as ```` during export.
# Macros
# ------
# Macros are defined programmatically::
# A macro is invoked by enclosing a MACRO_NAME in
# :attr:`adhoc.AdHoc.macro_call_delimiters`. (Default: |@m|, |m>|).
#     Macro call.
# Internal
# --------
# :|adhoc_run_time_class|:
#     Marks the beginning of the run-time class.  This is only
#     recognized in the *AdHoc* programm/module.
# :|adhoc_run_time_section|:
#     All sections are concatenated and used as run-time code.  This is
#     only recognized in the *AdHoc* programm/module.
# In order to preserve the ``xsource_i === source_i`` bijective
# condition, macros are expanded/collapsed with special macro
# definition sections. (See :attr:`adhoc.AdHoc.macro_xdef_delimiters`;
# Default: |<m|, |m@|).
# :|adhoc_macro_call|:
#     Macro call section.
# :|adhoc_macro_expansion|:
#     Macro expansion section.
# @:adhoc_template:@ doc/index.rst # off
# @:adhoc_uncomment:@

# @:adhoc_uncomment:@
# @:adhoc_template:@ doc/index.rst
# @:adhoc_index_only:@
# .. include:: USE_CASES.txt
# @:adhoc_index_only:@
# AdHoc Script
# ============
# @:adhoc_index_only:@
# .. automodule:: adhoc
#     :members:
#     :show-inheritance:
# .. _namespace_dict:
# NameSpace/NameSpaceDict
# =======================
# .. automodule:: namespace_dict
#     :members:
#     :show-inheritance:
# @:adhoc_index_only:@
# @:adhoc_template:@ doc/index.rst # off
# @:adhoc_uncomment:@

# @:adhoc_uncomment:@
# @:adhoc_template:@ doc/index.rst
# .. |adhoc_self| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc_self``\ |:@|
# .. |adhoc_include| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc_include``\ |:@|
# .. |adhoc_verbatim| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc_verbatim``\ |:@|
# .. |adhoc_compiled| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc_compiled``\ |:@|
# .. |adhoc_enable| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc_enable``\ |:@|
# .. |adhoc_disable| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc_disable``\ |:@|
# .. |adhoc_template| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc_template``\ |:@|
# .. |adhoc_template_v| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc_template_v``\ |:@|
# .. |adhoc_uncomment| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc_uncomment``\ |:@|
# .. |adhoc_indent| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc_indent``\ |:@|
# .. |adhoc_import| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc_import``\ |:@|
# .. |adhoc_unpack| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc_unpack``\ |:@|
# .. |adhoc_remove| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc_remove``\ |:@|
# .. |adhoc_remove_| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc_remove_``\ |:@|
# .. |adhoc_run_time_class| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc_run_time_class``\ |:@|
# .. |adhoc_run_time_section| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc_run_time_section``\ |:@|
# .. |adhoc_run_time_engine| replace:: |@:|\ ``adhoc_run_time_engine``\ |:@|
# .. |@m| replace:: ``@|:``
# .. |m>| replace:: ``:|>``
# .. |<m| replace:: ``<|:``
# .. |m@| replace:: ``:|@``
# .. |MACRO_NAME| replace:: |@m|\ ``MACRO_NAME``\ |m>|
# .. |adhoc_macro_call| replace:: |<m|\ ``adhoc_macro_call``\ |m@|
# .. |adhoc_macro_expansion| replace:: |<m|\ ``adhoc_macro_expansion``\ |m@|
# @:adhoc_template:@ doc/index.rst # off
# @:adhoc_uncomment:@

# --------------------------------------------------
# |||:sec:||| COMPATIBILITY
# --------------------------------------------------

import sys
# (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.b.printf" t) (insert "\n"))
# adapted from
    printf = eval("print") # python 3.0 case
except SyntaxError:
    printf_dict = dict()
        exec("from __future__ import print_function\nprintf=print", printf_dict)
        printf = printf_dict["printf"] # 2.6 case
    except SyntaxError:
        def printf(*args, **kwd): # 2.4, 2.5, define our own Print function
            fout = kwd.get("file", sys.stdout)
            w = fout.write
            if args:
            sep = kwd.get("sep", " ")
            for a in args[1:]:
            w(kwd.get("end", "\n"))
    del printf_dict

# (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.f.isstring" t) (insert "\n"))
# hide from 2to3
def isstring(obj):
    return isinstance(obj, basestring)
except NameError:
    def isstring(obj):
        return isinstance(obj, str) or isinstance(obj, bytes)

# (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.b.dict_items" t) (insert "\n"))
    getattr(dict(), 'iteritems')
    ditems  = lambda d: getattr(d, 'iteritems')()
    dkeys   = lambda d: getattr(d, 'iterkeys')()
    dvalues = lambda d: getattr(d, 'itervalues')()
except AttributeError:
    ditems  = lambda d: getattr(d, 'items')()
    dkeys   = lambda d: getattr(d, 'keys')()
    dvalues = lambda d: getattr(d, 'values')()

import os
import re

# --------------------------------------------------
# |||:sec:||| CONFIGURATION
# --------------------------------------------------

dbg_comm = ((('dbg_comm' in globals()) and (globals()['dbg_comm'])) or ('# '))
dbg_twid = ((('dbg_twid' in globals()) and (globals()['dbg_twid'])) or (9))
dbg_fwid = ((('dbg_fwid' in globals()) and (globals()['dbg_fwid'])) or (23))

# (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.b.dbg.setup" t) (insert "\n"))
# (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.b.strings" t) (insert "\n"))
def _uc(string):                                           # ||:fnc:||
    return unicode(string, 'utf-8')
except NameError:
    _uc = lambda x: x

uc_type = type(_uc(""))

def uc(value):                                             # ||:fnc:||
    if isstring(value) and not isinstance(value, uc_type):
        return _uc(value)
    return value

def _utf8str(string):                                      # ||:fnc:||
    if isinstance(string, uc_type):
        return string.encode('utf-8')
    return string

def utf8str(value):                                        # ||:fnc:||
    if isstring(value):
        return _utf8str(value)
    return value

def _nativestr(string):                                    # ||:fnc:||
    # for python3, unicode strings have type str
    if isinstance(string, str):
        return string
    # for python2, encode unicode strings to utf-8 strings
    if isinstance(string, uc_type):
        return string.encode('utf-8')
        return str(string.decode('utf-8'))
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        return string

def nativestr(value):                                      # ||:fnc:||
    if isstring(value):
        return _nativestr(value)
    return value

# (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.f.strclean" t) (insert "\n"))
[docs]def strclean(value): '''Make a copy of any structure with all strings converted to native strings. :func:`strclean` is good for :meth:`__str__` methods. It is needed for doctest output that should be compatible with both python2 and python3. The output structure is not necessarily an exact copy of the input structure, since objects providing iterator or item interfaces are only copied through those! ''' if isstring(value): return _nativestr(value) if hasattr(value, 'items'): try: out = type(value)() except: (t, e, tb) = sys.exc_info() # |:debug:| printf(''.join(traceback.format_tb(tb)), file=sys.stderr) printe('OOPS: ' + t.__name__ + ': ' + str(e) + ' [' + str(value.__class__.__name__) + '] [' + str(value) + ']') for k, v in value.items(): out[strclean(k)] = strclean(v) return out if hasattr(value, '__iter__') or hasattr(value, 'iter'): if isinstance(value, tuple): out = [] else: out = type(value)() for e in value: out.append(strclean(e)) if isinstance(value, tuple): out = type(value)(out) return out return value # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.f.issequence" t) (insert "\n")) # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.b.logging" t) (insert "\n")) # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.b.ordereddict" t) (insert "\n")) # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.main.pyramid.activate" t) (insert "\n")) # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.main.project.libdir" t) (insert "\n")) # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.main.sql.alchemy" t) (insert "\n")) # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "" t) (insert "\n")) # The standard template should be something useful # @:adhoc_uncomment:@ # @:adhoc_template:@ - # # @:adhoc_disable:@ allow modification of exploded sources in original place
sys.path.append('__adhoc__') # # @:adhoc_disable:@ # @:adhoc_template:@ # @:adhoc_uncomment:@ # @:adhoc_run_time:@ # @:adhoc_template:@ - # @:adhoc_run_time:@ The run-time class goes here # @:adhoc_run_time_engine:@ settings enabled at run-time # @:adhoc_enable:@ # # RtAdHoc.flat = False # # @:adhoc_template:@ # RtAdHoc.flat = False # # @:adhoc_template:@ - # @:adhoc_enable:@ # @:adhoc_run_time_engine:@ #import adhoc # @:adhoc:@ # @:adhoc_template:@ # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.b.sformat" t) (insert "\n")) try: ('{0}').format(0) def sformat (fmtspec, *args, **kwargs): return fmtspec.format(*args, **kwargs) except AttributeError: try: import stringformat except ImportError: try: import stringformat_local as stringformat # @:adhoc:@ except ImportError: printf('error: (adhoc) stringformat missing.' ' Try *easy_install stringformat*.', file=sys.stderr) exit(1) def sformat (fmtspec, *args, **kwargs): return stringformat.FormattableString(fmtspec).format( *args, **kwargs) import base64 import urllib #import something.non.existent # @:adhoc:@ try: import namespace_dict except ImportError: import namespace_dict # @:adhoc:@ # copy of ws_prop_dict.dict_dump
[docs]def dict_dump(dict_, wid=0, trunc=0, commstr=None, tag=None, out=None): # ||:fnc:|| '''Dump a dictionary.''' if out is None: out = sys.stderr if commstr is None: commstr = ((('dbg_comm' in globals()) and (globals()['dbg_comm'])) or ('# ')) dbg_twid = ((('dbg_twid' in globals()) and (globals()['dbg_twid'])) or (9)) if tag is None: tag = ':DBG:' max_wid = 0 for key in dict_.keys(): _wid = len(key) if max_wid < _wid: max_wid = _wid dbg_fwid = ((('dbg_fwid' in globals()) and (globals()['dbg_fwid'])) or (max_wid)) if dbg_fwid < max_wid: dbg_fwid = max_wid printf(sformat('{0}{1}', commstr, '-' * 30), file=out) indent = (sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ", commstr, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, '', '')) for key, value in sorted(dict_.items()): value = str(value) value = value.replace('\n', '\\n') value = value.replace('\r', '\\r') value = value.replace('\t', '\\t') value = value.replace('\f', '\\f') if wid == 0: wid = 78 - len(indent) - 1 if wid < 50: wid = 50 start = 0 limit = len(value) value_lines = [] while start < limit: line = value[start:start+wid] space_pos = wid - 1 if len(line) == wid: space_pos = line.rfind(' ') if space_pos > 0: line = line[:space_pos + 1] else: space_pos = wid - 1 value_lines.append(line) start += space_pos + 1 if trunc > 0: value_lines = value_lines[:trunc] value_lines[-1] = sformat('{0}[', value_lines[-1]) printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}", commstr, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, tag, key, value_lines[0]), file=out) for line in value_lines[1:]: printf(sformat('{0}{1}',indent, line), file=out)
def dump_attr(obj, wid=0, trunc=0, commstr=None, # ||:fnc:|| tag=None, out=None): if out is None: out = sys.stdout dict_dump( vars(obj), wid=wid, trunc=trunc, commstr=commstr, tag=tag, out=out) printe = printf # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.b.posix" t) (insert "\n")) # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "" t) (insert "\n")) # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.b.prog.path" t) (insert "\n")) # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.b.line.loop" t) (insert "\n")) # -------------------------------------------------- # |||:sec:||| CLASSES # -------------------------------------------------- # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.c.placeholder.template" t) (insert "\n")) # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.c.key.hash.ordered.dict" t) (insert "\n")) # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.c.progress" t) (insert "\n")) # -------------------------------------------------- # |||:sec:||| EXCEPTION # -------------------------------------------------- class AdHocError(Exception): # ||:cls:|| pass # -------------------------------------------------- # |||:sec:||| ADHOC # -------------------------------------------------- # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ START import sys import os import re try: from cStringIO import StringIO as _AdHocBytesIO, StringIO as _AdHocStringIO except ImportError: from io import BytesIO as _AdHocBytesIO, StringIO as _AdHocStringIO # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off if not hasattr(os.path, 'relpath'): def relpath(path, start=os.curdir): """Return a relative version of a path""" if not path: raise ValueError("no path specified") start_list = os.path.abspath(start).split(os.sep) path_list = os.path.abspath(path).split(os.sep) # Work out how much of the filepath is shared by start and path. i = len(os.path.commonprefix([start_list, path_list])) rel_list = [os.pardir] * (len(start_list)-i) + path_list[i:] if not rel_list: return os.curdir return os.path.join(*rel_list) os.path.relpath = relpath del relpath AH_CHECK_SOURCE = '''\ not in section # >:cmd:< arg0 arg1 # comment # <:tag:> on in section # >:cmd:< arg2 arg3 # comment in section # <:tag:> off not in section # <:tag2:> on in section in section # <:tag2:> off not in section ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on # @:adhoc_run_time_class:@
[docs]class AdHoc(object): # |||:cls:||| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """ :class:`AdHoc` is mainly used as a namespace, which is partially included verbatim as :class:`RtAdHoc` in the generated output. It is only instantiated for compiling adhoc output (:meth:`compileFile`, :meth:`compile`). **Attributes** The following class attrbutes determine the operation of AdHoc: - :attr:`line_delimiters` - :attr:`section_delimiters` - :attr:`template_process_hooks` - :attr:`extra_templates` - :attr:`export_dir` - :attr:`extract_dir` - :attr:`flat` - :attr:`frozen` - :attr:`quiet` - :attr:`verbose` - :attr:`debug` Run-time class attributes can be set like this: | # |adhoc_run_time| | # |adhoc_enable| | # RtAdHoc.flat = False | # RtAdHoc.frozen = True | # |adhoc_enable| or like this: | # |adhoc_run_time| | if 'RtAdHoc' in globals(): | RtAdHoc.flat = False | RtAdHoc.frozen = True **Low-Level Functions** :meth:`adhoc_tag` constructs a delimited tag or tag regular expression: >>> adhoc_tag = AdHoc.adhoc_tag >>> delimiters = ('<:', ':>') >>> tag_sym = 'my_tag' >>> adhoc_tag(tag_sym, delimiters) '<:my_tag:>' >>> tag_rx = 'my_[^:]+' >>> adhoc_tag(tag_rx, delimiters, is_re=True) '\\\\<\\\\:my_[^:]+\\\\:\\\\>' :meth:`tag_split` splits a string into tagged line parts and untagged parts. :meth:`adhoc_parse_line` splits a tagged line into a tag symbol and additional arguments: >>> adhoc_parse_line = AdHoc.adhoc_parse_line >>> tagged_line = 'anything # <:my_tag:> additonal arguments # end comment' >>> adhoc_parse_line(tagged_line, tag_sym, delimiters) ('my_tag', 'additonal arguments # end comment') >>> adhoc_parse_line(tagged_line, tag_rx, delimiters, is_re=True) ('my_tag', 'additonal arguments # end comment') >>> adhoc_parse_line(tagged_line, tag_rx, delimiters, is_re=True, strip_comment=True) ('my_tag', 'additonal arguments') **Low-Level Convenience Functions** *Tag Generation* :meth:`line_tag`, :meth:`section_tag` >>> class ah(AdHoc): ... line_delimiters = ('>:', ':<') ... section_delimiters = ('<:', ':>') >>> ah.line_tag('tag-symbol') '>:tag-symbol:<' >>> ah.line_tag('tag.?rx', True) '\\\\>\\\\:tag.?rx\\\\:\\\\<' >>> ah.section_tag('tag-symbol') '<:tag-symbol:>' >>> ah.section_tag('tag.?rx', True) '\\\\<\\\\:tag.?rx\\\\:\\\\>' *Tagged Line/Section Retrieval* :meth:`tag_lines`, :meth:`tag_partition`, :meth:`tag_sections` >>> source = AH_CHECK_SOURCE >>> line_tag = ah.line_tag('cmd') >>> tagged_lines = ah.tag_lines(source, line_tag) >>> adhoc_dump_list(tagged_lines, 40) # :DBG: elt[0] : ]'# >:cmd:< arg0 arg1 # comment\\n'[ # :DBG: elt[1] : ]'# >:cmd:< arg2 arg3 # comment\\n'[ >>> is_re = True >>> section_tag_rx = ah.section_tag('tag.?', is_re=is_re) >>> body, sections = ah.tag_partition(source, section_tag_rx, is_re=is_re) >>> adhoc_dump_list(body, 40) # :DBG: elt[0] : ]'not in section\\n# >:cmd:< arg0 arg1 # ...'[ # :DBG: elt[1] : ]'not in section\\n'[ # :DBG: elt[2] : ]'not in section\\n'[ >>> adhoc_dump_list(sections, 40) # :DBG: elt[0] : ]'in section\\n# >:cmd:< arg2 arg3 # comm ...'[ # :DBG: elt[1] : ]'in section\\nin section\\n'[ >>> body, sections = ah.tag_partition(source, section_tag_rx, is_re=is_re, headline=True) >>> adhoc_dump_sections(sections, 40) # :DBG: section[0] : ]['# <:tag:> on\\n', 'in section\\n# >:cmd:< arg2 arg3 # comm ...'][ # :DBG: section[1] : ]['# <:tag2:> on\\n', 'in section\\nin section\\n'][ >>> sections = ah.tag_sections(source, section_tag_rx, is_re=is_re, headline=True) >>> adhoc_dump_sections(sections, 40) # :DBG: section[0] : ]['# <:tag:> on\\n', 'in section\\n# >:cmd:< arg2 arg3 # comm ...'][ # :DBG: section[1] : ]['# <:tag2:> on\\n', 'in section\\nin section\\n'][ *Tagged Line Parsing* - :meth:`line_tag_parse`, :meth:`line_tag_strip` - :meth:`section_tag_parse`, :meth:`section_tag_strip` >>> strclean(ah.line_tag_parse(tagged_lines[0], 'cmd')) ('cmd', 'arg0 arg1 # comment') >>> strclean(ah.line_tag_strip(tagged_lines[0], 'cmd', strip_comment=True)) 'arg0 arg1' >>> strclean(ah.section_tag_parse(sections[1][0], 'tag.?', is_re=True)) ('tag2', 'on') >>> strclean(ah.section_tag_strip(sections[1][0], 'tag.?', is_re=True)) 'on' **Tagged Line/Section Transformations** - :meth:`transform_lines`, :meth:`transform_sections` - :meth:`line_tag_rename`, :meth:`line_tag_remove` - :meth:`section_tag_rename`, :meth:`section_tag_remove` - :meth:`indent_sections` - :meth:`enable_sections`, :meth:`disable_transform`, :meth:`disable_sections` - :meth:`remove_sections` **IO Functions** - :meth:`check_coding` - :meth:`decode_source`, :meth:`encode_source` - :meth:`read_source`, :meth:`write_source` - :meth:`check_xfile` - :meth:`pack_file`, :meth:`unpack_file` **Run-Time Unpack/Import Interface** - :meth:`unpack_` - :meth:`import_`, :meth:`module_setup` **Export Tools** - :meth:`std_source_param` - :meth:`export_source` **Extract Interface** - :meth:`unpack` - :meth:`extract` **Export Interface** - :meth:`export__`, :meth:`export_`, :meth:`export` **Dump Interface (Import/Unpack Substitute)** - :meth:`dump__`, :meth:`dump_`, :meth:`dump_file` **Macro Interface** Naive macro expansion would violate the condition ``xsource_i === source_i``. Here is a simple macro system which preserves the bijectivity condition. It is quite useful for conditional templating. (See `Use Cases`_ generator scripts). *Limitations* - Macro expansions are not prefixed with the current indentation - Macros cannot be nested *Attributes* - :attr:`macro_call_delimiters` Delimiters for macros, e.g.: ``@|:MACRO_NAME:|>`` - :attr:`macro_xdef_delimiters` Delimiters for macro expansion, e.g.:: # <|:adhoc_macro_call\x3a|@ # @|:MACRO_NAME:|> # <|:adhoc_macro_call\x3a|@ # <|:adhoc_macro_expansion\x3a|@ The macro definition ... The macro definition ... # <|:adhoc_macro_expansion\x3a|@ - :attr:`macros` Macro definitions. *Methods* - :meth:`expand_macros` - :meth:`has_expanded_macros` - :meth:`activate_macros` - :meth:`collapse_macros` **Template Interface** - :meth:`std_template_param` - :meth:`get_templates` - :meth:`template_list`, :meth:`col_param_closure`, :meth:`template_table` - :meth:`get_named_template` - :meth:`extract_templates` **Template Extraction (uncompiled)** - Expand and activate macros for uncompiled source - Activate macros on compiled source **Compile** - Expand macros before compilation **Export** - Collapse macros on export of compiled source. **Compilation Attributes** - :attr:`include_path` **Compilation Interface** - :meth:`setup_tags` - :meth:`strquote` - :meth:`adhoc_run_time_sections_from_string` - :meth:`adhoc_run_time_section_from_file` - :meth:`adhoc_get_run_time_section` - :meth:`prepare_run_time_section` - :meth:`verbatim_` - :meth:`include_` - :meth:`encode_module_` - :meth:`compile_` **User API** - :meth:`encode_include` - :meth:`encode_module` - :meth:`compile` - :meth:`compileFile` .. \\|:here:| """ # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off # -------------------------------------------------- # ||:sec:|| Attributes # -------------------------------------------------- # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on line_delimiters = ('@:', ':@') # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Tag delimiters for lines.''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on section_delimiters = ('@:', ':@') # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Tag delimiters for sections.''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on template_process_hooks = {} # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Dictionary of ``template-name, hook-function`` items. If the name of a template section matches an item in this dictionary, the ``hook-function`` is called:: section = hook-function(cls, section, tag, template_name) ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on extra_templates = [] # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''List of additional templates:: [(name, type), ...] ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on export_dir = '__adhoc__' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Export directory (for :meth:`export`, ``--explode``).''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on extract_dir = '.' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Export directory (for :meth:`extract`, ``--extract``).''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on flat = True # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''If True, do not export files recursively.''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on forced = False # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''If True, allow duplicate imports.''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on frozen = False # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''If True, do not attempt to load modules from external sources (\\|:todo:| not implemented).''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on quiet = False # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''If True, suppress warnings.''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on verbose = False # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''If True, display messages.''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on debug = False # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''If True, display debug messages.''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on include_path = [] # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Search path for include files. Only relevant during compilation.''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on export_need_init = {} export_have_init = {} extract_warn = False # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off # -------------------------------------------------- # ||:sec:|| Low-Level Functions # -------------------------------------------------- # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on def _adhoc_string_util(): # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Define string utilities. - static method :meth:`isstring` - unicode type :attr:`uc_type` - static method :meth:`uc` ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on def isstring(obj): return isinstance(obj, basestring) try: isstring("") except NameError: def isstring(obj): return isinstance(obj, str) or isinstance(obj, bytes) def _uc(string): return unicode(string, 'utf-8') try: _uc("") except NameError: _uc = lambda x: x uc_type = type(_uc("")) def uc(value): if isstring(value) and not isinstance(value, uc_type): return _uc(value) return value return staticmethod(isstring), uc_type, staticmethod(uc) isstring, uc_type, uc = _adhoc_string_util() @staticmethod
[docs] def adhoc_tag(symbol_or_re, delimiters, is_re=False): # |:fnc:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Make a tag from symbol_or_re and delimiters. :param symbol_or_re: symbol string or regular expresssion. :param delimiters: tuple of delimiter strings ``(prefix, suffix)``. :param is_re: if True, escape the delimiters for regular expressions. ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on ldlm = delimiters[0] rdlm = delimiters[1] if is_re: ldlm = re.escape(ldlm) rdlm = re.escape(rdlm) return ''.join((ldlm, symbol_or_re, rdlm))
[docs] def tag_split(cls, string, tag, is_re=False): # |:fnc:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """Split string with tag line. :returns: a list of tuples with a flag and a section:: [(is_tag, section), ... ] **Example** >>> source = AH_CHECK_SOURCE >>> printf(str(source), end='') not in section # >:cmd:< arg0 arg1 # comment # <:tag:> on in section # >:cmd:< arg2 arg3 # comment in section # <:tag:> off not in section # <:tag2:> on in section in section # <:tag2:> off not in section **Split on literal tag** >>> is_re = False >>> tag = AdHoc.adhoc_tag('tag', ('<:', ':>'), is_re) >>> parts = AdHoc.tag_split(source, tag, is_re) >>> adhoc_dump_sections(parts, 40) # :DBG: section[0] : ][False, 'not in section\\n# >:cmd:< arg0 arg1 # ...'][ # :DBG: section[1] : ][True, '# <:tag:> on\\n'][ # :DBG: section[2] : ][False, 'in section\\n# >:cmd:< arg2 arg3 # comm ...'][ # :DBG: section[3] : ][True, '# <:tag:> off\\n'][ # :DBG: section[4] : ][False, 'not in section\\n# <:tag2:> on\\nin secti ...'][ **Split on tag regexp** >>> is_re = True >>> tag = AdHoc.adhoc_tag('tag.?', ('<:', ':>'), is_re) >>> parts = AdHoc.tag_split(source, tag, is_re) >>> adhoc_dump_sections(parts, 40) # :DBG: section[0] : ][False, 'not in section\\n# >:cmd:< arg0 arg1 # ...'][ # :DBG: section[1] : ][True, '# <:tag:> on\\n'][ # :DBG: section[2] : ][False, 'in section\\n# >:cmd:< arg2 arg3 # comm ...'][ # :DBG: section[3] : ][True, '# <:tag:> off\\n'][ # :DBG: section[4] : ][False, 'not in section\\n'][ # :DBG: section[5] : ][True, '# <:tag2:> on\\n'][ # :DBG: section[6] : ][False, 'in section\\nin section\\n'][ # :DBG: section[7] : ][True, '# <:tag2:> off\\n'][ # :DBG: section[8] : ][False, 'not in section\\n'][ **Assemble section** >>> section = [] >>> in_section = False >>> for part in parts: ... if part[0]: ... in_section = not in_section ... continue ... if in_section: ... section.append(part[1]) >>> section = ''.join(section) >>> printf(str(section), end='') in section # >:cmd:< arg2 arg3 # comment in section in section in section """ # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on if not is_re: tag = re.escape(tag) ro = re.compile(''.join(('^[^\n]*(', tag, ')[^\n]*$')), re.M) result = [] last_end = 0 string = cls.decode_source(string) for mo in re.finditer(ro, string): start = mo.start(0) end = mo.end(0) result.append((False, string[last_end:start])) result.append((True, string[start:end+1])) last_end = end+1 result.append((False, string[last_end:])) return result
[docs] def adhoc_parse_line(cls, tagged_line, symbol_or_re=None, # |:clm:| delimiters=None, is_re=False, strip_comment=None): # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """Parse a tagged line into tag-symbol and argument parts. :returns: a tuple ``(tag-symbol, tag-arguments)``. :param tagged_line: string to be parsed. :param symbol_or_re: symbol string or regular expresssion to be parsed, default is any sequence of characters except the first character of the suffix delimiter. :param delimiters: tuple of delimiter strings ``(prefix, suffix)``. Default is :attr:`line_delimiters`. :param strip_comment: If True, remove trailing ``#`` comment from arguments. Default: False. >>> tagged_line = ' # @:' 'adhoc_test' ':@ arg1 arg2 # comment' >>> AdHoc.adhoc_parse_line(tagged_line) ('adhoc_test', 'arg1 arg2 # comment') >>> AdHoc.adhoc_parse_line(tagged_line, 'adhoc_.*', is_re=True) ('adhoc_test', 'arg1 arg2 # comment') >>> AdHoc.adhoc_parse_line(tagged_line, strip_comment=True) ('adhoc_test', 'arg1 arg2') >>> AdHoc.adhoc_parse_line(tagged_line.replace('@', '<')) ('', '# <:adhoc_test:< arg1 arg2 # comment') >>> AdHoc.adhoc_parse_line(tagged_line.replace('@', '|'), delimiters=('|:', ':|')) ('adhoc_test', 'arg1 arg2 # comment') """ # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on if delimiters is None: delimiters = cls.line_delimiters if symbol_or_re is None: dlm = delimiters[1] if dlm: symbol_or_re = ''.join(('[^', dlm[0], ']+')) else: symbol_or_re = ''.join(('[^\\s]+')) is_re = True if not is_re: symbol_or_re = re.escape(symbol_or_re) tag_rx = cls.adhoc_tag(''.join(('(', symbol_or_re, ')')), delimiters, is_re=True) mo =, tagged_line) if mo: ptag = else: ptag = '' strip_rx = ''.join(('^.*', tag_rx, '\\s*')) tag_arg = re.sub(strip_rx, '', tagged_line).strip() if strip_comment: tag_arg = re.sub('\\s*#.*', '', tag_arg) return (ptag, tag_arg) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off # -------------------------------------------------- # ||:sec:|| Low-Level Convenience Functions # -------------------------------------------------- # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on
[docs] def set_delimiters(cls, line_delimiters=None, section_delimiters=None): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Set line/section delimiters. :returns: saved delimiter state suitable for :meth:`reset_delimiters`. :param line_delimiters: the line delimiters. If None, line delimiters are not changed. :param section_delimiters: the section delimiters. If None, `line_delimiters` is used. If both `line_delimiters` and `section_delimiters` are None, the delimiter state is returned without any modification to the current delimiters. >>> AdHoc.set_delimiters() (('@:', ':@'), ('@:', ':@')) >>> sv = AdHoc.inc_delimiters() >>> sv (('@:', ':@'), ('@:', ':@')) >>> AdHoc.set_delimiters() (('@@:', ':@@'), ('@@:', ':@@')) >>> AdHoc.reset_delimiters(sv) >>> AdHoc.set_delimiters() (('@:', ':@'), ('@:', ':@')) >>> AdHoc.set_delimiters(('<:', ':>')) (('@:', ':@'), ('@:', ':@')) >>> AdHoc.set_delimiters() (('<:', ':>'), ('<:', ':>')) >>> AdHoc.reset_delimiters(sv) >>> AdHoc.set_delimiters() (('@:', ':@'), ('@:', ':@')) ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on delimiter_state = (cls.line_delimiters, cls.section_delimiters) if line_delimiters is None: line_delimiters = delimiter_state[0] if section_delimiters is None: section_delimiters = delimiter_state[1] elif section_delimiters is None: section_delimiters = line_delimiters cls.line_delimiters, cls.section_delimiters = ( line_delimiters, section_delimiters) return delimiter_state
[docs] def reset_delimiters(cls, delimiter_state): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Reset line/section delimiters from saved state. :param delimiter_state: delimiter state as returned by :meth:`set_delimiters`. ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on cls.line_delimiters, cls.section_delimiters = delimiter_state
[docs] def inc_delimiters(cls): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Duplicate outer delimiter characters. :returns: saved delimiter state suitable for :meth:`reset_delimiters`. E.g.:: "@:", ":@" => "@@:", ":@@" See :meth:`set_delimiters` for doctest example. ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on inc_first = lambda dlm: (((not dlm) and ('')) or (dlm[0] + dlm)) inc_last = lambda dlm: (((not dlm) and ('')) or (dlm + dlm[-1])) outer_delimiters = [(inc_first(dlm[0]), inc_last(dlm[1])) for dlm in (cls.line_delimiters, cls.section_delimiters)] return cls.set_delimiters(*outer_delimiters)
[docs] def line_tag(cls, symbol_or_re, is_re=False): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Make a line tag from symbol or regular expression. :returns: unicode string. :param symbol_or_re: symbol string or regular expresssion. :param is_re: if True, escape the delimiters for regular expressions. ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on return cls.adhoc_tag(symbol_or_re, cls.line_delimiters, is_re)
[docs] def section_tag(cls, symbol_or_re, is_re=False): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Make a section tag from symbol or regular expression. :returns: unicode string. :param symbol_or_re: symbol string or regular expresssion. :param is_re: if True, escape the delimiters for regular expressions. ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on return cls.adhoc_tag(symbol_or_re, cls.section_delimiters, is_re)
[docs] def tag_lines(cls, string, tag, is_re=False): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """Get lines matching tag. :returns: list of tag lines. See :meth:`tag_split`. """ # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on result = [] for section in cls.tag_split(string, tag, is_re): if section[0]: result.append(section[1]) return result
[docs] def tag_partition(cls, string, tag, is_re=False, headline=False): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Split the string into body parts and sections. If `headline` is True, the starting tag line is included for sections.''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on in_section = False body_parts = [] sections = [] tagged_line = '' for section in cls.tag_split(string, tag, is_re): if section[0]: in_section = not in_section tagged_line = section[1] continue if in_section: if headline: sections.append((tagged_line, section[1])) else: sections.append(section[1]) else: body_parts.append(section[1]) return body_parts, sections
[docs] def tag_sections(cls, string, tag, is_re=False, headline=False): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Split the string into sections. If `headline` is True, the starting tag line is included. See :meth:`tag_partition`. ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on body_parts, sections = cls.tag_partition(string, tag, is_re, headline) return sections
[docs] def line_tag_parse(cls, tagged_line, symbol_or_re=None, is_re=False, # |:clm:| strip_comment=None): # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """Parse a line tag line into tag-symbol and argument parts. :returns: a tuple ``(tag-symbol, tag-arguments)``. See :meth:`adhoc_parse_line`. """ # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on return cls.adhoc_parse_line(tagged_line, symbol_or_re, cls.line_delimiters, is_re, strip_comment=strip_comment)
[docs] def line_tag_strip(cls, tagged_line, symbol_or_re=None, is_re=False, # |:clm:| strip_comment=None): # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """Remove tag and optionally comment from line tag line. :returns: tag arguments. See :meth:`adhoc_parse_line`. """ # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on return cls.line_tag_parse(tagged_line, symbol_or_re, is_re, strip_comment)[1]
[docs] def section_tag_parse(cls, tagged_line, symbol_or_re=None, is_re=False, # |:clm:| strip_comment=None): # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """Parse a section tag line into tag-symbol and argument parts. :returns: a tuple ``(tag-symbol, tag-arguments)``. See :meth:`adhoc_parse_line`. """ # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on return cls.adhoc_parse_line(tagged_line, symbol_or_re, cls.section_delimiters, is_re, strip_comment=strip_comment)
[docs] def section_tag_strip(cls, tagged_line, symbol_or_re=None, is_re=False, # |:clm:| strip_comment=None): # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """Remove tag and optionally comment from section tag line. :returns: tag arguments. See :meth:`adhoc_parse_line`. """ # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on return cls.section_tag_parse(tagged_line, symbol_or_re, is_re, strip_comment)[1] # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off # -------------------------------------------------- # ||:sec:|| Tagged Line/Section Transformations # -------------------------------------------------- # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on
[docs] def transform_lines(cls, transform, string, # |:clm:| symbol_or_re, is_re=False, delimiters=None): # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """Split string into line tag lines and other sections; call transform callback on each tagged line. :returns: transformed string. :param transform: callback which receives argument ``tagged-line``. """ # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on if delimiters is None: delimiters = cls.line_delimiters result = [] in_section = False for section in cls.tag_split( string, cls.adhoc_tag(symbol_or_re, delimiters, is_re), is_re): blob = section[1] if section[0]: in_section = not in_section blob = transform(blob) result.append(blob) string = ''.join(result) return string
[docs] def transform_sections(cls, transform, string, # |:clm:| symbol_or_re, is_re=False): # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """Split string into sections and call transform callback on each section. :returns: transformed string. :param transform: callback which receives and returns arguments ``section``, ``headline``. """ # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on result = [] in_section = False headline = '' for section in cls.tag_split( string, cls.section_tag(symbol_or_re, is_re), is_re): blob = section[1] if section[0]: in_section = not in_section if in_section: headline = blob continue elif in_section: blob, headline = transform(blob, headline) result.append(headline) result.append(blob) string = ''.join(result) return string
[docs] def line_tag_rename(cls, string, symbol_or_re, renamed, is_re=False, delimiters=None): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Rename tag-symbol. Default tag delimiters are :attr:`line_delimiters`. >>> tpl = AdHoc.get_named_template("col-param-closure") .. >>> printf(str(AdHoc.line_tag_rename(tpl, "adhoc_run_time_section", "should_be_kept"))) ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on if is_re: transform = lambda blob: re.sub(symbol_or_re, renamed, blob) else: transform = lambda blob: blob.replace(symbol_or_re, renamed) return cls.transform_lines(transform, string, symbol_or_re, is_re, delimiters)
[docs] def line_tag_remove(cls, string, symbol_or_re, is_re=False, delimiters=None): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Remove tagged lines. Default tag delimiters are :attr:`line_delimiters`. >>> tpl = AdHoc.get_named_template("col-param-closure") .. >>> printf(str(AdHoc.line_tag_remove(tpl, "adhoc_run_time_section"))) ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on transform = lambda blob: '' return cls.transform_lines(transform, string, symbol_or_re, is_re, delimiters)
[docs] def section_tag_rename(cls, string, symbol_or_re, renamed, is_re=False): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Rename tag-symbol of lines tagged with :attr:`section_delimiters`. >>> tpl = AdHoc.get_named_template("col-param-closure") >>> res = AdHoc.section_tag_rename(tpl, "adhoc_run_time_section", "should_be_kept") >>> res = '\\n'.join(res.splitlines()[:4]) >>> printf(str(res)) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS # @:should_be_kept:@ on @classmethod def col_param_closure(cls):... # @:should_be_kept:@ off ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on if is_re: transform = lambda blob: re.sub(symbol_or_re, renamed, blob) else: transform = lambda blob: blob.replace(symbol_or_re, renamed) return cls.transform_lines(transform, string, symbol_or_re, is_re, cls.section_delimiters)
[docs] def section_tag_remove(cls, string, symbol_or_re, is_re=False): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Remove lines tagged with :attr:`section_delimiters`. >>> tpl = AdHoc.get_named_template("col-param-closure") >>> res = AdHoc.section_tag_remove(tpl, "adhoc_run_time_section") >>> res = '\\n'.join(res.splitlines()[:4]) >>> printf(str(res)) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS @classmethod def col_param_closure(cls):... ...Closure for setting up maximum width, padding and separator for table columns. ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on transform = lambda blob: '' return cls.transform_lines(transform, string, symbol_or_re, is_re, cls.section_delimiters)
[docs] def indent_sections(cls, string, symbol_or_re, is_re=False): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off ''' >>> section = """\\ ... # prefix ... # @:adhoc_indent_check:@ +4 ... #line 1 ... # line 2 ... # ... # line 3 ... # @:adhoc_indent_check:@ ... # suffix\\ ... """ >>> printf(AdHoc.indent_sections(section, "adhoc_indent_check")) # prefix # @:adhoc_indent_check:@ +4 #line 1 # line 2 # # line 3 # @:adhoc_indent_check:@ # suffix >>> printf(AdHoc.indent_sections(section.replace("+4", "-1"), ... "adhoc_indent_check")) # prefix # @:adhoc_indent_check:@ -1 #line 1 # line 2 # # line 3 # @:adhoc_indent_check:@ # suffix ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on result = [] in_section = False indent = 0 for section in cls.tag_split( string, cls.section_tag(symbol_or_re, is_re), is_re): blob = section[1] if section[0]: in_section = not in_section if in_section: tag_arg = cls.section_tag_strip(blob) if tag_arg: indent = int(tag_arg) else: indent = -4 else: if in_section and indent: if indent < 0: rx = re.compile(''.join(('^', ' ' * (-indent))), re.M) blob = rx.sub('', blob) elif indent > 0: rx = re.compile('^', re.M) blob = rx.sub(' ' * indent, blob) indent = 0 result.append(blob) string = ''.join(result) return string
[docs] def enable_sections(cls, string, symbol_or_re, is_re=False): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off ''' >>> section = """\\ ... # prefix ... # @:adhoc_enable_check:@ ... #line 1 ... # line 2 ... # ... # line 3 ... # @:adhoc_enable_check:@ ... # suffix\\ ... """ >>> printf(AdHoc.enable_sections(section, "adhoc_enable_check")) # prefix # @:adhoc_enable_check:@ line 1 line 2 <BLANKLINE> line 3 # @:adhoc_enable_check:@ # suffix ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on enable_ro = re.compile('^([ \t\r]*)(# ?)', re.M) enable_sub = '\\1' transform = lambda blob, hl: (enable_ro.sub(enable_sub, blob), hl) return cls.transform_sections(transform, string, symbol_or_re, is_re)
adhoc_rx_tab_check = re.compile('^([ ]*\t)', re.M) adhoc_rx_disable_simple = re.compile('^', re.M) adhoc_rx_min_indent_check = re.compile('^([ ]*)([^ \t\r\n]|$)', re.M) @classmethod
[docs] def disable_transform(cls, section, headline=None): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Disable section transform callback.''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on if not section: return (section, headline) if # tabs are evil if cls.verbose: list(map(sys.stderr.write, ('# dt: evil tabs: ', repr(section), '\n'))) return ( cls.adhoc_rx_disable_simple.sub( '# ', section.rstrip()) + '\n', headline) min_indent = '' for mo in cls.adhoc_rx_min_indent_check.finditer(section): indent = if indent: if (not min_indent or len(min_indent) > len(indent)): min_indent = indent elif min_indent = '' break adhoc_rx_min_indent = re.compile( ''.join(('^(', min_indent, '|)([^\n]*)$')), re.M) if section.endswith('\n'): section = section[:-1] dsection = [] for mo in adhoc_rx_min_indent.finditer(section): indent = rest = if not indent and not rest: #leave blank lines blank dsection.append('\n') else: dsection.extend((indent, '# ', rest, '\n')) return (''.join(dsection), headline)
[docs] def disable_sections(cls, string, symbol_or_re, is_re=False): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off ''' >>> section = """\\ ... prefix ... @:adhoc_disable_check:@ ... line 1 ... line 2 ... ... line 3 ... @:adhoc_disable_check:@ ... suffix\\ ... """ >>> printf(AdHoc.disable_sections(section, "adhoc_disable_check")) prefix @:adhoc_disable_check:@ # line 1 # line 2 <BLANKLINE> # line 3 @:adhoc_disable_check:@ suffix ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on return cls.transform_sections( cls.disable_transform, string, symbol_or_re, is_re)
[docs] def remove_sections(cls, string, symbol_or_re, is_re=False): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Remove sections.''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on ah_retained, ah_removed = cls.tag_partition( string, cls.section_tag(symbol_or_re, is_re), is_re) return ''.join(ah_retained) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off # -------------------------------------------------- # ||:sec:|| IO Functions # -------------------------------------------------- # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on
[docs] def check_coding(source): # |:fnc:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Determine coding for source. :returns: coding type for string. :param source: source string/unicode. If the ``source`` string contains a coding specification within the first two lines, the specified coding is used, otherwise, ``UTF-8`` is returned. ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on if source: eol_seen = 0 for c in source: if isinstance(c, int): lt_ = lambda a, b: a < b chr_ = lambda a: chr(a) else: lt_ = lambda a, b: True chr_ = lambda a: a break check = [] for c in source: if lt_(c, 127): check.append(chr_(c)) if c == '\n': eol_seen += 1 if eol_seen == 2: break check = ''.join(check) mo ='-[*]-.*coding:\\s*([^;\\s]+).*-[*]-', check) else: mo = None if mo: coding = else: coding = 'utf-8' return coding
[docs] def decode_source(cls, source): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Decode source to unicode. :param source: source string (may already be unicode). If the ``source`` string contains a coding specification within the first two lines, the specified coding is used, otherwise, ``UTF-8`` is applied. ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on if not source: return cls.uc('') if not isinstance(source, cls.uc_type) and hasattr(source, 'decode'): source = source.decode(cls.check_coding(source)) return source
[docs] def encode_source(cls, source): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Encode source from unicode. :param source: source string (may already be encoded). If the ``source`` string contains a coding specification within the first two lines, the specified coding is used, otherwise, ``UTF-8`` is applied. ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on if not source: return ''.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(source, cls.uc_type) and hasattr(source, 'encode'): source = source.encode(cls.check_coding(source)) return source
[docs] def read_source(cls, file_, decode=True): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Read source from file. :returns: unicode string. :param file_: If None, empty or ``-``, sys.stdin is used, otherwise the file is read from ``file_`` and decoded with :meth:`decode_source`. ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on source = None if not file_ or file_ == '-': # Python3 has a buffer attribute for binary input. if hasattr(sys.stdin, 'buffer'): source = else: source = else: try: sf = open(file_, 'rb') source = sf.close() except IOError: for module in sys.modules.values(): if (module and hasattr(module, '__file__') and module.__file__ == file_): if (hasattr(module, '__adhoc__') and hasattr(module.__adhoc__, 'source')): source = module.__adhoc__.source break if source is None: raise IOError('source not found for `' + str(file_) + '`') if decode: return cls.decode_source(source) return source
[docs] def write_source(cls, file_, source, mtime=None, mode=None): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Write source to file. :param file_: If None, empty or ``-``, sys.stdout is used, otherwise the file is written to ``file_`` after encoding with :meth:`encode_source`. ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on esource = cls.encode_source(source) if not file_ or file_ == '-': # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off # For Python2, sys.stdout is effectively binary, so source # can be pre-encoded. # # With Python3 sys.stdout does automatic encoding (which # is unwanted). # Normal sys.stdout has a buffer member which allows # binary output, but not during doctest. # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on if hasattr(sys.stdout, 'buffer'): sys.stdout.buffer.write(esource) else: try: sys.stdout.write(esource) except TypeError: sys.stdout.write(source) else: sf = open(file_, 'wb') sf.write(esource) sf.close() if mode is not None: os.chmod(file_, mode) if mtime is not None: import datetime if cls.isstring(mtime): try: date, ms = mtime.split('.') except ValueError: date = mtime ms = 0 mtime = cls.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') mtime += datetime.timedelta(microseconds=int(ms)) if isinstance(mtime, datetime.datetime): # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off # import calendar # if mtime.utcoffset() is not None: # mtime = mtime - mtime.utcoffset() # millis = int(calendar.timegm(mtime.timetuple()) * 1000 + # mtime.microsecond / 1000) # ts = float(millis) / 1000 # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on ts = int(mtime.strftime("%s")) else: ts = mtime os.utime(file_, (ts, ts))
[docs] def check_xfile(cls, file_, xdir=None): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Prepare extraction of a file. :returns: None, if the file already exists. Otherwise, the file directory is created and the absolute path name of the file is returned. :param file_: filename. :param xdir: extraction directory. If it is `None`, :attr:`extract_dir` is used. If ``file_`` is `None`, empty or ``-``, the filename ``-`` is returned. If ``file_`` starts with a slash ``/``, ``xdir`` is ignored, otherwise, ``xdir`` is prepended to ``file_``. ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on if xdir is None: xdir = cls.extract_dir if not file_: file_ = '-' if file_ == '-': return file_ file_ = os.path.expanduser(file_) if os.path.isabs(file_): xfile = file_ else: xfile = os.path.join(xdir, file_) xfile = os.path.abspath(xfile) if os.path.exists(xfile): # do not overwrite files if (cls.extract_warn or (cls.verbose)) and not cls.quiet: list(map(sys.stderr.write, ( "# xf: ", cls.__name__, ": warning file `", file_, "` exists. skipping ...\n"))) return None xdir = os.path.dirname(xfile) if not os.path.exists(xdir): os.makedirs(xdir) return xfile
[docs] def pack_file(cls, source, zipped=True): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Optionally gzip a file and base64-encode it. :returns: base64-encoded unicode string. :param source: string to be packed. :param zipped: if True, gzip ``source`` before base64-encoding. (Default: True). ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on import base64, gzip if zipped: sio = _AdHocBytesIO() gzf = gzip.GzipFile('', 'wb', 9, sio) gzf.write(cls.encode_source(source)) gzf.close() source = sio.getvalue() sio.close() else: source = cls.encode_source(source) source = base64.b64encode(source) source = source.decode('ascii') return source
[docs] def unpack_file(cls, source64, zipped=True, decode=True): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Base64-decode a file and optionally ungzip it. :returns: unicode string if ``decode`` is True. :param source64: base64 encoded unicode string to be unpacked. :param zipped: if True, ungzip ``source`` after base64-decoding. (Default: True). ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on import base64, gzip # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off if cls.debug: printf(sformat( "{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5:>7d}[ ]{6!s}[ {7}", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'source64', len(source64), source64[:80], 'b64decode ...')) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on source = source64.encode('ascii') source = base64.b64decode(source) if zipped: # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off if cls.debug: printf(sformat( "{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5:>7d}[ ]{6!s}[ {7}", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'source (zip)', len(source), repr(source)[:80], 'unzipping ...')) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on sio = _AdHocBytesIO(source) gzf = gzip.GzipFile('', 'rb', 9, sio) source = gzf.close() sio.close() if decode: source = cls.decode_source(source) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off if cls.debug: printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5:>7d}[ ]{6!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'source', len(source), repr(source)[:80])) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on return source # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off # -------------------------------------------------- # ||:sec:|| Run-Time Unpack/Import Interface # -------------------------------------------------- # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on
[docs] def unpack_(cls, mod_name=None, file_=None, mtime=None, # |:clm:||:api_fi:| mode=None, zipped=True, flat=None, source64=None): # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """Unpack adhoc'ed file, if it does not exist.""" # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on xfile = cls.check_xfile(file_, cls.extract_dir) if xfile is None: return if cls.verbose: list(map(sys.stderr.write, ("# xf: ", cls.__name__, ": unpacking `", file_, "`\n"))) source = cls.unpack_file(source64, zipped=zipped, decode=False) cls.write_source(xfile, source, mtime, mode)
[docs] def strptime(cls, date_string, format_): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """Python 2.4 compatible""" # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on import datetime if hasattr(datetime.datetime, 'strptime'): strptime_ = datetime.datetime.strptime else: import time strptime_ = lambda date_string, format_: ( datetime.datetime(*(time.strptime(date_string, format_)[0:6]))) return strptime_(date_string, format_)
[docs] def import_(cls, mod_name=None, file_=None, mtime=None, # |:clm:||:api_fi:| mode=None, zipped=True, flat=None, source64=None): # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """Import adhoc'ed module.""" # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on import datetime import time module = cls.module_setup(mod_name) if mtime is None: mtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0) else: # mtime=2011-11-23T18:04:26[.218506], zipped=True, flat=None, source64= try: date, ms = mtime.split('.') except ValueError: date = mtime ms = 0 mtime = cls.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') mtime += datetime.timedelta(microseconds=int(ms)) source = cls.unpack_file(source64, zipped=zipped, decode=False) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off # |:todo:| add to parent module # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on mod_parts = mod_name.split('.') mod_child = mod_parts[-1] parent = '.'.join(mod_parts[:-1]) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'parent', parent)) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on old_mtime = module.__adhoc__.mtime module = cls.module_setup(mod_name, file_, mtime, source, mode) if len(parent) > 0: setattr(sys.modules[parent], mod_child, module) if module.__adhoc__.mtime != old_mtime: # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off printf(sformat('{0}Executing source', dbg_comm)) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on source = cls.encode_source(module.__adhoc__.source) exec(source, module.__dict__) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off msg = (((mod_name in sys.modules) and ('YES')) or ('NO')) printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', mod_name + ' imported', msg)) module_name = module.__name__ printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'module_name', module_name)) dump_attr(module, wid=80, trunc=5) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on
[docs] def module_setup(cls, module=None, file_=None, mtime=None, # |:clm:||:api_fi:| source=None, mode=None): # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Setup module for `AdHoc`. \\|:todo:| various modes are possible: - always use newest version (development) (currently implemented) - always use adhoc\'ed version (freeze) (not implemented) ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on m = 'ms: ' class Attr: # |:cls:| pass import types, datetime, os if not isinstance(module, types.ModuleType): mod_name = module if mod_name is None: mod_name = __name__ try: if mod_name not in sys.modules: # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off if cls.verbose: printe(sformat('{0}{1}__import__({2})', dbg_comm, m, mod_name)) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on __import__(mod_name) module = sys.modules[mod_name] except (ImportError, KeyError): # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off if cls.verbose: printe(sformat('{0}{1}imp.new_module({2})', dbg_comm, m, mod_name)) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on import imp module = imp.new_module(mod_name) sys.modules[mod_name] = module else: mod_name = module.__name__ if mtime is None: if (file_ is not None or source is not None): # the info is marked as outdated mtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(1) else: # the info is marked as very outdated mtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0) if not hasattr(module, '__adhoc__'): adhoc = Attr() setattr(module, '__adhoc__', adhoc) setattr(adhoc, '__module__', module) mtime_set = None mode_set = mode if hasattr(module, '__file__'): module_file = module.__file__ if module_file.endswith('.pyc'): module_file = module_file[:-1] if os.access(module_file, os.R_OK): stat = os.stat(module_file) mtime_set = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( stat.st_mtime) mode_set = stat.st_mode if mtime_set is None: # the info is marked as very outdated mtime_set = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0) adhoc.mtime = mtime_set adhoc.mode = mode_set else: adhoc = module.__adhoc__ if (mtime > adhoc.mtime or not hasattr(module, '__file__')): if file_ is not None: setattr(module, '__file__', file_) if os.access(file_, os.R_OK): # |:api_fi:| stat = os.stat(file_) adhoc.mtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( stat.st_mtime) adhoc.mode = stat.st_mode if adhoc.mtime > mtime: # the file on disk is newer than the adhoc'ed source try: delattr(adhoc, 'source') except AttributeError: pass source = None if (mtime > adhoc.mtime or not hasattr(adhoc, 'source')): if source is not None: adhoc.source = source adhoc.mtime = mtime adhoc.mode = mode if not hasattr(adhoc, 'source'): try: file_ = module.__file__ file_, source = cls.std_source_param(file_, source) adhoc.source = source except (AttributeError, IOError): # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off # if hasattr(module, '__path__'): # |:debug:| # list(map(sys.stderr.write, # ('module path: ', module.__path__, '\n'))) # else: # sys.stderr.write('no module.__path__\n') # list(map(sys.stderr.write, # [''.join((attr, str(value), "\n")) for attr, value in # filter(lambda i: i[0] != '__builtins__', # sorted(vars(module).items()))])) if cls.verbose: (t, e, tb) = sys.exc_info() import traceback printe(''.join(traceback.format_tb(tb)), end='') printe(sformat('{0}: {1}', t.__name__, e)) del(tb) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on pass return module # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off # -------------------------------------------------- # ||:sec:|| Export Tools # -------------------------------------------------- # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on
[docs] def std_source_param(cls, file_=None, source=None): # |:clm:||:api_fi:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Setup standard source parameters. :returns: tuple ``( file_, source )`` :param file_: If None, `__file__` is used. If it ends with ``.pyc``, it is transformed to ``.py``. :param source: If None, the result of :meth:`read_source` is used. ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on if file_ is None: file_ = __file__ if file_.endswith('.pyc'): file_ = file_[:-1] if source is None: source = cls.read_source(file_) return (file_, source)
[docs] def export_source(cls, string, no_remove=False, no_disable=False): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off ''' ============================ ========================= check for |adhoc_remove| sections and remove them! check for |adhoc_import| sections and remove them! check for |adhoc_unpack| sections and remove them! check for |adhoc_template_v| sections and remove them! check for |adhoc_disable| sections and enable them! check for |adhoc_enable| sections and disable them! check for |adhoc_remove_| section markers and rename them! ============================ ========================= ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on string = cls.collapse_macros(string) if not no_remove: string = cls.remove_sections(string, 'adhoc_remove') string = cls.remove_sections(string, 'adhoc_import') string = cls.remove_sections(string, 'adhoc_unpack') string = cls.remove_sections(string, 'adhoc_template_v') if not no_disable: string = cls.enable_sections(string, 'adhoc_disable') string = cls.disable_sections(string, 'adhoc_enable') if not no_remove: string = cls.section_tag_rename(string, 'adhoc_remove_', 'adhoc_remove') return string # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off # -------------------------------------------------- # ||:sec:|| Extract Interface # -------------------------------------------------- # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on
[docs] def unpack(cls, file_=None, source=None): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """Unpack all adhoc'ed files in |adhoc_unpack| sections.""" # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on file_, source = cls.std_source_param(file_, source) source_sections, unpack_sections = cls.tag_partition( source, cls.section_tag('adhoc_unpack')) sv_extract_warn = cls.extract_warn cls.extract_warn = True unpack_call = ''.join((cls.__name__, '.unpack_')) for unpack_section in unpack_sections: unpack_section = re.sub('^\\s+', '', unpack_section) unpack_section = re.sub( '^[^(]*(?s)', unpack_call, unpack_section) try: #RtAdHoc = cls # unpack_call takes care of this exec(unpack_section.lstrip(), globals(), locals()) except IndentationError: sys.stderr.write("!!! IndentationError !!!\n") # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off sys.stderr.write(''.join((unpack_section, "\n"))) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on cls.extract_warn = sv_extract_warn
[docs] def extract(cls, file_=None, source=None): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """Unpack all adhoc'ed files in |adhoc_unpack| sections and extract all templates.""" # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on cls.unpack(file_, source) cls.extract_templates(file_, source, export=True) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off # -------------------------------------------------- # ||:sec:|| Export Interface # -------------------------------------------------- # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on
@classmethod def export__(cls, mod_name=None, file_=None, mtime=None, # |:clm:||:api_fi:| mode=None, zipped=True, flat=None, source64=None): source = cls.unpack_file(source64, zipped=zipped, decode=False) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off if cls.debug: sys.stderr.write( ''.join(("# xp: ", cls.__name__, ".export__ for `", file_, "`\n"))) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on if file_ is None: return file_base = os.path.basename(file_) if file_base.startswith(''): is_init = True else: is_init = False parts = mod_name.split('.') base = parts.pop() if parts: module_dir = os.path.join(*parts) cls.export_need_init[module_dir] = True else: module_dir = '' if is_init: module_dir = os.path.join(module_dir, base) cls.export_have_init[module_dir] = True module_file = os.path.join(module_dir, file_base) cls.export_(source, module_file, mtime, mode, flat) @classmethod def export_(cls, source, file_, mtime, mode, flat=None): # |:clm:| cflat = cls.flat if flat is None: flat = cflat cls.flat = flat if not flat: # extract to export directory sv_extract_dir = cls.extract_dir cls.extract_dir = cls.export_dir cls.extract(file_, source) cls.extract_dir = sv_extract_dir source_sections, import_sections = cls.tag_partition( source, cls.section_tag('adhoc_import')) source = cls.export_source(''.join(source_sections)) export_call = ''.join((cls.__name__, '.export__')) xfile = cls.check_xfile(file_, cls.export_dir) if xfile is not None: cls.write_source(xfile, source, mtime, mode) if cls.verbose: list(map(sys.stderr.write, ("# xp: ", cls.__name__, ".export_ for `", file_, "` using `", export_call,"`\n"))) for import_section in import_sections: # this calls RtAdHoc.export__ import_section = re.sub('^\\s+', '', import_section) import_section = re.sub( '^[^(]*(?s)', export_call, import_section) try: #RtAdHoc = cls # export_call takes care of this exec(import_section, globals(), locals()) except IndentationError: sys.stderr.write("!!! IndentationError !!!\n") # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off sys.stderr.write(''.join((import_section, "\n"))) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on else: xfile = cls.check_xfile(file_, cls.export_dir) if xfile is not None: cls.write_source(xfile, source, mtime, mode) if cls.verbose: list(map(sys.stderr.write, ("# xp: ", cls.__name__, ".export_ for `", file_, "` using `", export_call,"`\n"))) cls.flat = cflat # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off default_engine = False # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on @classmethod def export(cls, file_=None, source=None): # |:clm:| file_, source = cls.std_source_param(file_, source) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off # |:todo:| this chaos needs cleanup (cls.import_/cls.export__) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on sv_import = cls.import_ cls.import_ = cls.export__ file_ = os.path.basename(file_) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off if cls.verbose: list(map(sys.stderr.write, ("# xp: ", cls.__name__, ".export for `", file_, "`\n"))) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on cls.export_(source, file_, None, None, False) sv_extract_dir = cls.extract_dir cls.extract_dir = cls.export_dir engine_tag = cls.section_tag('adhoc_run_time_engine') engine_source = cls.export_source( source, no_remove=True, no_disable=True) engine_source = cls.get_named_template( None, file_, engine_source, tag=engine_tag, ignore_mark=True) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off if cls.default_engine and not engine_source: state = cls.set_delimiters(('@:', ':@')) ah = cls() engine_source = ah.prepare_run_time_section() engine_source = cls.get_named_template( None, file_, engine_source, tag=engine_tag, ignore_mark=True) cls.reset_delimiters(state) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on if engine_source: efile = cls.check_xfile('') if efile is not None: cls.write_source(efile, engine_source) cls.extract_dir = sv_extract_dir for init_dir in cls.export_need_init: if not cls.export_have_init[init_dir]: if cls.verbose: list(map(sys.stderr.write, ("# xp: create in `", init_dir, "`\n"))) inf = open(os.path.join( cls.export_dir, init_dir, ''), 'w') inf.write('') inf.close() cls.import_ = sv_import # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off # -------------------------------------------------- # ||:sec:|| Dump Interface (Import/Unpack Substitute) # -------------------------------------------------- # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on @classmethod def dump__(cls, mod_name=None, file_=None, mtime=None, # |:clm:||:api_fi:| mode=None, zipped=True, flat=None, source64=None): if cls.verbose: list(map(sys.stderr.write, ("# xf: ", cls.__name__, ": dumping `", file_, "`\n"))) source = cls.unpack_file(source64, zipped=zipped, decode=False) return source @classmethod def dump_(cls, dump_section, dump_type=None): # |:clm:| if dump_type is None: dump_type = 'adhoc_import' if not dump_section: return '' dump_call = ''.join(('unpacked = ', cls.__name__, '.dump__')) dump_section = re.sub('^\\s+', '', dump_section) dump_section = re.sub( '^[^(]*(?s)', dump_call, dump_section) dump_dict = {'unpacked': ''} try: #RtAdHoc = cls # dump_call takes care of this exec(dump_section.lstrip(), globals(), dump_dict) except IndentationError: sys.stderr.write("!!! IndentationError !!!\n") # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off sys.stderr.write(''.join((dump_section, "\n"))) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on return dump_dict['unpacked'] @classmethod def dump_file(cls, match, file_=None, source=None, tag=None, # |:clm:| is_re=False): file_, source = cls.std_source_param(file_, source) if tag is None: tag = cls.section_tag('(adhoc_import|adhoc_update)', is_re=True) is_re = True source_sections, dump_sections = cls.tag_partition( source, tag, is_re, headline=True) dump_call = ''.join((cls.__name__, '.dump_')) for dump_section in dump_sections: tagged_line = dump_section[0] dump_section = dump_section[1] tag_arg = cls.section_tag_strip(tagged_line) check_match = match if tag_arg != match and not match.startswith('-'): check_match = ''.join(('-', match)) if tag_arg != match and not match.startswith('!'): check_match = ''.join(('!', match)) if tag_arg != match: continue dump_section = re.sub('^\\s+', '', dump_section) dump_section = re.sub( '^[^(]*(?s)', dump_call, dump_section) try: #RtAdHoc = cls # dump_call takes care of this exec(dump_section.lstrip(), globals(), locals()) except IndentationError: sys.stderr.write("!!! IndentationError !!!\n") # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off sys.stderr.write(''.join((dump_section, "\n"))) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off # -------------------------------------------------- # ||:sec:|| Macros # -------------------------------------------------- # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on macro_call_delimiters = ('@|:', ':|>') # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """Macro delimiters""" # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on macro_xdef_delimiters = ('<|:', ':|@') # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """Macro expansion delimiters""" # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on macros = {} # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """Macros""" # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on @classmethod
[docs] def expand_macros(cls, source, macro_call_dlm=None, macro_xdef_dlm=None): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """ >>> AdHoc.macros['uc_descr_end'] = ( ... '# o:' 'adhoc_template:>\\n' ... '# <:' 'adhoc_uncomment:>\\n' ... ) >>> macro_source = '# ' + AdHoc.adhoc_tag('uc_descr_end', AdHoc.macro_call_delimiters) + '\\n' >>> ign = sys.stdout.write(macro_source) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS # @|:uc_descr_end...:|> >>> ign = sys.stdout.write(AdHoc.expand_macros(macro_source)) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS # <|:adhoc_macro_call...:|@ # @|:uc_descr_end...:|> # <|:adhoc_macro_call...:|@ # <|:adhoc_macro_expansion...:|@ # o:adhoc_template...:> # <:adhoc_uncomment...:> # <|:adhoc_macro_expansion...:|@ """ # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on if macro_call_dlm is None: macro_call_dlm = cls.macro_call_delimiters if macro_xdef_dlm is None: macro_xdef_dlm = cls.macro_xdef_delimiters import re for macro_name, macro_expansion in cls.macros.items(): macro_tag = cls.adhoc_tag(macro_name, macro_call_dlm, False) macro_tag_rx = cls.adhoc_tag(macro_name, macro_call_dlm, True) macro_call = ''.join(('# ', macro_tag, '\n')) macro_call_rx = ''.join(('^[^\n]*', macro_tag_rx, '[^\n]*\n')) mc_tag = ''.join(('# ', cls.adhoc_tag('adhoc_macro_call', macro_xdef_dlm, False), "\n")) mx_tag = ''.join(('# ', cls.adhoc_tag('adhoc_macro_expansion', macro_xdef_dlm, False), "\n")) xdef = ''.join(( mc_tag, macro_call, mc_tag, mx_tag, macro_expansion, mx_tag, )) rx = re.compile(macro_call_rx, re.M) source = rx.sub(xdef, source) return source
[docs] def has_expanded_macros(cls, source, macro_xdef_dlm=None): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """ """ # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on if macro_xdef_dlm is None: macro_xdef_dlm = cls.macro_xdef_delimiters mx_tag = cls.adhoc_tag('adhoc_macro_expansion', macro_xdef_dlm, False) me_count = len(cls.tag_lines(source, mx_tag)) return me_count > 0
[docs] def activate_macros(cls, source, macro_call_dlm=None, macro_xdef_dlm=None): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """ """ # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on if macro_xdef_dlm is None: macro_xdef_dlm = cls.macro_xdef_delimiters if not cls.has_expanded_macros(source, macro_xdef_dlm): source = cls.expand_macros(source, macro_call_dlm, macro_xdef_dlm) sv = cls.set_delimiters (macro_xdef_dlm) source = cls.remove_sections(source, 'adhoc_macro_call') source = cls.section_tag_remove(source, 'adhoc_macro_expansion') cls.reset_delimiters(sv) return source
[docs] def collapse_macros(cls, source, macro_xdef_dlm=None): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """ """ # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on if macro_xdef_dlm is None: macro_xdef_dlm = cls.macro_xdef_delimiters if cls.has_expanded_macros(source, macro_xdef_dlm): sv = cls.set_delimiters (macro_xdef_dlm) source = cls.section_tag_remove(source, 'adhoc_macro_call') source = cls.remove_sections(source, 'adhoc_macro_expansion') cls.reset_delimiters(sv) return source # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off # -------------------------------------------------- # ||:sec:|| Template Interface # -------------------------------------------------- # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on
[docs] def std_template_param(cls, file_=None, source=None, # |:clm:| tag=None, is_re=False, all_=False): # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Setup standard template parameters. :param tag: If None, section tag `adhoc_template(_v)?` is used. See :meth:`std_source_param` for `file_` and `source`. ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on file_, source = cls.std_source_param(file_, source) if tag is None: is_re=True if all_: tag = cls.section_tag('adhoc_(template(_v)?|import|unpack)', is_re=is_re) else: tag = cls.section_tag('adhoc_template(_v)?', is_re=is_re) source = cls.activate_macros(source) return (file_, source, tag, is_re)
[docs] def get_templates(cls, file_=None, source=None, # |:clm:| tag=None, is_re=False, ignore_mark=False, all_=False): # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Extract templates matching section tag. :param ignore_mark: If True, all templates are mapped to standard output name ``-``. :param tag: If None, `adhoc_template` is used. ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on file_, source, tag, is_re = cls.std_template_param( file_, source, tag, is_re, all_) source = cls.enable_sections(source, 'adhoc_uncomment') source = cls.indent_sections(source, 'adhoc_indent') source_sections, template_sections = cls.tag_partition( source, tag, is_re=is_re, headline=True) templates = {} for template_section in template_sections: tagged_line = template_section[0] section = template_section[1] tag, tag_arg = cls.section_tag_parse(tagged_line) if not tag_arg: tag_arg = '-' if tag_arg in cls.template_process_hooks: section = cls.template_process_hooks[tag_arg](cls, section, tag, tag_arg) if ignore_mark: tag_arg = '-' if tag_arg not in templates: templates[tag_arg] = [[section], tag] else: templates[tag_arg][0].append(section) if all_: result = dict([(m, (''.join(t[0]), t[1])) for m, t in templates.items()]) else: result = dict([(m, ''.join(t[0])) for m, t in templates.items()]) return result
[docs] def template_list(cls, file_=None, source=None, # |:clm:| tag=None, is_re=False, all_=False): # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """Sorted list of templates. See :meth:`std_template_param` for `file_`, `source`, `tag`, `is_re`. .. @:adhoc_disable:@ >>> for tpl in AdHoc.template_list(): ... printf(tpl) - README.txt -col-param-closure doc/USE_CASES.txt doc/index.rst -max-width-class -rst-to-ascii -test >>> for tpl in AdHoc.template_list(all_=True): ... printf(strclean(tpl)) ('-', 'adhoc_template') ('README.txt', 'adhoc_template') ('-col-param-closure', 'adhoc_template') ('doc/USE_CASES.txt', 'adhoc_template') ('doc/index.rst', 'adhoc_template') ('-max-width-class', 'adhoc_template') ('-rst-to-ascii', 'adhoc_template') ('-test', 'adhoc_template') .. @:adhoc_disable:@ """ # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on file_, source, tag, is_re = cls.std_template_param( file_, source, tag, is_re, all_) templates = cls.get_templates(file_, source, tag, is_re, all_=all_) if all_: templates.update([(k, ('', v)) for k, v in cls.extra_templates]) result = list(sorted( [(k, v[1]) for k, v in templates.items()], key=lambda kt: '||'.join(( kt[1], (((not (kt[0].startswith('-') or kt[0].startswith('!'))) and (kt[0])) or (kt[0][1:])))))) else: templates.update(filter( lambda tdef: (tdef[1] == 'adhoc_template' or tdef[1] == 'adhoc_template_v'), cls.extra_templates)) result = list(sorted( templates.keys(), key=lambda kt: '||'.join(( (((not (kt.startswith('-') or kt.startswith('!'))) and (kt)) or (kt[1:])))))) return result # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off # @:adhoc_template:@ -col-param-closure # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on
[docs] def col_param_closure(cls): # |:clm:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Closure for setting up maximum width, padding and separator for table columns. :returns: a setter and a getter function for calculating the maximum width of a list of strings (e.g. a table column). >>> set_, get_ = AdHoc.col_param_closure() >>> i = set_("string") >>> get_() [6, ' ', '======'] >>> i = set_("str") >>> get_() [6, ' ', '======'] >>> i = set_("longer string") >>> get_() [13, ' ', '============='] >>> table_in = """\\ ... Column1 Column2 ... some text text ... some-more-text text text ... something text ... less""" A splitter and column parameters depending on column count: >>> col_count = 2 >>> splitter = lambda line: line.split(' ', col_count-1) >>> col_params = [AdHoc.col_param_closure() for i in range(col_count)] Generic table processor: >>> process_cols = lambda cols: [ ... col_params[indx][0](col) for indx, col in enumerate(cols)] >>> table = [process_cols(cols) for cols in ... [splitter(line) for line in table_in.splitlines()]] Generic table output parameters/functions: >>> mws = [cp[1]()[0] for cp in col_params] >>> sep = ' '.join([cp[1]()[2] for cp in col_params]) >>> paddings = [cp[1]()[1] for cp in col_params] >>> pad_cols_c = lambda cols: [ ... (((paddings[indx] is None) and (col)) ... or ((paddings[indx][:int((mws[indx]-len(col))/2)] ... + col + paddings[indx])[:mws[indx]])) ... for indx, col in enumerate(cols)] >>> pad_cols = lambda cols: [ ... (((paddings[indx] is None) and (col)) ... or ((col + paddings[indx])[:mws[indx]])) ... for indx, col in enumerate(cols)] Generic table output generator: >>> output = [] >>> if table: ... output.append(sep) ... output.append(' '.join(pad_cols_c(table.pop(0))).rstrip()) ... if table: output.append(sep) ... output.extend([' '.join(pad_cols(cols)).rstrip() ... for cols in table]) ... output.append(sep) >>> i = sys.stdout.write("\\n".join(output)) ============== ========= Column1 Column2 ============== ========= some text text some-more-text text text something text less ============== ========= ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on mw = [0, "", ""] def set_(col): # |:clo:| lc = len(col) if mw[0] < lc: mw[0] = lc mw[1] = " " * lc mw[2] = "=" * lc return col def get_(): # |:clo:| return mw return set_, get_ # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off # @:adhoc_template:@ -col-param-closure # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on
[docs] def template_table(cls, file_=None, source=None, # |:clm:| tag=None, is_re=False): # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Table of template commands. See :meth:`std_template_param` for `file_`, `source`, `tag`, `is_re`. ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on file_, source, tag, is_re = cls.std_template_param( file_, source, tag, is_re, all_=True) # Parse table table = [] tpl_arg_name = (lambda t: (((not (t.startswith('-') or t.startswith('!'))) and (t)) or (t[1:]))) col_param = [cls.col_param_closure() for i in range(3)] table.append((col_param[0][0]('Command'), col_param[1][0]('Template'), col_param[2][0]('Type'))) table.extend([(col_param[0][0](''.join(( os.path.basename(file_), ' --template ', tpl_arg_name(t[0]))).rstrip()), col_param[1][0](''.join(('# ', t[0])).rstrip()), col_param[2][0](''.join((t[1])).rstrip()), ) for t in cls.template_list(file_, source, tag, is_re, all_=True)]) # Setup table output mw, padding = (col_param[0][1]()[0], col_param[0][1]()[1]) mw1, padding1 = (col_param[1][1]()[0], col_param[1][1]()[1]) mw2, padding2 = (col_param[2][1]()[0], col_param[2][1]()[1]) sep = ' '.join([cp[1]()[2] for cp in col_param]) make_row_c = lambda row: ''.join(( ''.join((padding[:int((mw-len(row[0]))/2)], row[0], padding))[:mw], ' ', ''.join((padding1[:int((mw1-len(row[1]))/2)], row[1], padding1))[:mw1], ' ', ''.join((padding2[:int((mw2-len(row[2]))/2)], row[2], padding2))[:mw2].rstrip())) make_row = lambda row: ''.join((''.join((row[0], padding))[:mw], ' ', ''.join((row[1], padding))[:mw1], ' ', row[2])).rstrip() # Generate table output = [] output.append(sep) output.append(make_row_c(table.pop(0))) if table: output.append(sep) output.extend([make_row(row) for row in table]) output.append(sep) return output
[docs] def get_named_template(cls, name=None, file_=None, source=None, # |:clm:| tag=None, is_re=False, ignore_mark=False): # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Extract templates matching section tag and name. :param name: Template name. If None, standard output name ``-`` is used. :param tag: If None, `adhoc_template(_v)?` is used. :param ignore_mark: If True, all templates are mapped to standard output name ``-``. If a named template cannot be found and `name` does not start with ``-``, the template name `-name` is tried. >>> ign = main(" --template adhoc_test.sub".split()) # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- <BLANKLINE> ADHOC_TEST_SUB_IMPORTED = True ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on if name is None: name = '-' file_, source, tag, is_re = cls.std_template_param( file_, source, tag, is_re, all_=True) templates = cls.get_templates( file_, source, tag, is_re=is_re, ignore_mark=ignore_mark, all_=True) check_name = name if check_name not in templates and not name.startswith('-'): check_name = ''.join(('-', name)) if check_name not in templates and not name.startswith('!'): check_name = ''.join(('!', name)) if check_name in templates: template_set = templates[check_name] else: template_set = ['', 'adhoc_template'] template = template_set[0] template_type = template_set[1] if check_name.startswith('!'): template = cls.dump_(template, template_type) return template
[docs] def extract_templates(cls, file_=None, source=None, # |:clm:| tag=None, is_re=False, ignore_mark=False, export=False): # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off '''Extract template. # @:adhoc_template_check:@ -mark A template ... # @:adhoc_template_check:@ # @:adhoc_template_check:@ -other Another interleaved # @:adhoc_template_check:@ # @:adhoc_template_check:@ -mark continued # @:adhoc_template_check:@ >>> AdHoc.extract_templates( ... tag=AdHoc.section_tag("adhoc_template_check")) A template ... continued Another interleaved >>> rt_section = AdHoc.get_templates( ... __file__, None, ... tag=AdHoc.section_tag("adhoc_run_time_section"), ... ignore_mark=True) >>> rt_section = ''.join(rt_section.values()) .. >>> printf(rt_section) ''' # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on file_, source, tag, is_re = cls.std_template_param( file_, source, tag, is_re) templates = cls.get_templates( file_, source, tag, is_re=is_re, ignore_mark=ignore_mark) sv_extract_warn = cls.extract_warn cls.extract_warn = True for outf, template in sorted(templates.items()): if outf.startswith('-'): outf = '-' if outf == '-' and export: continue xfile = cls.check_xfile(outf, cls.extract_dir) if xfile is not None: cls.write_source(xfile, template) cls.extract_warn = sv_extract_warn # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off # -------------------------------------------------- # ||:sec:|| COMPILER DATA # -------------------------------------------------- # tags are generated from symbols on init
run_time_flag = None # line import_flag = None # line include_flag = None # line verbatim_flag = None # line compiled_flag = None # line run_time_class_flag = None # line rt_engine_section_tag = None # section indent_section_tag = None # section uncomment_section_tag = None # section enable_section_tag = None # section disable_section_tag = None # section remove_section_tag = None # section import_section_tag = None # section unpack_section_tag = None # section template_v_section_tag = None # section template_section_tag = None # section run_time_section_tag = None # section run_time_section = None run_time_flag_symbol = 'adhoc_run_time' # line import_flag_symbol = 'adhoc' # line include_flag_symbol = 'adhoc_include' # line verbatim_flag_symbol = 'adhoc_verbatim' # line compiled_flag_symbol = 'adhoc_compiled' # line run_time_class_symbol = 'adhoc_run_time_class' # line rt_engine_section_symbol = 'adhoc_run_time_engine' # section indent_section_symbol = 'adhoc_indent' # section uncomment_section_symbol = 'adhoc_uncomment' # section enable_section_symbol = 'adhoc_enable' # section disable_section_symbol = 'adhoc_disable' # section remove_section_symbol = 'adhoc_remove' # section import_section_symbol = 'adhoc_import' # section unpack_section_symbol = 'adhoc_unpack' # section template_v_section_symbol = 'adhoc_template_v' # section template_section_symbol = 'adhoc_template' # section run_time_section_symbol = 'adhoc_run_time_section' # section run_time_class_prefix = 'Rt' import_function = 'AdHoc.import_' modules = {} compiling = [] file_include_template = ( # |:api_fi:| "{ind}" "# {stg}\n{ind}" "{rtp}{ahc}(" "{mod}," " file_={fnm},\n{ina}" " mtime={mtm}," " mode={fmd},\n{ina}" " zipped={zip}," " flat={flt}," " source64=\n" "{src}" ")\n{ind}" "# {etg}\n" ) # -------------------------------------------------- # ||:sec:|| Setup # -------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self): # |:mth:| self.modules = {} self.compiling = [] self.setup_tags() self.run_time_section = self.prepare_run_time_section().rstrip() + '\n' @classmethod def setup_tags(cls): # |:mth:| cls.run_time_flag = cls.line_tag(cls.run_time_flag_symbol) cls.import_flag = cls.line_tag(cls.import_flag_symbol) cls.verbatim_flag = cls.line_tag(cls.verbatim_flag_symbol) cls.include_flag = cls.line_tag(cls.include_flag_symbol) cls.compiled_flag = cls.line_tag(cls.compiled_flag_symbol) cls.run_time_class_flag = cls.line_tag(cls.run_time_class_symbol) cls.rt_engine_section_tag = cls.section_tag(cls.rt_engine_section_symbol) cls.indent_section_tag = cls.section_tag(cls.indent_section_symbol) cls.uncomment_section_tag = cls.section_tag(cls.uncomment_section_symbol) cls.enable_section_tag = cls.section_tag(cls.enable_section_symbol) cls.disable_section_tag = cls.section_tag(cls.disable_section_symbol) cls.remove_section_tag = cls.section_tag(cls.remove_section_symbol) cls.import_section_tag = cls.section_tag(cls.import_section_symbol) cls.unpack_section_tag = cls.section_tag(cls.unpack_section_symbol) cls.template_v_section_tag = cls.section_tag(cls.template_v_section_symbol) cls.template_section_tag = cls.section_tag(cls.template_section_symbol) cls.run_time_section_tag = cls.section_tag( cls.run_time_section_symbol) # -------------------------------------------------- # ||:sec:|| Tools # -------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def strquote(source, indent=(' ' * 4)): # |:fnc:| source = source.replace("'", "\\'") length = 78 - 2 - 4 - len(indent) if length < 50: length = 50 output_parts = [] indx = 0 limit = len(source) while indx < limit: output_parts.extend(( indent, " '", source[indx:indx+length], "'\n")) indx += length return ''.join(output_parts) # -------------------------------------------------- # ||:sec:|| Run-Time Section # -------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def adhoc_run_time_sections_from_string(cls, string, symbol): # |:clm:| tag = sformat('(#[ \t\r]*)?{0}', cls.section_tag(symbol, is_re=True)) def_sections = cls.tag_sections(string, tag, is_re=True) return def_sections @classmethod def adhoc_run_time_section_from_file(cls, file_, symbol): # |:clm:| if file_.endswith('.pyc'): file_ = file_[:-1] string = cls.read_source(file_) def_sections = cls.adhoc_run_time_sections_from_string( string, symbol) return def_sections @classmethod def adhoc_get_run_time_section( # |:clm:| cls, symbol, prolog='', epilog=''): import datetime adhoc_module_places = [] # try __file__ adhoc_module_places.append(__file__) def_sections = cls.adhoc_run_time_section_from_file( __file__, symbol) if len(def_sections) == 0: # try adhoc.__file__ try: import adhoc adhoc_module_places.append(adhoc.__file__) def_sections = cls.adhoc_run_time_section_from_file( adhoc.__file__, symbol) except: pass if len(def_sections) == 0: # try adhoc.__adhoc__.source try: adhoc_module_places.append('adhoc.__adhoc__.source') def_sections = cls.adhoc_run_time_sections_from_string( adhoc.__adhoc__.source, symbol) except: pass if len(def_sections) == 0: adhoc_dump_list(def_sections) raise AdHocError(sformat('{0} not found in {1}', cls.section_tag(symbol), ', '.join(adhoc_module_places))) def_ = ''.join(( sformat('# {0}\n', cls.remove_section_tag), sformat('# {0}\n', cls.rt_engine_section_tag), sformat('# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n'), sformat('# {0} {1}\n', cls.compiled_flag,, # |:todo:| add input filename ), prolog, ''.join(def_sections), epilog, sformat('# {0}\n', cls.rt_engine_section_tag), sformat('# {0}\n', cls.remove_section_tag), )) return def_ @classmethod def prepare_run_time_section(cls): # |:mth:| rts = cls.adhoc_get_run_time_section( cls.run_time_section_symbol) rtc_sections = cls.tag_split( rts, cls.run_time_class_flag) transform = [] done = False use_next = False for section in rtc_sections: blob = section[1] if section[0]: use_next = blob continue if use_next: if not done: mo ='class[ \t\r]+', blob) if mo: blob = (blob[:mo.end(0)] + cls.run_time_class_prefix + blob[mo.end(0):]) done = True else: #transform.append(use_next) pass use_next = False transform.append(blob) transform.append(sformat('# {0}\n', cls.remove_section_tag)) transform.append(sformat('# {0}\n', cls.rt_engine_section_tag)) transform.append(sformat('# {0}\n', cls.rt_engine_section_tag)) transform.append(sformat('# {0}\n', cls.remove_section_tag)) rts = ''.join(transform) if not done: raise AdHocError( sformat('run-time class(tag) `{0}` not found in:\n{1}', cls.run_time_class_flag, rts)) return rts # -------------------------------------------------- # ||:sec:|| Internal Includer (verbatim) # --------------------------------------------------
[docs] def verbatim_(self, string, name=None): # |:mth:| '''Entry point for verbatim inclusion. :returns: string with verbatim included files. :param string: input string, with |adhoc_verbatim| flags. :param name: ignored. (API compatibility with :meth:`AdHoc.compile_`). .. note:: double commented flags, e.g. ``##`` |adhoc_verbatim|, are ignored. .. \\|:here:| >>> section = """\\ ... some ... @:""" """adhoc_verbatim:@ {flags} my_verbatim{from_} ... text\\ ... """ >>> adhoc = AdHoc() **Non-existent File** >>> sv_quiet = AdHoc.quiet >>> AdHoc.quiet = True >>> source = adhoc.verbatim_(sformat(section, flags="-2#", from_="")) >>> printf(source) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS some @:adhoc_verbatim... -2# my_verbatim text >>> AdHoc.quiet = sv_quiet **Empty File** >>> source = adhoc.verbatim_(sformat(section, flags="", from_=" from /dev/null")) >>> printf(source) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS some @:adhoc_verbatim... my_verbatim from /dev/null # @:adhoc_remove... # @:adhoc_indent... -4 # @:adhoc_template_v... my_verbatim # @:adhoc_template_v... # @:adhoc_indent... # @:adhoc_remove... text **Empty file, with negative indent, commented** >>> source = adhoc.verbatim_(sformat(section, flags="-2#", from_=" from /dev/null")) >>> printf(source) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS some @:adhoc_verbatim... -2# my_verbatim from /dev/null # @:adhoc_remove... # @:adhoc_uncomment... # @:adhoc_indent... -2 # @:adhoc_template_v... my_verbatim # @:adhoc_template_v... # @:adhoc_indent... # @:adhoc_uncomment... # @:adhoc_remove... text **Empty file, with overflowing negative indent, commented** >>> source = adhoc.verbatim_(sformat(section, flags="-8#", from_=" from /dev/null")) >>> printf(source) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS some @:adhoc_verbatim... -8# my_verbatim from /dev/null # @:adhoc_remove... # @:adhoc_uncomment... # @:adhoc_template_v... my_verbatim # @:adhoc_template_v... # @:adhoc_uncomment... # @:adhoc_remove... text **Existing file, without newline at end of file, commented.** >>> mvf = open("my_verbatim", "w") >>> ign = mvf.write("no end of line") >>> mvf.close() >>> source = adhoc.verbatim_(sformat(section, flags="-4#", from_="")) >>> printf(source) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS some @:adhoc_verbatim... -4# my_verbatim # @:adhoc_remove... # @:adhoc_uncomment... # @:adhoc_template_v... my_verbatim # no end of line # @:adhoc_template_v... # @:adhoc_uncomment... # @:adhoc_remove... text **Existing file, with extra newline at end of file, commented.** >>> mvf = open("my_verbatim", "w") >>> ign = mvf.write("extra end of line\\n\\n") >>> mvf.close() >>> source = adhoc.verbatim_(sformat(section, flags="-4#", from_="")) >>> printf(source) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS some @:adhoc_verbatim... -4# my_verbatim # @:adhoc_remove... # @:adhoc_uncomment... # @:adhoc_template_v... my_verbatim # extra end of line <BLANKLINE> # @:adhoc_template_v... # @:adhoc_uncomment... # @:adhoc_remove... text **Existing file, without newline at end of file, not commented.** >>> mvf = open("my_verbatim", "w") >>> ign = mvf.write("no end of line") >>> mvf.close() >>> source = adhoc.verbatim_(sformat(section, flags="-4", from_="")) >>> printf(source) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS some @:adhoc_verbatim... -4 my_verbatim # @:adhoc_remove... # @:adhoc_template_v... my_verbatim no end of line # @:adhoc_template_v... # @:adhoc_remove... text **Existing file, with extra newline at end of file, not commented.** >>> mvf = open("my_verbatim", "w") >>> ign = mvf.write("extra end of line\\n\\n") >>> mvf.close() >>> source = adhoc.verbatim_(sformat(section, flags="", from_="")) >>> printf(source) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS some @:adhoc_verbatim... my_verbatim # @:adhoc_remove... # @:adhoc_indent:@ -4 # @:adhoc_template_v... my_verbatim extra end of line <BLANKLINE> # @:adhoc_template_v... # @:adhoc_indent:@ # @:adhoc_remove... text **Existing file, but override with source /dev/null.** >>> source = adhoc.verbatim_(sformat(section, flags="/dev/null as", from_="")) >>> printf(source) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS some @:adhoc_verbatim... /dev/null as my_verbatim # @:adhoc_remove... # @:adhoc_indent... -4 # @:adhoc_template_v... my_verbatim # @:adhoc_template_v... # @:adhoc_indent... # @:adhoc_remove... text **Existing file, override with non-existing source /not-here/.** >>> if os.path.exists("not-here"): ... os.unlink("not-here") >>> source = adhoc.verbatim_(sformat(section, flags="not-here as", from_="")) >>> printf(source) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS some @:adhoc_verbatim... not-here as my_verbatim # @:adhoc_remove... # @:adhoc_indent... -4 # @:adhoc_template_v... my_verbatim extra end of line <BLANKLINE> # @:adhoc_template_v... # @:adhoc_indent... # @:adhoc_remove... text >>> os.unlink("my_verbatim") ''' m = 'is: ' import datetime # # check for @: adhoc_compiled :@ # adhoc_compiled_lines = self.tag_lines( # string, self.line_tag('adhoc_compiled')) # if len(adhoc_compiled_lines) > 0: # sys.stderr.write(sformat( # '{0}{1}' 'warning: {2} already AdHoc\'ed `{3}`\n', # dbg_comm, m, name, adhoc_compiled_lines[0].rstrip())) # return string # handle @: adhoc_verbatim :@ result = [] verbatim_cmd_parts = self.tag_split(string, self.verbatim_flag) for part in verbatim_cmd_parts: verbatim_def = part[1] result.append(verbatim_def) if part[0]: # skip commented verbatim includes if re.match('\\s*#\\s*#', verbatim_def): if self.verbose: printe(sformat( '{0}{1}Skipping disabled verbatim `{2}`', dbg_comm, m, verbatim_def.rstrip())) continue indent = '' mo = re.match('\\s*', verbatim_def) if mo: indent = verbatim_def = self.line_tag_strip( verbatim_def, self.verbatim_flag_symbol) verbatim_specs = [] for verbatim_spec in re.split('\\s*,\\s*', verbatim_def): verbatim_spec1 = re.split('\\s+from\\s+', verbatim_spec) verbatim_spec2 = re.split('\\s+as\\s+', verbatim_spec) default = None source = None output = None flags = None if len(verbatim_spec1) > 1: output = verbatim_spec1[0] default = verbatim_spec1[1] fields = re.split('\\s+', output, 1) if len(fields) > 1: flags = fields[0] output = fields[1] else: flags = '' source = output if len(verbatim_spec2) > 1: source = verbatim_spec2[0] output = verbatim_spec2[1] fields = re.split('\\s+', source, 1) if len(fields) > 1: flags = fields[0] source = fields[1] else: flags = '' default = output if flags is None: source = verbatim_spec fields = re.split('\\s+', source, 1) if len(fields) > 1: flags = fields[0] source = fields[1] else: flags = '' source = fields[0] default = source output = source verbatim_specs.append([flags, source, default, output]) for verbatim_spec in verbatim_specs: vflags = verbatim_spec.pop(0) ifile = verbatim_spec.pop() found = False for lfile in verbatim_spec: lfile = os.path.expanduser(lfile) blfile = lfile for include_dir in self.include_path: if not os.path.exists(lfile): if not (os.path.isabs(blfile)): lfile = os.path.join(include_dir, blfile) continue break if os.path.exists(lfile): stat = os.stat(lfile) mtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( stat.st_mtime) mode = stat.st_mode exp_source = self.read_source(lfile) source_len = len(exp_source) start_tags = [] end_tags = [] prefix = [] tag_prefix = ['# '] mo ='[-+]?[0-9]+', vflags) if mo: uindent = int( else: uindent = 0 tindent = (len(indent) + uindent) if tindent < 0: tindent = 0 if tindent: tag = self.indent_section_tag start_tags.insert( 0, ''.join((tag, ' ', str(-tindent)))) end_tags.append(tag) prefix.insert(0, ' ' * tindent) tag_prefix.insert(0, ' ' * tindent) if '#' in vflags: tag = self.uncomment_section_tag start_tags.insert(0, tag) end_tags.append(tag) exp_source, hl = self.disable_transform(exp_source) tag = self.remove_section_tag start_tags.insert(0, tag) end_tags.append(tag) tag = self.section_tag('adhoc_template_v') start_tags.append(''.join((tag, ' ', ifile))) end_tags.insert(0,tag) prefix = ''.join(prefix) tag_prefix = ''.join(tag_prefix) if prefix and exp_source: if exp_source.endswith('\n'): exp_source = exp_source[:-1] exp_source = re.sub('^(?m)', prefix, exp_source) if exp_source and not exp_source.endswith('\n'): exp_source = ''.join((exp_source, '\n')) output = [] output.extend([''.join(( tag_prefix, tag, '\n')) for tag in start_tags]) output.append(exp_source) output.extend([''.join(( tag_prefix, tag, '\n')) for tag in end_tags]) result.append(''.join(output)) found = True # |:debug:| if self.verbose: printe(sformat( "{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]len: {5:>6d}" " exp: {6:>6d} ]{9}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':INF:', 'source stats', source_len, len(exp_source), 0, 0, ifile)) # |:debug:| break if not found and not self.quiet: list(map(sys.stderr.write, ("# if: ", self.__class__.__name__, ": warning verbatim file `", ifile, "` not found from `", ', '.join(verbatim_spec), "`\n"))) #adhoc_dump_list(result) return ''.join(result) # -------------------------------------------------- # ||:sec:|| Internal Includer (packed) # --------------------------------------------------
[docs] def include_(self, string, name=None, zipped=True, flat=None): # |:mth:| '''Entry point for inclusion. :returns: string with packed included files. :param string: input string, with |adhoc_include| flags. :param name: ignored. (API compatibility with :meth:`AdHoc.compile_`). :param zipped: if True, :mod:`gzip` included files. .. note:: double commented flags, e.g. ``##`` |adhoc_include|, are ignored. .. \\|:here:| >>> section = """\\ ... some ... @:""" """adhoc_include:@ Makefile ... text\\ ... """ .. @:adhoc_disable:@ >>> adhoc = AdHoc() >>> source = adhoc.include_(section) >>> printf(source) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS some @:adhoc_include... Makefile # @:adhoc_unpack... RtAdHoc.unpack_(None, file_='Makefile', mtime='...', mode=..., zipped=True, flat=None, source64= ... # @:adhoc_unpack... text .. @:adhoc_disable:@ ''' m = 'is: ' import datetime # # check for @: adhoc_compiled :@ # adhoc_compiled_lines = self.tag_lines( # string, self.line_tag('adhoc_compiled')) # if len(adhoc_compiled_lines) > 0: # sys.stderr.write(sformat( # '{0}{1}' 'warning: {2} already AdHoc\'ed `{3}`\n', # dbg_comm, m, name, adhoc_compiled_lines[0].rstrip())) # return string # handle @: adhoc_include :@ result = [] include_cmd_sections = self.tag_split(string, self.include_flag) for section in include_cmd_sections: include_def = section[1] result.append(include_def) if section[0]: # skip commented includes if re.match('\\s*#\\s*#', include_def): if self.verbose: printe(sformat( '{0}{1}Skipping disabled include `{2}`', dbg_comm, m, include_def.rstrip())) continue indent = '' mo = re.match('\\s*', include_def) if mo: indent = include_def = self.line_tag_strip( include_def, self.include_flag_symbol) include_specs = [] for include_spec in re.split('\\s*,\\s*', include_def): include_spec1 = re.split('\\s+from\\s+', include_spec) include_spec2 = re.split('\\s+as\\s+', include_spec) default = None source = None output = None if len(include_spec1) > 1: output = include_spec1[0] default = include_spec1[1] source = output if len(include_spec2) > 1: source = include_spec2[0] output = include_spec2[1] default = output if source is None: source = include_spec output = source default = source include_specs.append([source, default, output]) for include_spec in include_specs: ifile = include_spec.pop() found = False for lfile in include_spec: lfile = os.path.expanduser(lfile) blfile = lfile for include_dir in self.include_path: if not os.path.exists(lfile): if not (os.path.isabs(blfile)): lfile = os.path.join(include_dir, blfile) continue break if os.path.exists(lfile): stat = os.stat(lfile) mtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( stat.st_mtime) mode = stat.st_mode exp_source = self.read_source(lfile, decode=False) source64 = self.pack_file(exp_source, zipped) output = self.strquote(source64, indent) file_include_args = dict([ # |:api_fi:| ('ind', indent), ('ina', ''.join((indent, " "))), ('stg', ''.join((self.unpack_section_tag, ' !', ifile))), ('etg', self.unpack_section_tag), ('rtp', self.run_time_class_prefix), ('ahc', 'AdHoc.unpack_'), ('mod', 'None'), ('fnm', repr(str(ifile))), ('mtm', (((mtime is not None) and repr(mtime.isoformat())) or repr(mtime))), ('fmd', (mode is not None and sformat('int("{0:o}", 8)', mode)) or mode), ('zip', zipped), ('flt', flat), ('src', output.rstrip()), ]) output = sformat( self.file_include_template, **file_include_args ) result.append(output) found = True # |:debug:| if self.verbose: source_len = len(exp_source) exp_source_len = len(exp_source) source64_len = len(source64) printe(sformat( "{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]len: {5:>6d}" " exp: {6:>6d} b64: {8:>6d}[ ]{9}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':INF:', 'source stats', source_len, exp_source_len, 0, source64_len, ifile)) # |:debug:| break if not found and not self.quiet: list(map(sys.stderr.write, ("# if: ", self.__class__.__name__, ": warning include file `", ifile, "` not found from `", ', '.join(include_spec), "`\n"))) #adhoc_dump_list(result) return ''.join(result) # -------------------------------------------------- # ||:sec:|| Internal Compiler # --------------------------------------------------
def encode_module_( # |:mth:| self, module, for_=None, indent='', zipped=True, flat=None, forced=None): m = 'gm: ' if for_ is None: for_ = self.import_function if forced is None: forced = self.forced module = self.module_setup(module) module_name = module.__name__ # no multiple occurences if (not forced and (module_name in self.modules or module_name in self.compiling)): if self.verbose: # |:check:| what, if the previous import was never # executed? sys.stderr.write(sformat( '{0}{1}`{2}` already seen. skipping ...\n', dbg_comm, m, module_name)) return '' self.compiling.append(module_name) result = [] # |:todo:| parent modules parts = module_name.split('.') parent_modules = parts[:-1] if self.verbose and len(parent_modules) > 0: sys.stderr.write(sformat( '{0}{1}Handle parent module(s) `{2}`\n', dbg_comm, m, parent_modules)) for parent_module in parent_modules: result.append(self.encode_module_( parent_module, for_, indent, zipped, flat, forced)) if (module_name in self.modules): if self.verbose: sys.stderr.write(sformat( '{0}{1}{1} already seen after parent import\n', dbg_comm, m, module_name)) return ''.join(result) if hasattr(module, '__file__'): module_file = module.__file__ if module_file.endswith('.pyc'): module_file = module_file[:-1] else: module_file = None if hasattr(module.__adhoc__, 'source'): source = module.__adhoc__.source else: if not self.quiet: printf(sformat( '{0}{1}|' 'warning: `{2}` does not have any source code.', dbg_comm, m, module_name), file=sys.stderr) source = '' return ''.join(result) # recursive! exp_source = self.compile_(source, module_file, for_, zipped, forced) source64 = self.pack_file(exp_source, zipped) output = self.strquote(source64, indent) mtime = module.__adhoc__.mtime mode = module.__adhoc__.mode # |:todo:| make Rt prefix configurable file_include_args = dict([ # |:api_fi:| ('ind', indent), ('ina', ''.join((indent, " "))), ('stg', ''.join((self.import_section_tag, ' !', module_name))), ('etg', self.import_section_tag), ('rtp', self.run_time_class_prefix), ('ahc', for_), ('mod', repr(module.__name__)), ('fnm', (((module_file is not None) and repr(str(os.path.relpath(module_file)))) or module_file)), ('mtm', (((mtime is not None) and repr(mtime.isoformat())) or repr(mtime))), ('fmd', (mode is not None and sformat('int("{0:o}", 8)', mode)) or mode), ('zip', zipped), ('src', output.rstrip()), ('flt', flat), ]) output = sformat( self.file_include_template, **file_include_args ) result.append(output) # |:debug:| if self.verbose: source_len = len(source) exp_source_len = len(exp_source) source64_len = len(source64) printe(sformat( "{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]len: {5:>6d} exp: {6:>6d}" " b64: {8:>6d}[ ]{9}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':INF:', 'source stats', source_len, exp_source_len, 0, source64_len, module_file)) # |:debug:| return ''.join(result)
[docs] def compile_(self, string, name=None, for_=None, # |:mth:| zipped=True, forced=None): '''Entry point for compilation. :returns: string with fully compiled adhoc source. Includes run-time class, imports, packed includes, verbatim includes, enabled/disabled sections. :param string: input string, with |adhoc| flags. :param name: for messages. :param for_: :class:`RtAdHoc` method call. :param zipped: if True, :mod:`gzip` included files. .. note:: for |adhoc|, commented lines, e.g. ``# import module # @:``\\ ``adhoc:@``, are ignored. .. \\|:here:| ''' m = 'cs: ' if name is None: name = repr(string[:50]) # check for @: adhoc_compiled :@ string = self.expand_macros(string) adhoc_compiled_lines = self.tag_lines( string, self.line_tag('adhoc_compiled')) if len(adhoc_compiled_lines) > 0: if not self.quiet: list(map(sys.stderr.write, ('# ', m, 'warning: ', name, ' already AdHoc\'ed `', adhoc_compiled_lines[0].rstrip(), '`\n',))) return string # check for @: adhoc_self :@ (should not be taken from any templates) adhoc_self_tag = self.line_tag('adhoc_self') adhoc_self_lines = self.tag_lines( string, adhoc_self_tag) if len(adhoc_self_lines) > 0: for line in adhoc_self_lines: line = re.sub(''.join(('^.*', adhoc_self_tag)), '', line) line = line.strip() selfs = line.split() if self.verbose: printe(sformat( '{0}{1}|' ':INF:| {2} found self: `{3}`', dbg_comm, m, name, ', '.join(selfs))) self.compiling.extend(selfs) # check for @: adhoc_remove :@ string = self.section_tag_rename(string, 'adhoc_remove', 'adhoc_remove_') # check for @: adhoc_verbatim :@ (templates can define the run-time flag, includes, imports) string = self.verbatim_(string, name) # search for @: adhoc_run_time :@ and put run-time section there! result = [] ah_run_time_sections = self.tag_split( string, self.line_tag(self.run_time_flag_symbol)) good = False for section in ah_run_time_sections: config_def = section[1] if not good and section[0]: # ignore double commented tagged lines if not re.match('\\s*#\\s*#', config_def): config_def = sformat('{0}{1}', config_def, self.run_time_section) good = True result.append(config_def) string = ''.join(result) # check for @: adhoc_include :@ string = self.include_(string, name, zipped) # handle @: adhoc :@ imports result = [] import_cmd_sections = self.tag_split(string, self.import_flag) if not good and len(import_cmd_sections) > 1: adhoc_dump_sections(import_cmd_sections) raise AdHocError(sformat('{0} not found', self.line_tag(self.run_time_flag_symbol))) for section in import_cmd_sections: import_def = section[1] if section[0]: # skip commented imports if re.match('\\s*#', import_def): if self.verbose: printe(sformat( '{0}{1}Skipping disabled `{2}`', dbg_comm, m, import_def.rstrip())) result.append(import_def) continue import_args = self.line_tag_strip(import_def, self.import_flag_symbol) module = '' mo = re.match( '(\\s*)from\\s+([a-zA-Z_][.0-9a-zA-Z_]*)\\s+' 'import', import_def) if mo: indent = module = else: mo = re.match( '([ \t\r]*)import[ \t\r]+([a-zA-Z_][.0-9a-zA-Z_]*)', import_def) if mo: indent = module = if len(module) > 0: module_flat = ((('flat' in import_args.lower().split()) and (True)) or (None)) module_flat = ((('full' in import_args.lower().split()) and (False)) or (module_flat)) module_forced = ((('force' in import_args.lower().split()) and (True)) or (forced)) source = self.encode_module_(module, for_, indent, zipped, module_flat, module_forced) import_def = sformat('{0}{1}',source, import_def) else: if self.verbose: list(map(sys.stderr.write, ('# ', m, 'warning: no import found! `', import_def.rstrip(), '`\n'))) result.append(import_def) string = ''.join(result) # These are last, to avoid enabling/disabling the wrong imports etc. # check for @: adhoc_enable :@ string = self.enable_sections(string, 'adhoc_enable') # check for @: adhoc_disable :@ string = self.disable_sections(string, 'adhoc_disable') #adhoc_dump_list(result) return string # -------------------------------------------------- # ||:sec:|| User API # --------------------------------------------------
def encode_include( # |:mth:| self, file_, as_=None, indent='', zipped=True): m = 'if: ' def encode_module( # |:mth:| self, module, for_=None, indent='', zipped=True, flat=None, forced=None): if hasattr(module, __name__): name = module.__name__ else: name = module if self.verbose: sys.stderr.write(sformat( '{0}--------------------------------------------------\n', dbg_comm)) sys.stderr.write(sformat( '{0}Get module `{1}`\n', dbg_comm, name)) sys.stderr.write(sformat( '{0}--------------------------------------------------\n', dbg_comm)) return self.encode_module_(module, for_, indent, zipped, flat, forced)
[docs] def compile(self, string, name=None, for_=None, # |:mth:| zipped=True, forced=None): '''Compile a string into adhoc output.''' if self.verbose: if name is None: name = repr(string[:50]) sys.stderr.write(sformat( '{0}--------------------------------------------------\n', dbg_comm)) sys.stderr.write(sformat( '{0}Compiling string `{1}`\n', dbg_comm, name)) sys.stderr.write(sformat( '{0}--------------------------------------------------\n', dbg_comm)) return self.compile_(string, name, for_, zipped, forced) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on
[docs] def compileFile(self, file_name, for_=None, zipped=True, forced=None): # |:mth:| # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off """Compile a file into adhoc output. Since a module that has RtAdHoc defined is already adhoc'ed, the run-time RtAdHoc method returns the file source as is. """ # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off if self.verbose: sys.stderr.write(sformat( '{0}--------------------------------------------------\n', dbg_comm)) sys.stderr.write( sformat('{0}Compiling {1}\n',dbg_comm, file_name)) sys.stderr.write(sformat( '{0}--------------------------------------------------\n', dbg_comm)) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on file_name, source = self.std_source_param(file_name, None) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ off source = self.compile_(source, file_name, for_, zipped, forced) # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ on return source # @:adhoc_run_time_section:@ END # (progn (forward-line -1) (insert "\n") (snip-insert-mode "py.s.class" t) (backward-symbol-tag 2 "fillme" "::")) # -------------------------------------------------- # |||:sec:||| FUNCTIONS # -------------------------------------------------- # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.f.hl" t) (insert "\n"))
hlr = None def hlcr(title=None, tag='|||' ':CHP:|||', rule_width=50, **kwargs): # ||:fnc:|| comm = ((('dbg_comm' in globals()) and (globals()['dbg_comm'])) or ('# ')) dstr = [] dstr.append(''.join((comm, '-' * rule_width))) if title: dstr.append(sformat('{0}{2:^{1}} {3!s}', comm, ((('dbg_twid' in globals()) and (globals()['dbg_twid'])) or (9)), tag, title)) dstr.append(''.join((comm, '-' * rule_width))) return '\n'.join(dstr) def hlsr(title=None, tag='||' ':SEC:||', rule_width=35, **kwargs): # |:fnc:| return hlcr(title, tag, rule_width) def hlssr(title=None, tag='|' ':INF:|', rule_width=20, **kwargs): # |:fnc:| return hlcr(title, tag, rule_width) def hlc(*args, **kwargs): # |:fnc:| for line in hlcr(*args, **kwargs).splitlines(): printf(line, **kwargs) def hls(*args, **kwargs): # |:fnc:| for line in hlsr(*args, **kwargs).splitlines(): printf(line, **kwargs) def hlss(*args, **kwargs): # |:fnc:| for line in hlssr(*args, **kwargs).splitlines(): printf(line, **kwargs) def hl(*args, **kwargs): # |:fnc:| for line in hlr(*args, **kwargs).splitlines(): printf(line, **kwargs) def hl_lvl(level=0): # |:fnc:| global hlr if level == 0: hlr = hlssr elif level == 1: hlr = hlsr else: hlr = hlcr hl_lvl(0) # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.f.single.quote" t) (insert "\n")) # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.f.remove.match" t) (insert "\n")) # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.f.printenv" t) (insert "\n")) # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.f.uname-s" t) (insert "\n")) # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.f.printe" t) (insert "\n")) def printe(*args, **kwargs): # ||:fnc:|| kwargs['file'] = kwargs.get('file', sys.stderr) printf(*args, **kwargs) # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.f.dbg.squeeze" t) (insert "\n")) # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.f.dbg.indent" t) (insert "\n")) # (progn (forward-line -1) (insert "\n") (snip-insert-mode "py.s.func" t) (backward-symbol-tag 2 "fillme" "::")) # -------------------------------------------------- # |||:sec:||| UTILTIES # -------------------------------------------------- def adhoc_dump_list(list_, max_wid=None): # ||:fnc:|| if max_wid is None: max_wid = 78 for indx, elt in enumerate(list_): elt = str(elt) if len(elt) > max_wid: elt = elt[:max_wid-3] + ' ...' printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', sformat('elt[{0}]', indx), repr(elt))) def adhoc_dump_sections(sections, max_wid=None): # ||:fnc:|| if max_wid is None: max_wid = 78 for indx, section in enumerate(sections): cut_section = list(section) if len(cut_section[1]) > max_wid: cut_section[1] = cut_section[1][:max_wid-3] + ' ...' printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', sformat('section[{0}]', indx), strclean(cut_section)))
[docs]def catch_stdout(): # ||:fnc:|| """Install a string IO as `sys.stdout`. :returns: a state variable that is needed by :func:`restore_stdout` to retrieve the output as string. """ output_sio = _AdHocStringIO() sv_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = output_sio return (sv_stdout, output_sio)
[docs]def restore_stdout(state): # ||:fnc:|| """Restore capturing `sys.stdout` and get captured output. :returns: captured output as string. :param state: state variable obtained from :func:`catch_stdout`. """ sys.stdout, output_sio = state output = output_sio.getvalue() output_sio.close() return output # @:adhoc_uncomment:@ # @:adhoc_template:@ -max-width-class
class mw_(object): mw = 0 def __call__(self, col): if < len(col): = len(col) return col class mwg_(object): def __init__(self, mwo): self.mwo = mwo def __call__(self): return # mws = [mw_(), mw_()] # mwg = [mwg_(mwo) for mwo in mws] # @:adhoc_template:@ # @:adhoc_uncomment:@ # @:adhoc_template:@ -rst-to-ascii RST_HEADER = '''\ .. -*- mode: rst; coding: utf-8 -*- .. role:: mod(strong) .. role:: func(strong) .. role:: class(strong) .. role:: attr(strong) .. role:: meth(strong) ''' RST_FOOTER = ''' .. :ide: COMPILE: render reST as HTML .. . (let* ((fp (buffer-file-name)) (fn (file-name-nondirectory fp))) (save-match-data (if (string-match-t "[.][^.]*$" fn) (setq fn (replace-match "" nil t fn)))) (let ((args (concat " " fp " | --traceback --cloak-email-addresses | tee " fn ".html "))) (save-buffer) (compile (concat "PATH=\\".:$PATH\\"; cat " args)))) .. .. Local Variables: .. mode: rst .. snip-mode: rst .. truncate-lines: t .. symbol-tag-symbol-regexp: "[-0-9A-Za-z_#]\\\\([-0-9A-Za-z_. ]*[-0-9A-Za-z_]\\\\|\\\\)" .. symbol-tag-auto-comment-mode: nil .. symbol-tag-srx-is-safe-with-nil-delimiters: nil .. End: '''
[docs]def rst_to_ascii(string, header_footer=False): # ||:fnc:|| '''Convert ReST documentation to ASCII.''' string = re.sub( '^\\s*[.][.]\\s*(note|warning|attention)::(?im)', '\\1:', string) string = re.sub( '^\\s*[.][.]\\s*automodule::[^\\n]*\\n(\\s[^\\n]+\\n)*\\n(?m)', '', string + '\n\n') string = re.sub('^\\s*[.][.]([^.][^\\n]*|)\\n(?m)', '', string) string = re.sub('\\\\\\*', '*', string) string = re.sub('^(\\s*)\\|(\\s|$)(?m)', '\\1', string) if header_footer: string = ''.join((RST_HEADER, string, RST_FOOTER)) string = re.sub('\\n\\n\\n+', '\\n\\n', string) return string # @:adhoc_template:@ # -------------------------------------------------- # |||:sec:||| SYMBOL-TAG TOOLS # --------------------------------------------------
[docs]def compile_(files=None): # ||:fnc:|| '''Compile files or standard input.''' if files is None: files = [] if len(files) == 0: files.append('-') compiled_files = [] for file_ in files: sys_path = sys.path file_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(file_)) sys.path.insert(0, file_dir) ah = AdHoc() compiled = ah.compileFile(file_) compiled_files.append(compiled) sys.path = sys_path return ''.join(map(lambda c: (((c.endswith('\n')) and (c)) or (''.join((c, '\n')))), compiled_files)) # -------------------------------------------------- # |||:sec:||| TEST # --------------------------------------------------
doc_index_rst_tag_symbols = ('adhoc_index_only',) def tpl_hook_doc_index_rst(cls, section, tag, tag_arg): # ||:fnc:|| tag_sym_rx = '|'.join([re.escape(tag_sym) for tag_sym in doc_index_rst_tag_symbols]) return cls.section_tag_remove(section, tag_sym_rx, is_re=True) def tpl_hook_readme(cls, section, tag, tag_arg): # ||:fnc:|| section = section.replace('@@contents@@', 'contents::') tag_sym_rx = '|'.join([re.escape(tag_sym) for tag_sym in doc_index_rst_tag_symbols]) return cls.remove_sections(section, tag_sym_rx, is_re=True)
[docs]def adhoc_rst_to_ascii(string): # ||:fnc:|| '''Transform ReST documentation to ASCII.''' string = rst_to_ascii(string) string = string.replace('|@:|\\\\? ', '@:') string = string.replace('\\\\? |:@|', ':@') string = string.replace('|@:|', '`@:`') string = string.replace('|:@|', '`:@`') string = re.sub('^:[|]_?(adhoc[^|]*)_?[|]([^:]*):(?m)', '@:\\1:@\\2', string) string = re.sub('[|]_?(adhoc[^|]*)_?[|]', '@:\\1:@', string) return string
def inc_template_marker(cls, as_template=False): # ||:fnc:|| sv = AdHoc.inc_delimiters() template_tag = ''.join(( '# ', AdHoc.section_tag('adhoc_template_v'), ' ', as_template, '\n')) AdHoc.reset_delimiters(sv) return template_tag def get_readme(file_=None, source=None, as_template=False, transform=True): # ||:fnc:|| file_, source = AdHoc.std_source_param(file_, source) template_name = 'doc/index.rst' tpl_hooks = AdHoc.template_process_hooks AdHoc.template_process_hooks = {template_name: tpl_hook_readme} template = AdHoc.get_named_template(template_name, file_, source) AdHoc.template_process_hooks = tpl_hooks template = template + '\n\n' + __doc__ + '\n' template = AdHoc.remove_sections(template, 'adhoc_index_only') if transform: template = adhoc_rst_to_ascii(template).strip() + '\n' if as_template: template_tag = inc_template_marker(AdHoc, as_template) output = [] output.append(template_tag) output.append(RST_HEADER) output.append(template) output.append(RST_FOOTER) output.append(template_tag) template = ''.join(output) return template def get_use_cases(as_template=None): # ||:fnc:|| output = [] if as_template is not None: template_tag = inc_template_marker(AdHoc, as_template) else: template_tag = '' output.append(template_tag) import use_case_000_ as use_case # @:adhoc:@ state = catch_stdout() use_case.main('script --docu'.split()) output.append(restore_stdout(state)) import use_case_001_templates_ as use_case # @:adhoc:@ state = catch_stdout() use_case.main('script --docu'.split()) output.append(restore_stdout(state)) import use_case_002_include_ as use_case # @:adhoc:@ state = catch_stdout() use_case.main('script --docu'.split()) output.append(restore_stdout(state)) import use_case_003_import_ as use_case # @:adhoc:@ state = catch_stdout() use_case.main('script --docu'.split()) output.append(restore_stdout(state)) import use_case_005_nested_ as use_case # @:adhoc:@ state = catch_stdout() use_case.main('script --docu'.split()) output.append(restore_stdout(state)) output.append(template_tag) output = ''.join(output) return output # -------------------------------------------------- # |||:sec:||| TEST # -------------------------------------------------- def adhoc_run_time_module(): # ||:fnc:|| |:todo:| experimental import imp if 'adhoc.rt' in sys.modules: return file_ = __file__ source = None exec_ = False if file_.endswith('.pyc'): file_ = file_[:-1] if 'adhoc' in sys.modules: adhoc = sys.modules['adhoc'] else: adhoc = imp.new_module('adhoc') setattr(adhoc, '__file__', file_) sys.modules['adhoc'] = adhoc exec_ = True if not hasattr(adhoc, '__adhoc__'): __adhoc__ = {} adhoc.__adhoc__ = __adhoc__ if 'source' not in adhoc.__adhoc__: adhoc.__adhoc__['source'] = AdHoc.read_source(file_) if exec_: source = AdHoc.encode_source(adhoc.__adhoc__['source']) exec(source, adhoc) RT = imp.new_module('adhoc.rt') setattr(adhoc, 'rt', RT) import adhoc_test.sub # @:adhoc:@ force def adhoc_check_modules(): # ||:fnc:|| hl_lvl(0) hlc('adhoc_check_modules') printf(sformat('{0}--------------------------------------------------', dbg_comm)) msg = ((('adhoc_test' in sys.modules) and ('SEEN')) or ('NOT SEEN')) printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'PRE sub import', 'adhoc_test ' + msg)) msg = ((('adhoc_test' in sys.modules) and ('SEEN')) or ('NOT SEEN')) printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'POST sub import', 'adhoc_test ' + msg)) printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'dir(adhoc_test.sub)', dir(adhoc_test.sub))) printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'adhoc_test.sub.__file__', adhoc_test.sub.__file__)) if 'adhoc_test' in sys.modules: printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'dir(adhoc_test)[auto]', dir(adhoc_test))) printf(sformat('{0}--------------------------------------------------', dbg_comm)) import adhoc_test # @:adhoc:@ printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'dir(adhoc_test)', dir(adhoc_test))) printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'adhoc_test.__file__', adhoc_test.__file__)) if hasattr(adhoc_test, '__path__'): printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'adhoc_test.__path__', adhoc_test.__path__))
[docs]def adhoc_check_module_setup(): # ||:fnc:|| ''' >>> state = catch_stdout() >>> adhoc_check_module_setup() >>> contents = restore_stdout(state) >>> contents = re.sub('(mtime.*\\])[^[]*(\\[)', r'\\1\\2', contents) >>> contents = re.sub(' at 0x([0-9a-f]+)', '', contents) >>> contents = re.sub(r'adhoc\\.pyc', '', contents) >>> contents = '\\n'.join([l.strip() for l in contents.splitlines()]) .. >>> ign = open('adhoc_check_module_setup.t', 'w').write( .. ... re.sub('^(?m)', ' ', contents) .. ... .replace('\\\\', '\\\\\\\\') + '\\n') .. @:adhoc_expected:@ adhoc_check_module_setup.e >>> printf(contents, end='') #doctest: +ELLIPSIS # -------------------------------------------------- # |||:CHP:||| adhoc_check_module_setup # -------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------- # ||:SEC:|| no:module:found # ----------------------------------- # :DBG: module : ]['__adhoc__', '__doc__', '__name__'...][ # ------------------------------ # :DBG: __adhoc__ : ]... # :DBG: __doc__ : ]None[ ... # -------------------- # |:INF:| no:module:found.__adhoc__ # -------------------- # :DBG: __adhoc__ : ]... # ------------------------------ # :DBG: __module__ : ]<module 'no:module:found' (built-in)>[ # :DBG: mode : ]...[ # :DBG: mtime : ][ # ----------------------------------- # ||:SEC:|| adhoc_test.sub # ----------------------------------- # :DBG: module : ]['ADHOC_TEST_SUB_IMPORTED',... # ------------------------------ # :DBG: ADHOC_TEST_SUB_IMPORTED: ]True[ # :DBG: __adhoc__ : ]... ... # :DBG: __doc__ : ]None[ # :DBG: __file__ : ]...adhoc_test/sub/[ ... # -------------------- # |:INF:| adhoc_test.sub.__adhoc__ # -------------------- # :DBG: __adhoc__ : ]... # ------------------------------ # :DBG: __module__ : ]<module 'adhoc_test.sub' from... ... # :DBG: source : ]...# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\\n\\nADHOC_TEST_SUB_IMPORTED = True\\n...[ # ----------------------------------- # ||:SEC:|| adhoc # ----------------------------------- # :DBG: adhoc : ]... # ------------------------------ # :DBG: AH_CHECK_SOURCE : ]... ... # :DBG: AdHoc : ]<class 'adhoc.AdHoc'>[ # :DBG: AdHocError : ]...adhoc.AdHocError...[ ... # :DBG: RST_HEADER : ]... ... # :DBG: __adhoc__ : ]... ... # :DBG: __file__ : ].../[ # :DBG: __name__ : ]adhoc[ ... # :DBG: _nativestr : ]<function _nativestr>[ # :DBG: _quiet : ]False[ # :DBG: _uc : ]<function ...>[ # :DBG: _utf8str : ]<function _utf8str>[ # :DBG: _verbose : ]False[ # :DBG: adhoc_check_encode_module: ]<function adhoc_check_encode_module>[ # :DBG: adhoc_check_module_setup : ]<function adhoc_check_module_setup>[ # :DBG: adhoc_check_modules : ]<function adhoc_check_modules>[ # :DBG: adhoc_check_packing : ]<function adhoc_check_packing>[ # :DBG: adhoc_dump_list : ]<function adhoc_dump_list>[ # :DBG: adhoc_dump_sections : ]<function adhoc_dump_sections>[ # :DBG: adhoc_rst_to_ascii : ]<function adhoc_rst_to_ascii>[ # :DBG: adhoc_run_time_module : ]<function adhoc_run_time_module>[ # :DBG: adhoc_test : ]<module 'adhoc_test' from '...adhoc_test/'>[ # :DBG: base64 : ]<module 'base64' from '.../'>[ # :DBG: catch_stdout : ]<function catch_stdout>[ # :DBG: compile_ : ]<function compile_>[ # :DBG: dbg_comm : ]# [ # :DBG: dbg_fwid : ]23[ # :DBG: dbg_twid : ]9[ # :DBG: dict_dump : ]<function dict_dump>[ # :DBG: ditems : ]<function <lambda>>[ # :DBG: dkeys : ]<function <lambda>>[ # :DBG: doc_index_rst_tag_symbols: ]('adhoc_index_only',)[ # :DBG: dump_attr : ]<function dump_attr>[ # :DBG: dvalues : ]<function <lambda>>[ # :DBG: file_encoding_is_clean : ]True[ # :DBG: get_readme : ]<function get_readme>[ # :DBG: get_use_cases : ]<function get_use_cases>[ # :DBG: hl : ]<function hl>[ # :DBG: hl_lvl : ]<function hl_lvl>[ # :DBG: hlc : ]<function hlc>[ # :DBG: hlcr : ]<function hlcr>[ # :DBG: hlr : ]<function hlssr>[ # :DBG: hls : ]<function hls>[ # :DBG: hlsr : ]<function hlsr>[ # :DBG: hlss : ]<function hlss>[ # :DBG: hlssr : ]<function hlssr>[ # :DBG: inc_template_marker : ]<function inc_template_marker>[ # :DBG: isstring : ]<function isstring>[ # :DBG: main : ]<function main>[ # :DBG: mw_ : ]<class 'adhoc.mw_'>[ # :DBG: mwg_ : ]<class 'adhoc.mwg_'>[ # :DBG: namespace_dict : ]<module 'namespace_dict' from ''>[ # :DBG: nativestr : ]<function nativestr>[ # :DBG: os : ]<module 'os' from '.../'>[ # :DBG: printe : ]<function printe>[ # :DBG: printf : ]<...function print...>[ # :DBG: re : ]<module 're' from '.../'>[ # :DBG: restore_stdout : ]<function restore_stdout>[ # :DBG: rst_to_ascii : ]<function rst_to_ascii>[ # :DBG: run : ]<function run>[ # :DBG: setdefaultencoding : ]<function setdefaultencoding>[ # :DBG: sformat : ]<function sformat>[ ... # :DBG: sys : ]<module 'sys' (built-in)>[ # :DBG: tpl_hook_doc_index_rst : ]<function tpl_hook_doc_index_rst>[ # :DBG: tpl_hook_readme : ]<function tpl_hook_readme>[ # :DBG: uc : ]<function uc>[ # :DBG: uc_type : ]<...>[ # :DBG: urllib : ]<module 'urllib' from '.../urllib...'>[ # :DBG: utf8str : ]<function utf8str>[ # -------------------- # |:INF:| adhoc.__adhoc__ # -------------------- # :DBG: __adhoc__ : ]... # ------------------------------ # :DBG: __module__ : ]<module 'adhoc' from '.../'>[ # :DBG: mode : ]...[ # :DBG: mtime : ][ # :DBG: source : ]#!/usr/bin/env python\\n# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\\n# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, Wolfgang Scherer, ... .. @:adhoc_expected:@ adhoc_check_module_setup.e .. \\|:here:| ''' # :ide-menu: Emacs IDE Menu - Buffer @BUFFER@ # . M-x `eIDE-menu' ()(eIDE-menu "z") # also remove __builtins__, _AdHocStringIO ... # (progn # (goto-char point-min) (replace-string "/home/ws/project/ws-util/adhoc" "..." nil (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-beginning)) (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-end))) # (goto-char point-min) (replace-string "/home/ws/project/ws-util/lib/python" "..." nil (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-beginning)) (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-end))) # (goto-char point-min) (replace-string "/home/ws/project/ws-util" "..." nil (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-beginning)) (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-end))) # (goto-char point-min) (replace-string ".pyc" ".py" nil (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-beginning)) (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-end))) # (goto-char point-min) (replace-string ".py" ".py..." nil (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-beginning)) (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-end))) # (goto-char point-min) (replace-string ".../" ".../urllib..." nil (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-beginning)) (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-end))) # (goto-char point-min) (replace-string "/usr/lib/python2.7" "..." nil (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-beginning)) (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-end))) # (goto-char point-min) (replace-string-regexp "# :DBG: __adhoc__\\( *\\): \\].*" "# :DBG: __adhoc__\\1: ]..." nil (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-beginning)) (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-end))) # (goto-char point-min) (replace-string-regexp "# :DBG: adhoc\\( *\\): \\].*" "# :DBG: adhoc\\1: ]..." nil (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-beginning)) (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-end))) # (goto-char point-min) (replace-string-regexp "# :DBG: module : ..'ADHOC_TEST_SUB_IMPORTED',.*" "# :DBG: module : ]['ADHOC_TEST_SUB_IMPORTED',..." nil (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-beginning)) (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-end))) # (goto-char point-min) (replace-string "<function _uc>" "<function ...>" nil (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-beginning)) (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-end))) # (goto-char point-min) (replace-string "<type 'unicode'>" "<...>" nil (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-beginning)) (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-end))) # (goto-char point-min) # (goto-char point-min) # (goto-char point-min) # ) wid = 100 trunc = 10 hl_lvl(0) hlc('adhoc_check_module_setup') mod_name = 'no:module:found' hls(mod_name) module = AdHoc.module_setup('no:module:found') printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'module', str(dir(module))[:wid])) dump_attr(module, wid=wid, trunc=trunc) hl(sformat('{0}.__adhoc__',mod_name)) printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', '__adhoc__', str(dir(module.__adhoc__))[:wid])) dump_attr(module.__adhoc__, wid=wid, trunc=trunc) hls('adhoc_test.sub') import adhoc_test.sub # @:adhoc:@ module = AdHoc.module_setup('adhoc_test.sub') printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'module', str(dir(module))[:wid])) dump_attr(module, wid=wid, trunc=trunc) hl('adhoc_test.sub.__adhoc__') printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', '__adhoc__', str(dir(module.__adhoc__))[:wid])) dump_attr(module.__adhoc__, wid=wid, trunc=trunc) try: import adhoc hls('adhoc') module = AdHoc.module_setup('adhoc') printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'adhoc', str(dir(module))[:wid])) dump_attr(module, wid=wid, trunc=trunc) hl('adhoc.__adhoc__') printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', '__adhoc__', str(dir(module.__adhoc__))[:wid])) dump_attr(module.__adhoc__, wid=wid, trunc=trunc) except ImportError: pass
def adhoc_check_encode_module(): # ||:fnc:|| wid = 100 trunc = 10 hl_lvl(0) hlc('adhoc_check_encode_module') module = AdHoc.module_setup('no:module:found') hl('IMPORT SPEC') ahc = AdHoc() import_spec = '\n'.join(ahc.run_time_section.splitlines()[:5]) printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'ahc.run_time_section', import_spec)) for_=None module_name = 'no:module:found' #hl(sformat('GET MODULE {0}',module_name)) module_import = ahc.encode_module(module_name, for_) printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'module_import', '\n'.join(module_import.splitlines()[:5]))) module_name = 'ws_sql_tools' #hl(sformat('GET MODULE {0}',module_name)) module_import = ahc.encode_module(module_name, for_) printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'module_import', '\n'.join(module_import.splitlines()[:5]))) hl('EXECUTE') exec(module_import)
[docs]def adhoc_check_packing(): # ||:fnc:|| """ >>> source = AdHoc.read_source(__file__) >>> AdHoc.write_source('write-check', source) >>> rsource = AdHoc.read_source('write-check') >>> os.unlink('write-check') >>> (source == rsource) True >>> psource = AdHoc.pack_file(source, zipped=False) >>> usource = AdHoc.unpack_file(psource, zipped=False) >>> (source == usource) True >>> psource = AdHoc.pack_file(source, zipped=True) >>> usource = AdHoc.unpack_file(psource, zipped=True) >>> (source == usource) True """
[docs]def run(parameters, pass_opts): # ||:fnc:|| """Application runner, when called as __main__.""" # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "" t) (insert "\n")) # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "" t) (insert "\n")) # @: adhoc_enable:@ if not (parameters.compile or parameters.decompile): parameters.compile = True # @: adhoc_enable:@ if not parameters.args: parameters.args = '-' if _debug: printe(sformat( "{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'parameters.args', parameters.args)) # |:here:| if parameters.compile: output = parameters.output if _verbose: printe(sformat( "{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':INF:', 'output', output)) if output is None: output = '-' compiled = compile_(parameters.args) if _debug: printe(sformat( "{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'compiled', compiled)) AdHoc.write_source(output, compiled) return if parameters.decompile: AdHoc.default_engine = True export_dir = parameters.output if export_dir is not None: AdHoc.export_dir = export_dir if _verbose: printe(sformat( "{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':INF:', 'export_dir', export_dir)) for file_ in parameters.args: AdHoc.export(file_) return # |:here:| # @:adhoc_disable:@ -development_tests myfile = __file__ if myfile.endswith('.pyc'): myfile = myfile[:-1] myself = AdHoc.read_source(myfile) if False: adhoc_check_modules() # |:debug:| adhoc_check_module_setup() # |:debug:| # import ws_sql_tools # ws_sql_tools.dbg_fwid = dbg_fwid ws_sql_tools.check_file() import_cmd_sections = AdHoc.tag_lines( myself, AdHoc.line_tag('adhoc')) printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'import_cmd_sections', import_cmd_sections)) import_cmd_sections = AdHoc.tag_split( myself, AdHoc.line_tag('adhoc')) adhoc_dump_sections(import_cmd_sections) pass # |:here:| # @:adhoc_disable:@ # @:adhoc_disable:@ -more_development_tests # @:adhoc_remove:@ ah_retained, ah_removed = AdHoc.tag_partition( myself, AdHoc.section_tag('adhoc_remove')) hl('REMOVED') adhoc_dump_list(ah_removed) hl('RETAINED') adhoc_dump_list(ah_retained) # @:adhoc_remove:@ # |:debug:| def/class ah = AdHoc() ah_run_time_section = ah.prepare_run_time_section() printf(sformat("{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[", dbg_comm, dbg_twid, dbg_fwid, ':DBG:', 'ah_run_time_section', ah_run_time_section)) # adhoc_check_modules() # |:debug:| # adhoc_check_module_setup() # |:debug:| # adhoc_check_encode_module() # |:debug:| # |:debug:| compiler ah = AdHoc() compiled = ah.compile(myself, 'myself') printf(compiled, end='') # @:adhoc_disable:@ # |:here:| return # -------------------------------------------------- # |||:sec:||| MAIN # --------------------------------------------------
_quiet = False _verbose = False _debug = False # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.f.setdefaultencoding" t) (insert "\n")) file_encoding_is_clean = True def setdefaultencoding(encoding=None, quiet=False): if file_encoding_is_clean: return if encoding is None: encoding='utf-8' try: isinstance('', basestring) if not hasattr(sys, '_setdefaultencoding'): if not quiet: printf('''\ Add this to /etc/python2.x/, or put it in local and adjust PYTHONPATH=".:${PYTHONPATH}":: try: import sys setattr(sys, '_setdefaultencoding', getattr(sys, 'setdefaultencoding')) except AttributeError: pass Running with reload(sys) hack ... ''', file=sys.stderr) reload(sys) setattr(sys, '_setdefaultencoding', getattr(sys, 'setdefaultencoding')) sys._setdefaultencoding(encoding) except NameError: # python3 already has utf-8 default encoding ;-) pass def main(argv): # ||:fnc:|| global _quiet, _debug, _verbose global RtAdHoc, AdHoc global adhoc_rst_to_ascii _parameters = None _pass_opts = [] try: # try system library first import argparse except ImportError: # use canned version try: import argparse_local as argparse # @:adhoc:@ except ImportError: printe('error: argparse missing. Try `easy_install argparse`.') sys.exit(1) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) # parser.add_argument('--sum', dest='accumulate', action='store_const', # const=sum, default=max, # help='sum the integers (default: find the max)') # |:opt:| add options # |:special:| class AdHocAction(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): list(map(lambda opt: setattr(namespace, opt, False), ('implode', 'explode', 'extract', 'template', 'compile', 'decompile'))) setattr(namespace, option_string[2:], True) setattr(namespace, 'adhoc_arg', values) parser.add_argument( '-c', '--compile', nargs=0, action=AdHocAction, default=False, help='compile file(s) or standard input into file OUT (default standard output).') parser.add_argument( '-d', '--decompile', nargs=0, action=AdHocAction, default=False, help='decompile file(s) or standard input into DIR (default __adhoc__).') parser.add_argument( '-o', '--output', action='store', type=str, default=None, help='output file/directory for --compile/--decompile.') # |:special:| parser.add_argument( '-q', '--quiet', action='store_const', const=-2, dest='debug', default=0, help='suppress warnings') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_const', const=-1, dest='debug', default=0, help='verbose test output') parser.add_argument( '--debug', nargs='?', action='store', type=int, metavar='NUM', default = 0, const = 1, help='show debug information') parser.add_argument( '-t', '--test', action='store_true', help='run doc tests') parser.add_argument( '--implode', nargs=0, action=AdHocAction, default=False, help='implode script with adhoc') parser.add_argument( '--explode', nargs='?', action=AdHocAction, type=str, metavar='DIR', default=False, const='__adhoc__', help='explode script with adhoc in directory DIR' ' (default: `__adhoc__`)') parser.add_argument( '--extract', nargs='?', action=AdHocAction, type=str, metavar='DIR', default=False, const = '.', help='extract files to directory DIR (default: `.`)') parser.add_argument( '--template', nargs='?', action=AdHocAction, type=str, metavar='NAME', default=False, const = '-', help='extract named template to standard output. default NAME is ``-``') parser.add_argument( '--expected', nargs='?', action=AdHocAction, type=str, metavar='DIR', default=False, const = '.', help='extract expected output to directory DIR (default: `.`)') parser.add_argument( '-h', '--help', action='store_true', help="display this help message") # |:special:| parser.add_argument( '--documentation', action='store_true', help="display module documentation.") parser.add_argument( '--install', action='store_true', help="install script.") # |:special:| parser.add_argument( '--ap-help', action='store_true', help="internal help message") parser.add_argument( 'args', nargs='*', metavar='arg', #'args', nargs='+', metavar='arg', #type=argparse.FileType('r'), default=sys.stdin, help='a series of arguments') #_parameters = parser.parse_args() (_parameters, _pass_opts) = parser.parse_known_args(argv[1:]) # generate argparse help if _parameters.ap_help: parser.print_help() return 0 # standard help if # |:special:| help_msg = __doc__ help_msg = re.sub( '^\\s*[.][.]\\s+_END_OF_HELP:\\s*\n.*(?ms)', '', help_msg) sys.stdout.write(adhoc_rst_to_ascii(help_msg).strip() + '\n') # |:special:| return 0 _debug = _parameters.debug if _debug > 0: _verbose = True _quiet = False elif _debug < 0: _verbose = (_debug == -1) _quiet = not(_verbose) _debug = 0 _parameters.debug = _debug _parameters.verbose = _verbose _parameters.quiet = _quiet if _debug: cmd_line = argv sys.stderr.write(sformat( "{0}{3:^{1}} {4:<{2}s}: ]{5!s}[\n", ((('dbg_comm' in globals()) and (globals()['dbg_comm'])) or ('# ')), ((('dbg_twid' in globals()) and (globals()['dbg_twid'])) or (9)), ((('dbg_fwid' in globals()) and (globals()['dbg_fwid'])) or (15)), ':DBG:', 'cmd_line', cmd_line)) # at least use `quiet` to suppress the setdefaultencoding warning setdefaultencoding(quiet=_quiet or _parameters.test) # |:opt:| handle options # adhoc: implode/explode/extract adhoc_export = (_parameters.explode or _parameters.extract) adhoc_op = (_parameters.implode or adhoc_export or _parameters.template # |:special:| or _parameters.documentation or _parameters.install or _parameters.expected # |:special:| ) if adhoc_op: # |:special:| # compiled AdHoc RtAdHoc # compiled v # implode req req # explode req req # extract req req # template req(v) req # # uncompiled --- AdHoc ---> implode --> (compiled) # compiled -- RtAdHoc --> explode --> __adhoc__ # compiled -- RtAdHoc --> extracted --> . # compiled -- RtAdHoc --> template --> stdout # |:special:| file_ = __file__ source = None have_adhoc = 'AdHoc' in globals() have_rt_adhoc = 'RtAdHoc' in globals() # shall adhoc be imported if _parameters.implode or not have_rt_adhoc: # shall this file be compiled adhoc_compile = not (have_rt_adhoc # |:special:| or _parameters.documentation # |:special:| ) os_path = os.defpath for pv in ('PATH', 'path'): try: os_path = os.environ[pv] break except KeyError: pass os_path = os_path.split(os.pathsep) for path_dir in os_path: if not path_dir: continue if path_dir not in sys.path: sys.path.append(path_dir) if not have_adhoc: try: import adhoc AdHoc = adhoc.AdHoc except ImportError: adhoc_compile = False try: from rt_adhoc import RtAdHoc as Adhoc except ImportError: pass # |:special:| AdHoc.flat = False # |:special:| else: adhoc_compile = False AdHoc = RtAdHoc AdHoc.quiet = _quiet AdHoc.verbose = _verbose AdHoc.debug = _debug AdHoc.include_path.append(os.path.dirname(file_)) AdHoc.extra_templates = [ ('README.txt', 'adhoc_template'), ('doc/USE_CASES.txt', 'adhoc_template'), ] AdHoc.template_process_hooks = {'doc/index.rst': tpl_hook_doc_index_rst} if adhoc_compile: ah = AdHoc() source = ah.compileFile(file_) else: file_, source = AdHoc.std_source_param(file_) # implode if _parameters.implode: # @:adhoc_enable:@ # if not _quiet: # list(map(sys.stderr.write, # ["warning: ", os.path.basename(file_), # " already imploded!\n"])) # @:adhoc_enable:@ AdHoc.write_source('-', source) # explode elif (_parameters.explode # |:special:| or _parameters.install # |:special:| ): # |:special:| if _parameters.install: _parameters.adhoc_arg = '__adhoc_install__' # |:special:| AdHoc.export_dir = _parameters.adhoc_arg AdHoc.export(file_, source) # |:special:| README = get_readme(file_, source, as_template='README.txt', transform=False) USE_CASES = get_use_cases(as_template='doc/USE_CASES.txt') sv = AdHoc.inc_delimiters() AdHoc.export(file_, README) AdHoc.export(file_, USE_CASES) AdHoc.reset_delimiters(sv) # |:special:| # extract elif _parameters.extract: AdHoc.extract_dir = _parameters.adhoc_arg AdHoc.extract(file_, source) # |:special:| # imports, that should be extracted for imported in ( 'use_case_000_', 'use_case_001_templates_', 'use_case_002_include_', 'use_case_003_import_', 'use_case_005_nested_', ): ximported = ''.join((imported, '.py')) ximported = AdHoc.check_xfile(ximported) if ximported: simported = AdHoc.get_named_template(imported, file_) AdHoc.write_source(ximported, simported) README = get_readme(file_, source, as_template='README.txt', transform=False) USE_CASES = get_use_cases(as_template='doc/USE_CASES.txt') sv = AdHoc.inc_delimiters() AdHoc.extract(file_, README) AdHoc.extract(file_, USE_CASES) AdHoc.reset_delimiters(sv) # |:special:| # template elif _parameters.template: template_name = _parameters.adhoc_arg if not template_name: template_name = '-' if template_name == 'list': sys.stdout.write( '\n'.join(AdHoc.template_table(file_, source)) + '\n') # |:special:| elif template_name == 'README.txt': README = get_readme(file_, source, as_template=template_name, transform=False) sv = AdHoc.inc_delimiters() AdHoc.write_source('-', AdHoc.get_named_template(template_name, file_, README)) AdHoc.reset_delimiters(sv) elif template_name == 'doc/USE_CASES.txt': USE_CASES = get_use_cases() AdHoc.write_source('-', USE_CASES) # |:special:| else: template = AdHoc.get_named_template( template_name, file_, source) # |:special:| template = AdHoc.section_tag_remove(template, "adhoc_run_time_section") # |:special:| AdHoc.write_source('-', template) # |:special:| # expected elif _parameters.expected: AdHoc.extract_dir = _parameters.adhoc_arg AdHoc.extract_templates(file_, source, AdHoc.section_tag('adhoc_expected')) # documentation elif _parameters.documentation: sys.stdout.write(get_readme(file_, source)) # install if _parameters.install: here = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) os.chdir(AdHoc.export_dir) os.system(''.join((sys.executable, " install"))) os.chdir(here) import shutil shutil.rmtree(AdHoc.export_dir, True) # |:special:| # restore for subsequent calls to main if not have_adhoc: del(AdHoc) return 0 # run doc tests if _parameters.test: import doctest doctest.testmod(verbose = _verbose) return 0 # |:opt:| handle options run(_parameters, _pass_opts) if __name__ == "__main__": #sys.argv.insert(1, '--debug') # |:debug:| result = main(sys.argv) sys.exit(result) # |:here:| # @:adhoc_uncomment:@ # @:adhoc_template:@ -test # Test template. # @:adhoc_template:@ # @:adhoc_uncomment:@ if False: pass # @:adhoc_verbatim:@ # docutils.conf # @:adhoc_include:@ Makefile,, README.css, # @:adhoc_include:@ doc/, doc/make.bat, doc/Makefile, doc/, doc/adhoc-logo.svg, doc/_static/adhoc-logo-32.ico # |:here:| # (progn (forward-line 1) (snip-insert-mode "py.t.ide" t) (insert "\n")) # # :ide-menu: Emacs IDE Main Menu - Buffer @BUFFER@ # . M-x `eIDE-menu' (eIDE-menu "z") # :ide: CSCOPE ON # . (cscope-minor-mode) # :ide: CSCOPE OFF # . (cscope-minor-mode (quote ( nil ))) # :ide: TAGS: forced update # . (compile (concat "cd /home/ws/project/ws-rfid && make -k FORCED=1 tags")) # :ide: TAGS: update # . (compile (concat "cd /home/ws/project/ws-rfid && make -k tags")) # :ide: +-#+ # . Utilities () # :ide: TOC: Generate TOC with # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat " ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " "))) # :ide: CMD: Fold region with line continuation # . (shell-command-on-region (region-beginning) (region-end) "fold --spaces -width 79 | sed 's, $,,;1!s,^, ,;$!s,$,\\\\,'" nil nil nil t) # :ide: CMD: Fold region and replace with line continuation # . (shell-command-on-region (region-beginning) (region-end) "fold --spaces --width 79 | sed 's, $,,;1!s,^, ,;$!s,$,\\\\,'" t nil nil t) # :ide: +-#+ # . Fold () # :ide: CMD: Remove 8 spaces and add `>>> ' to region # . (shell-command-on-region (region-beginning) (region-end) "sed 's,^ ,,;/^[ ]*##/d;/^[ ]*#/{;s,^ *# *,,p;d;};/^[ ]*$/!s,^,>>> ,'" nil nil nil t) # :ide: CMD: Remove 4 spaces and add `>>> ' to region # . (shell-command-on-region (region-beginning) (region-end) "sed 's,^ ,,;/^[ ]*##/d;/^[ ]*#/{;s,^ *# *,,p;d;};/^[ ]*$/!s,^,>>> ,'" nil nil nil t) # :ide: +-#+ # . Doctest () # :ide: LINT: Check 80 column width ignoring IDE Menus # . (let ((args " | /srv/ftp/pub/ -")) (compile (concat "sed 's,^\\(\\|. \\|.. \\|... \\)\\(:ide\\|[.] \\).*,,;s,^ *. (progn (forward-line.*,,' " (buffer-file-name) " " args " | sed 's,^-," (buffer-file-name) ",'"))) # :ide: LINT: Check 80 column width # . (let ((args "")) (compile (concat "/srv/ftp/pub/ " (buffer-file-name) " " args))) # :ide: +-#+ # . Lint Tools () # :ide: DELIM: |: SYM :| |:tag:| standard symbol-tag! # . (symbol-tag-normalize-delimiter (cons (cons nil "|:") (cons ":|" nil)) t) # :ide: DELIM: :: SYM :: ::fillme:: future standard fill-me tag # . (symbol-tag-normalize-delimiter (cons (cons nil "::") (cons "::" nil)) t) # :ide: DELIM: @: SYM :@ @:fillme:@ adhoc tag # . (symbol-tag-normalize-delimiter (cons (cons nil "@:") (cons ":@" nil)) t) # :ide: +-#+ # . Delimiters () # :ide: COMPILE: Run with --ap-help # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --ap-help"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with --help # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --help"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with --test # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --test"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with --test --verbose # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --test --verbose"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with --debug # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --debug"))) # :ide: +-#+ # . Compile with standard arguments () # :ide: OCCUR-OUTLINE: Python Source Code # . (x-symbol-tag-occur-outline "sec" '("||:" ":||") (cons (cons "^\\([ \t\r]*\\(def\\|class\\)[ ]+\\|[A-Za-z_]?\\)" nil) (cons nil "\\([ \t\r]*(\\|[ \t]*=\\)"))) # :ide: MENU-OUTLINE: Python Source Code # . (x-eIDE-menu-outline "sec" '("|||:" ":|||") (cons (cons "^\\([ \t\r]*\\(def\\|class\\)[ ]+\\|[A-Za-z_]?\\)" nil) (cons nil "\\([ \t\r]*(\\|[ \t]*=\\)"))) # :ide: +-#+ # . Outline () # :ide: INFO: SQLAlchemy - SQL Expression Language - Reference # . (let ((ref-buffer "*sqa-expr-ref*")) (if (not (get-buffer ref-buffer)) (shell-command (concat "w3m -dump -cols " (number-to-string (1- (window-width))) " ''") ref-buffer) (display-buffer ref-buffer t))) # :ide: INFO: SQLAlchemy - SQL Expression Language - Tutorial # . (let ((ref-buffer "*sqa-expr-tutor*")) (if (not (get-buffer ref-buffer)) (shell-command (concat "w3m -dump -cols " (number-to-string (1- (window-width))) " ''") ref-buffer) (display-buffer ref-buffer t))) # :ide: INFO: SQLAlchemy - Query # . (let ((ref-buffer "*sqa-query*")) (if (not (get-buffer ref-buffer)) (shell-command (concat "w3m -dump -cols " (number-to-string (1- (window-width))) " ''") ref-buffer) (display-buffer ref-buffer t))) # :ide: +-#+ # . SQLAlchemy Reference () # :ide: INFO: Python - argparse # . (let ((ref-buffer "*python-argparse*")) (if (not (get-buffer ref-buffer)) (shell-command (concat "w3m -dump -cols " (number-to-string (1- (window-width))) " ''") ref-buffer) (display-buffer ref-buffer t))) # :ide: INFO: Python Documentation # . (let ((ref-buffer "*w3m*")) (if (get-buffer ref-buffer) (display-buffer ref-buffer t)) (other-window 1) (w3m-goto-url "" nil nil)) # :ide: INFO: Python Reference # . (let* ((ref-buffer "*python-ref*") (local "/home/ws/project/ws-util/python/reference/PQR2.7.html") (url (or (and (file-exists-p local) local) "''"))) (unless (get-buffer ref-buffer) (get-buffer-create ref-buffer) (with-current-buffer ref-buffer (shell-command (concat "snc 2>/dev/null") ref-buffer) (goto-char (point-min)) (if (eobp) (shell-command (concat "w3m -dump -cols " (number-to-string (1- (window-width))) " " url) ref-buffer)))) (display-buffer ref-buffer t)) # :ide: +-#+ # . Python Reference () # :ide: COMPILE: Run with --decompile dist/ # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "rm -rf __adhoc__; cp -p dist/ dist/; python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --decompile dist/"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with cat dist/ | --decompile # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "rm -rf __adhoc__; cat dist/ | python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --decompile"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with cat /dev/null | --decompile # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "rm -rf __adhoc__; cat /dev/null | python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --decompile"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with cat /dev/null | --compile # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "cat /dev/null | python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --compile"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with cat /dev/null | # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "cat /dev/null | python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " "))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with --help # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --help"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with --template doc/index.rst # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --template doc/index.rst"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with --template test # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --template test"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with --template # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --template"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with python3 with --template list # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "python3 ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --template list"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with --verbose --implode # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --verbose --implode"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with --documentation # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --documentation"))) # :ide: COMPILE: make ftp # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "make -k ftp"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with --verbose --extract # . (progn (save-buffer) (shell-command "rm -f README.txt doc/index.rst") (compile (concat "python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --verbose --extract"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with --verbose --template README.txt # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --verbose --template README.txt"))) # :ide: COMPILE: make doc # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "make doc"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with --template list # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --template list"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with python3 with --test # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "python3 ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --test"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with python3 w/o args # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "python3 ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " "))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with --expected # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --expected"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with --test # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --test"))) # :ide: COMPILE: Run with --verbose # . (progn (save-buffer) (compile (concat "python ./" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) " --verbose"))) # :ide: +-#+ # . Compile () # # Local Variables: # mode: python # comment-start: "#" # comment-start-skip: "#+" # comment-column: 0 # truncate-lines: t # End: