Other utils


Normalizes string, converts to lower-case, removes non-alpha characters, and converts spaces to hyphens.

Parts from http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/369/

>>> slugify("Manuel Vázquez Acosta")    

If s and entities is True (the default) all HTML entities are replaced by its equivalent character before normalization:

>>> slugify("Manuel Vázquez Acosta")   

If entities is False, then no HTML-entities substitution is made:

>>> value = "Manuel Vázquez Acosta"
>>> slugify(value, entities=False)  

If decimal is True, then all entities of the form &#nnnn where nnnn is a decimal number deemed as a unicode codepoint, are replaced by the corresponding unicode character:

>>> slugify('Manuel Vázquez Acosta')  

>>> value = 'Manuel Vázquez Acosta'
>>> slugify(value, decimal=False)  

If hexadecimal is True, then all entities of the form &#nnnn where nnnn is a hexdecimal number deemed as a unicode codepoint, are replaced by the corresponding unicode character:

>>> slugify('Manuel Vázquez Acosta')  

>>> slugify('Manuel Vázquez Acosta', hexadecimal=False)  