Source code for yellowbrick.bestfit

# yellowbrick.bestfit
# Uses Scikit-Learn to compute a best fit function, then draws it in the plot.
# Author:   Benjamin Bengfort <>
# Created:  Sun Jun 26 17:27:08 2016 -0400
# Copyright (C) 2016 District Data Labs
# For license information, see LICENSE.txt
# ID: [56236f3] $

Uses Scikit-Learn to compute a best fit function, then draws it in the plot.

## Imports

import numpy as np

from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error as mse

from operator import itemgetter
from import LINE_COLOR
from yellowbrick.exceptions import YellowbrickValueError

## Module Constants

# Names of the various estimator functions
LINEAR      = 'linear'
QUADRATIC   = 'quadratic'
EXPONENTIAL = 'exponential'
LOG         = 'log'
SELECT_BEST = 'select_best'

## Draw Line of Best Fit

[docs]def draw_best_fit(X, y, ax, estimator='linear', **kwargs): """ Uses Scikit-Learn to fit a model to X and y then uses the resulting model to predict the curve based on the X values. This curve is drawn to the ax (matplotlib axis) which must be passed as the third variable. The estimator function can be one of the following: 'linear': Uses OLS to fit the regression 'quadratic': Uses OLS with Polynomial order 2 'exponential': Not implemented yet 'log': Not implemented yet 'select_best': Selects the best fit via MSE The remaining keyword arguments are passed to ax.plot to define and describe the line of best fit. """ # Estimators are the types of best fit lines that can be drawn. estimators = { LINEAR: fit_linear, # Uses OLS to fit the regression QUADRATIC: fit_quadratic, # Uses OLS with Polynomial order 2 EXPONENTIAL: fit_exponential, # Not implemented yet LOG: fit_log, # Not implemented yet SELECT_BEST: fit_select_best, # Selects the best fit via MSE } # Check to make sure that a correct estimator value was passed in. if estimator not in estimators: raise YellowbrickValueError( "'{}' not a valid type of estimator; choose from {}".format( estimator, ", ".join(estimators.keys()) ) ) # Then collect the estimator function from the mapping. estimator = estimators[estimator] # Ensure that X and y are the same length if len(X) != len(y): raise YellowbrickValueError(( "X and y must have same length:" " X len {} doesn't match y len {}!" ).format(len(X), len(y))) # Ensure that X and y are np.arrays X = np.array(X) y = np.array(y) # Verify that X is a two dimensional array for Scikit-Learn esitmators # and that its dimensions are (n, 1) where n is the number of rows. if X.ndim < 2: X = X[:,np.newaxis] # Reshape X into the correct dimensions if X.ndim > 2: raise YellowbrickValueError( "X must be a (1,) or (n,1) dimensional array not {}".format(x.shape) ) # Verify that y is a (n,) dimensional array if y.ndim > 1: raise YellowbrickValueError( "y must be a (1,) dimensional array not {}".format(y.shape) ) # Uses the estimator to fit the data and get the model back. model = estimator(X, y) # Set the color if not passed in. if 'c' not in kwargs and 'color' not in kwargs: kwargs['color'] = LINE_COLOR # Plot line of best fit onto the axes that were passed in. # TODO: determine if xlim or X.min(), X.max() are better params xr = np.linspace(*ax.get_xlim(), num=100) ax.plot(xr, model.predict(xr[:,np.newaxis]), **kwargs) return ax
########################################################################## ## Estimator Functions ##########################################################################
[docs]def fit_select_best(X, y): """ Selects the best fit of the estimators already implemented by choosing the model with the smallest mean square error metric for the trained values. """ models = [fit(X,y) for fit in [fit_linear, fit_quadratic]] errors = map(lambda model: mse(y, model.predict(X)), models) return min(zip(models, errors), key=itemgetter(1))[0]
[docs]def fit_linear(X, y): """ Uses OLS to fit the regression. """ model = linear_model.LinearRegression(), y) return model
[docs]def fit_quadratic(X, y): """ Uses OLS with Polynomial order 2. """ model = make_pipeline( PolynomialFeatures(2), linear_model.LinearRegression() ), y) return model
[docs]def fit_exponential(X, y): """ Fits an exponential curve to the data. """ raise NotImplementedError("Exponential best fit lines are not implemented")
[docs]def fit_log(X, y): """ Fit a logrithmic curve to the data. """ raise NotImplementedError("Logrithmic best fit lines are not implemented")
if __name__ == '__main__': import os import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "examples", "data", "concrete.xls") if not os.path.exists(path): raise Exception("Could not find path for testing") xkey = 'Fine Aggregate (component 7)(kg in a m^3 mixture)' ykey = 'Coarse Aggregate (component 6)(kg in a m^3 mixture)' data = pd.read_excel(path) fig, axe = plt.subplots() axe.scatter(data[xkey], data[ykey]) draw_best_fit(data[xkey], data[ykey], axe, 'select_best')