
Terms are used to provide choices for sequence widgets or any other construct needing them. Since Zope 3 already has sources and vocabularies, the base terms class simply builds on them.


Thus, let’s create a vocabulary first:

>>> from zope.schema import vocabulary
>>> ratings = vocabulary.SimpleVocabulary([
...     vocabulary.SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(0, '0', u'bad'),
...     vocabulary.SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(1, '1', u'okay'),
...     vocabulary.SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(2, '2', u'good')
...     ])


Now we can create the terms object:

>>> from z3c.form import term
>>> terms = term.Terms()
>>> terms.terms = ratings

Getting a term from a given value is simple:

>>> terms.getTerm(0).title
>>> terms.getTerm(3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
LookupError: 3

When converting values from their Web representation back to the internal representation, we have to be able to look up a term by its token:

>>> terms.getTermByToken('0').title
>>> terms.getTerm('3')
Traceback (most recent call last):
LookupError: 3

However, often we just want the value so asking for the value that is represented by a token saves usually one line of code:

>>> terms.getValue('0')
>>> terms.getValue('3')
Traceback (most recent call last):
LookupError: 3

You can also iterate through all terms:

>>> [entry.title for entry in terms]
[u'bad', u'okay', u'good']

Or ask how many terms you have in the first place:

>>> len(terms)

Finally the API allows you to check whether a particular value is available in the terms:

>>> 0 in terms
>>> 3 in terms

Now, there are several terms implementations that were designed for particular fields. Within the framework, terms are used as adapters with the follwoing discriminators: context, request, form, field, vocabulary/source and widget.

Choice field

The first terms implementation is for Choice fields. Choice fields unfortunately can have a vocabulary and a source which behave differently. Let’s have a look a the vocabulary first:

>>> import zope.component
>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(term.ChoiceTermsVocabulary)
>>> import z3c.form.testing
>>> request = z3c.form.testing.TestRequest()
>>> import z3c.form.widget
>>> widget = z3c.form.widget.Widget(request)
>>> import zope.schema
>>> ratingField = zope.schema.Choice(
...     title=u'Rating',
...     vocabulary=ratings)
>>> terms = term.ChoiceTerms(
...     None, request, None, ratingField, widget)
>>> [entry.title for entry in terms]
[u'bad', u'okay', u'good']

Sometimes choice fields only specify a vocabulary name and the actual vocabulary is looked up at run time.

>>> ratingField2 = zope.schema.Choice(
...     title=u'Rating',
...     vocabulary='Ratings')

Initially we get an error because the “Ratings” vocabulary is not defined:

>>> terms = term.ChoiceTerms(
...     None, request, None, ratingField2, widget)
Traceback (most recent call last):
VocabularyRegistryError: unknown vocabulary: 'Ratings'

Let’s now register the vocabulary under this name:

>>> def RatingsVocabulary(obj):
...     return ratings
>>> from zope.schema import vocabulary
>>> vr = vocabulary.getVocabularyRegistry()
>>> vr.register('Ratings', RatingsVocabulary)

We should now be able to get all terms as before:

>>> terms = term.ChoiceTerms(
...     None, request, None, ratingField, widget)
>>> [entry.title for entry in terms]
[u'bad', u'okay', u'good']

Bool fields

A similar terms implementation exists for a Bool field:

>>> truthField = zope.schema.Bool()
>>> terms = term.BoolTerms(None, None, None, truthField, None)
>>> [entry.title for entry in terms]
[u'yes', u'no']

In case you don’t like the choice of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ for the labels, we can subclass the BoolTerms class to control the display labels.

>>> class MyBoolTerms(term.BoolTerms):
...   trueLabel = u'True'
...   falseLabel = u'False'
>>> terms = MyBoolTerms(None, None, None, truthField, None)
>>> [entry.title for entry in terms]
[u'True', u'False']


Finally, there are a terms adapters for all collections. But we have to register some adapters before using it:

>>> from z3c.form import term
>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(term.CollectionTerms)
>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(term.CollectionTermsVocabulary)
>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(term.CollectionTermsSource)
>>> ratingsField = zope.schema.List(
...     title=u'Ratings',
...     value_type=ratingField)
>>> terms = term.CollectionTerms(
...     None, request, None, ratingsField, widget)
>>> [entry.title for entry in terms]
[u'bad', u'okay', u'good']


Basic sources

Basic sources need no context to compute their value. Let’s create a source first:

>>> from zc.sourcefactory.basic import BasicSourceFactory
>>> class RatingSourceFactory(BasicSourceFactory):
...     _mapping = {10: u'ugly', 20: u'nice', 30: u'great'}
...     def getValues(self):
...         return self._mapping.keys()
...     def getTitle(self, value):
...         return self._mapping[value]

As we did not include the configure.zcml of zc.sourcefactory we have to register some required adapters manually. We also need the ChoiceTermsSource adapter:

>>> import zope.component
>>> import zc.sourcefactory.browser.source
>>> import zc.sourcefactory.browser.token
>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(
...     zc.sourcefactory.browser.source.FactoredTerms)
>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(
...     zc.sourcefactory.browser.token.fromInteger)
>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(term.ChoiceTermsSource)

Choice fields

Sources can be used with Choice fields like vocabularies. First we create a field based on the source:

>>> sourceRatingField = zope.schema.Choice(
...     title=u'Sourced Rating',
...     source=RatingSourceFactory())

We connect the field to a widget to see the ITerms adapter for sources at work:

>>> terms = term.ChoiceTerms(
...     None, request, None, sourceRatingField, widget)

Iterating over the terms adapter returnes the term objects:

>>> [entry for entry in terms]
[<zc.sourcefactory.browser.source.FactoredTerm object at 0x...>,
 <zc.sourcefactory.browser.source.FactoredTerm object at 0x...>,
 <zc.sourcefactory.browser.source.FactoredTerm object at 0x...>]
>>> len(terms)
>>> [entry.token for entry in terms]
['10', '20', '30']
>>> [entry.title for entry in terms]
[u'ugly', u'nice', u'great']

Using a token it is possible to look up the term and the value:

>>> terms.getTermByToken('20').title
>>> terms.getValue('30')

With can test if a value is in the source:

>>> 30 in terms
>>> 25 in terms


Finally, there are terms adapters for all collections:

>>> sourceRatingsField = zope.schema.List(
...     title=u'Sourced Ratings',
...     value_type=sourceRatingField)
>>> terms = term.CollectionTerms(
...     None, request, None, sourceRatingsField, widget)
>>> [entry.title for entry in terms]
[u'ugly', u'nice', u'great']

Contextual sources

Contextual sources depend on the context they are called on. Let’s create a context and a contextual source:

>>> from zc.sourcefactory.contextual import BasicContextualSourceFactory
>>> class RatingContext(object):
...     base_value = 10
>>> class ContextualRatingSourceFactory(BasicContextualSourceFactory):
...     _mapping = {10: u'ugly', 20: u'nice', 30: u'great'}
...     def getValues(self, context):
...         return [context.base_value + x for x in self._mapping.keys()]
...     def getTitle(self, context, value):
...         return self._mapping[value - context.base_value]

As we did not include the configure.zcml of zc.sourcefactory we have to register some required adapters manually. We also need the ChoiceTermsSource adapter:

>>> import zope.component
>>> import zc.sourcefactory.browser.source
>>> import zc.sourcefactory.browser.token
>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(
...     zc.sourcefactory.browser.source.FactoredContextualTerms)
>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(
...     zc.sourcefactory.browser.token.fromInteger)
>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(term.ChoiceTermsSource)

Choice fields

Contextual sources can be used with Choice fields like vocabularies. First we create a field based on the source:

>>> contextualSourceRatingField = zope.schema.Choice(
...     title=u'Context Sourced Rating',
...     source=ContextualRatingSourceFactory())

We create an context object and connect the field to a widget to see the ITerms adapter for sources at work:

>>> rating_context = RatingContext()
>>> rating_context.base_value = 100
>>> terms = term.ChoiceTerms(
...     rating_context, request, None, contextualSourceRatingField, widget)

Iterating over the terms adapter returnes the term objects:

>>> [entry for entry in terms]
[<zc.sourcefactory.browser.source.FactoredTerm object at 0x...>,
 <zc.sourcefactory.browser.source.FactoredTerm object at 0x...>,
 <zc.sourcefactory.browser.source.FactoredTerm object at 0x...>]
>>> len(terms)
>>> [entry.token for entry in terms]
['110', '120', '130']
>>> [entry.title for entry in terms]
[u'ugly', u'nice', u'great']

Using a token, it is possible to look up the term and the value:

>>> terms.getTermByToken('120').title
>>> terms.getValue('130')

With can test if a value is in the source:

>>> 130 in terms
>>> 125 in terms


Finally, there are terms adapters for all collections:

>>> contextualSourceRatingsField = zope.schema.List(
...     title=u'Contextual Sourced Ratings',
...     value_type=contextualSourceRatingField)
>>> terms = term.CollectionTerms(
...     rating_context, request, None, contextualSourceRatingsField, widget)
>>> [entry.title for entry in terms]
[u'ugly', u'nice', u'great']

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