Source code for xoutil.objects

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# xoutil.objects
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2015 Merchise and Contributors
# Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Merchise Autrement and Contributors
# Copyright (c) 2012 Medardo Rodriguez
# All rights reserved.
# Author: Medardo Rodríguez
# Contributors: see CONTRIBUTORS and HISTORY file
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the LICENCE attached (see LICENCE file) in the distribution
# package.
# Created 2012-02-17

'''Several utilities for objects in general.'''

from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode,

from xoutil import Unset
from xoutil.eight import callable, string_types as str_base
from xoutil.deprecation import deprecated

from .eight.meta import metaclass as _metaclass    # noqa
metaclass = deprecated('xoutil.eight.meta.metaclass')(_metaclass)

__docstring_format__ = 'rst'

_INVALID_CLASS_TYPE_MSG = '``cls`` must be a class not an instance'

# Safe length
_len = lambda x: len(x) if x else 0

# These two functions can be use to always return True or False
# TODO: Deprecate both.
_true = lambda *args, **kwargs: True
_false = lambda *args, **kwargs: False

class SafeDataItem(object):
    '''A data descriptor that is safe.

    A *safe descriptor* never uses internal special methods ``__getattr__``
    and ``__getattribute__`` to obtain its value.  Also allow to define a
    constructor or a default value for the first time the attribute is read
    without a prior value assigned.

    Need to be used only in scenarios where descriptor instance values must be
    accessed safely in '__getattr__' implementations.

    This class only can be instanced inner a class context in one of the
    following scenarios::

    1. As a normal descriptor not associated with a constructor method::

        >>> from xoutil.objects import SafeDataItem as safe
        >>> class Foobar(object):
        ...     safe('mapping', dict)
        >>> f = Foobar()
        >>> f.mapping

    2. As a normal descriptor but associated with a constructor method::

        >>> class Foobar(object):
        ...     def mapping(self):
        ...         return {'this': self}
        >>> f = Foobar()
        >>> f.mapping['this'] is f

    3. As a slot.  In this case generate an internal slot and a safe
       descriptor to access it::

        >>> class Foobar(object):
        ...     __slots__ = safe.slot('mapping', dict)
        >>> f = Foobar()
        >>> f.mapping


    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        '''Creates a new safe descriptor.

        Arguments are parsed to discover:

        - An attribute name if a string with a valid identifier is given as a
          positional argument.

        - A constructor for initial or default value when the descriptor is
          read without being assigned.  Positional argument with a callable.

        - Default literal value is given using a keyword argument with any of
          the following names: `default`, `value` or `initial_value`.  If this
          argument is given the constructor callable is invalid.

        - A checker for value validity with the keyword argument with any of
          the following names: `validator`, `checker` or `check`.  The checker
          could be a type, a tuple of types, a function receiving the value
          and return True or False, or a list containing arguments to use

        - Boolean `False` to avoid assigning the descriptor in the class
          context with the keyword argument `do_assigning`.  Any other value
          but `False` is invalid because this concept is implicitly required
          and use a `False` value is allowed but discouraged.

        See :meth:`__parse_arguments` for more information.

        self.__parse_arguments(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.do_assigning:
            cls_locals = self._get_class_context()
            current = cls_locals.get(self.attr_name)
            if not isinstance(current, SafeDataItem):
                cls_locals[self.attr_name] = self
                msg = ('class `%s` has already an assigned descriptor with '
                       'the same name `%s`')
                type_name = type(self).__name__
                raise AttributeError(msg % (type_name, self.attr_name))

    def slot(slot_name, *args, **kwargs):
        '''Generate an internal slot and this descriptor to access it.

        This must appears in a slots declaration::

          class Foobar(object):
              __slots__ = (SafeDataItem.slot('mapping', dict), ...)

        This method return the inner slot name, argument passed is used for
        the safe descriptor.  In the example above the slot descriptor will be
        `__mapping__` and `mapping` the safe descriptor.

        self = SafeDataItem(slot_name, *args, **kwargs)
        return self.inner_name

    def property(*args, **kwargs):
        '''Descriptor to access a property value based in a method.

        There are two ways of use this method:

        - With only one positional and no keyword arguments.  The positional
          argument must be a method which is assumed as the constructor of the
          original property value.  Method name is used as the attribute name.
          In this case it returns a safe descriptor::

            >>> from xoutil.objects import SafeDataItem as safe
            >>> class Foobar(object):
            ...     def mapping(self):
            ...         'To generate a safe `mapping` descriptor.'
            ...         return {'this': self}
            >>> f = Foobar()
            >>> f.mapping['this'] is f

        - With no positional and with keyword arguments.  In this case it
          returns a decorator that receive one single argument (the method)
          and return the safe descriptor::

            >>> class Foobar(object):
            ...     def mapping(cls):
            ...         'To generate a safe `mapping` descriptor.'
            ...         return {'this': cls}
            >>> f = Foobar()
            >>> f.mapping['this'] is Foobar

        Returns the safe descriptor instance if only the method is given, or a
        closure if additional keyword arguments are given.

        Additional keyword argument `kind` could be 'normal' (for normal
        methods), 'static' (for static methods), and 'class' (for class

        def inner(method):
            from types import FunctionType as function
            from xoutil.validators import check
            FUNC_KINDS = ('normal', 'static', 'class')
            FUNC_TYPES = (function, staticmethod, classmethod)
            KIND_NAME = 'kind'
            kind = kwargs.pop(KIND_NAME, FUNC_KINDS[0])
            if (check(kind, lambda k: k in FUNC_KINDS)
                    and check(method, FUNC_TYPES)):
                kwargs['do_assigning'] = False

                def init():
                    from sys import _getframe
                    obj = _getframe(1).f_locals['obj']
                    if kind == FUNC_KINDS[0]:
                        return method(obj)
                    elif kind == FUNC_KINDS[1]:
                        return method()
                        return method(type(obj))

                init.__name__ = method.__name__
                return SafeDataItem(init, **kwargs)

        if kwargs:
            return inner
        elif len(args) == 1:
            return inner(args[0])
            msg = 'expected only one positional argument, got %s'
            raise TypeError(msg % len(args))

    def __get__(self, obj, owner):
        if obj is not None:
            from xoutil.inspect import get_attr_value
            res = get_attr_value(obj, self.inner_name, Unset)
            if res is not Unset:
                return res
            elif self.init is not Unset:
                    res = self.init()
                    print('>>>', self.init, '::', type(self.init))
                self.__set__(obj, res)
                return res
            elif self.default is not Unset:
                res = self.default
                self.__set__(obj, res)
                return res
                from xoutil.eight import typeof
                msg = "'%s' object has no attribute '%s'"
                raise AttributeError(msg % (typeof(obj).__name__,
            return self

    def __set__(self, obj, value):
        object.__setattr__(obj, self.inner_name, value)

    def __delete__(self, obj):
        object.__delattr__(obj, self.inner_name)

    def _get_class_context(self):
        'Get the class variable context'
        from sys import _getframe
        frame = _getframe(1)
        i, MAX = 0, 5
        res = None
        while not res and (i < MAX):
            aux = frame.f_locals
            if '__module__' in aux:
                res = aux
                frame = frame.f_back
                i += 1
        if res:
            return res
            msg = ('Invalid `SafeDataItem(%s)` call, must be used in a class '
            raise TypeError(msg % self.attr_name)

    def _unique_name(self):
        '''Generate a unique new name.'''
        from time import time
        from xoutil.bases import int2str
        return '_%s' % int2str(int(1000000*time()))

    def __parse_arguments(self, *args, **kwargs):
        '''Assign parsed arguments to the just created instance.'''
        from xoutil.validators import (is_valid_identifier, predicate)
        self.attr_name = Unset
        self.init = Unset
        self.default = Unset
        self.do_assigning = True
        self.validator = True
        for i, arg in enumerate(args):
            if self.attr_name is Unset and is_valid_identifier(arg):
                self.attr_name = arg
            elif self.init is Unset and callable(arg):
                self.init = arg
                msg = ('Invalid positional arguments: %s at %s\n'
                       'Valid arguments are the attribute name and a '
                       'callable constructor for initial value.')
                raise ValueError(msg % (args[i:], i))
        bads = {}
        for key in kwargs:
            value = kwargs[key]
            if (self.default is Unset and self.init is Unset and
                    key in ('default', 'value', 'initial_value')):
                self.default = value
            elif (self.validator is True and
                  key in ('validator', 'checker', 'check')):
                self.validator = value
            elif (self.do_assigning is True and key == 'do_assigning' and
                  value is False):
                self.do_assigning = False
                bads[key] = value
        self.validator = predicate(self.validator)
        if bads:
            msg = ('Invalid keyword arguments: %s\n'
                   'See constructor documentation for more info.')
            raise ValueError(msg % bads)
        if self.attr_name is Unset:
            from xoutil.names import nameof
            if self.init is not Unset:
                if isinstance(self.init, type):
                    self.attr_name = str('_%s' % self.init.__name__)
                    self.attr_name = nameof(self.init, safe=True)
                self.attr_name = self._unique_name()
        self.inner_name = str('__%s__' % self.attr_name.strip('_'))

[docs]def smart_getter(obj, strict=False): '''Returns a smart getter for `obj`. If `obj` is a mapping, it returns the ``.get()`` method bound to the object `obj`, otherwise it returns a partial of ``getattr`` on `obj`. :param strict: Set this to True so that the returned getter checks that keys/attrs exists. If `strict` is True the getter may raise a KeyError or an AttributeError. .. versionchanged:: 1.5.3 Added the parameter `strict`. ''' from .types import is_mapping if is_mapping(obj): if not strict: return obj.get else: def _get(key, default=Unset): try: return obj[key] except KeyError: if default is Unset: raise else: return default return _get else: if not strict: return lambda attr, default=None: getattr(obj, attr, default) else: def _partial(attr, default=Unset): try: return getattr(obj, attr) except AttributeError: if default is Unset: raise else: return default return _partial
[docs]def smart_getter_and_deleter(obj): '''Returns a function that get and deletes either a key or an attribute of obj depending on the type of `obj`. If `obj` is a `collections.Mapping` it must be a `collections.MutableMapping`. ''' from collections import Mapping, MutableMapping from functools import partial if isinstance(obj, Mapping) and not isinstance(obj, MutableMapping): raise TypeError('If `obj` is a Mapping it must be a MutableMapping') if isinstance(obj, MutableMapping): return lambda key, default=None: obj.pop(key, default) else: return partial(popattr, obj)
[docs]def multi_getter(source, *ids): '''Get values from `source` of all given `ids`. :param source: Any object but dealing with differences between mappings and other object types. :param ids: Identifiers to get values from `source`. An ID item could be: - a string: is considered a key, if `source` is a mapping, or an attribute name if `source` is an instance of any other type. - a collection of strings: find the first valid value in `source` evaluating each item in this collection using the above logic. Example:: >>> d = {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3} >>> list(multi_getter(d, 'a', ('y', 'x'), ('x', 'y'), ('a', 'z', 'x'))) [None, 2, 1, 3] >>> next(multi_getter(d, ('y', 'x'), ('x', 'y')), '---') 2 >>> next(multi_getter(d, 'a', ('b', 'c'), ('e', 'f')), '---') is None True .. versionadded:: 1.7.1 ''' from collections import Iterable as multi from xoutil.eight import string_types as strs getter = smart_getter(source) many = lambda a: isinstance(a, multi) and not isinstance(a, strs) first = lambda a: next((i for i in map(getter, a) if i is not None), None) get = lambda a: first(a) if many(a) else getter(a) return (get(aux) for aux in ids)
def is_private_name(name): '''Return if `name` is private or not.''' prefix = '__' return name.startswith(prefix) and not name.endswith(prefix) def fix_private_name(cls, name): '''Correct a private name with Python conventions, return the same value if name is not private. ''' if is_private_name(name): return str('_%s%s' % (cls.__name__, name)) else: return name # TODO: [med] [manu] Decide if it's best to create a 'xoutil.inspect' that # extends the standard library module 'inspect' and place this # signature-dealing functions there. Probably, to be consistent, this imposes a # refactoring of some of 'xoutil.types' and move all the "is_classmethod", # "is_staticmethod" and inspection-related functions there. def get_method_function(cls, method_name): '''Get definition function given in its `method_name`. There is a difference between the result of this function and ``getattr(cls, method_name)`` because the last one return the unbound method and this a python function. ''' if not isinstance(cls, type): cls = cls.__class__ mro = cls.mro() i, res = 0, None while not res and (i < len(mro)): sc = mro[i] method = sc.__dict__.get(method_name) if callable(method): res = method else: i += 1 return res def build_documentation(cls, get_doc=None, deep=1): '''Build a proper documentation from a class `cls`. Classes are recursed in MRO until process all levels (`deep`) building the resulting documentation. The function `get_doc` get the documentation of a given class. If no function is given, then attribute ``__doc__`` is used. ''' from xoutil.string import safe_decode assert isinstance(cls, type), _INVALID_CLASS_TYPE_MSG if deep < 1: deep = 1 get_doc = get_doc or (lambda c: c.__doc__) mro = cls.mro() i, level, used, res = 0, 0, {}, '' while (level < deep) and (i < len(mro)): sc = mro[i] doc = get_doc(sc) if doc: doc = safe_decode(doc).strip() key = sc.__name__ docs = used.setdefault(key, set()) if doc not in docs: docs.add(doc) if res: res += '\n\n' res += '=== <%s> ===\n\n%s' % (key, doc) level += 1 i += 1 return res def fix_class_documentation(cls, ignore=None, min_length=10, deep=1, default=None): '''Fix the documentation for the given class using its super-classes. This function may be useful for shells or Python Command Line Interfaces (CLI). If `cls` has an invalid documentation, super-classes are recursed in MRO until a documentation definition was made at any level. :param ignore: could be used to specify which classes to ignore by specifying its name in this list. :param min_length: specify that documentations with less that a number of characters, also are ignored. ''' assert isinstance(cls, type), _INVALID_CLASS_TYPE_MSG if _len(cls.__doc__) < min_length: ignore = ignore or () def get_doc(c): if (c.__name__ not in ignore) and _len(c.__doc__) >= min_length: return c.__doc__ else: return None doc = build_documentation(cls, get_doc, deep) if doc: cls.__doc__ = doc elif default: cls.__doc__ = default(cls) if callable(default) else default
[docs]def fix_method_documentation(cls, method_name, ignore=None, min_length=10, deep=1, default=None): '''Fix the documentation for the given class using its super-classes. This function may be useful for shells or Python Command Line Interfaces (CLI). If `cls` has an invalid documentation, super-classes are recursed in MRO until a documentation definition was made at any level. :param ignore: could be used to specify which classes to ignore by specifying its name in this list. :param min_length: specify that documentations with less that a number of characters, also are ignored. ''' assert isinstance(cls, type), _INVALID_CLASS_TYPE_MSG method = get_method_function(cls, method_name) if method and _len(method.__doc__) < min_length: ignore = ignore or () def get_doc(c): if (c.__name__ not in ignore): method = c.__dict__.get(method_name) if callable(method) and _len(method.__doc__) >= min_length: return method.__doc__ else: return None else: return None doc = build_documentation(cls, get_doc, deep) if doc: method.__doc__ = doc elif default: method.__doc__ = default(cls) if callable(default) else default
[docs]def fulldir(obj): '''Return a set with all attribute names defined in `obj`''' from xoutil.inspect import get_attr_value res = set() if isinstance(obj, type): for cls in type.mro(obj): res |= set(get_attr_value(cls, '__dict__', {})) else: res |= set(get_attr_value(obj, '__dict__', {})) cls = type(obj) if cls is not type: res |= set(dir(cls)) return res
# TODO: Fix signature after removal of attr_filter and value_filter
[docs]def xdir(obj, attr_filter=None, value_filter=None, getter=None, filter=None, _depth=0): '''Return all ``(attr, value)`` pairs from `obj` that ``attr_filter(attr)`` and ``value_filter(value)`` are both True. :param obj: The object to be instrospected. :param filter: *optional* A filter that will be passed both the attribute name and it's value as two positional arguments. It should return True for attrs that should be yielded. .. note:: If passed, both `attr_filter` and `value_filter` will be ignored. :param attr_filter: *optional* A filter for attribute names. *Deprecated since 1.4.1* :param value_filter: *optional* A filter for attribute values. *Deprecated since 1.4.1* :param getter: *optional* A function with the same signature that ``getattr`` to be used to get the values from `obj`. .. deprecated:: 1.4.1 The use of params `attr_filter` and `value_filter`. ''' getter = getter or getattr attrs = dir(obj) if attr_filter or value_filter: import warnings msg = ('Arguments of `attr_filter` and `value_filter` are deprecated. ' 'Use argument `filter` instead.') warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=_depth + 1) if filter: attr_filter = None value_filter = None if attr_filter: attrs = (attr for attr in attrs if attr_filter(attr)) res = ((a, getter(obj, a)) for a in attrs) if value_filter: res = ((a, v) for a, v in res if value_filter(v)) if filter: res = ((a, v) for a, v in res if filter(a, v)) return res
# TODO: Fix signature after removal of attr_filter and value_filter
[docs]def fdir(obj, attr_filter=None, value_filter=None, getter=None, filter=None): '''Similar to :func:`xdir` but yields only the attributes names.''' full = xdir(obj, filter=filter, attr_filter=attr_filter, value_filter=value_filter, getter=getter, _depth=1) return (attr for attr, _v in full)
[docs]def validate_attrs(source, target, force_equals=(), force_differents=()): '''Makes a 'comparison' of `source` and `target` by its attributes (or keys). This function returns True if and only if both of these tests pass: - All attributes in `force_equals` are equal in `source` and `target` - All attributes in `force_differents` are different in `source` and `target` For instance:: >>> class Person(object): ... def __init__(self, **kwargs): ... for which in kwargs: ... setattr(self, which, kwargs[which]) >>> source = Person(name='Manuel', age=33, sex='male') >>> target = {'name': 'Manuel', 'age': 4, 'sex': 'male'} >>> validate_attrs(source, target, force_equals=('sex',), ... force_differents=('age',)) True >>> validate_attrs(source, target, force_equals=('age',)) False If both `force_equals` and `force_differents` are empty it will return True:: >>> validate_attrs(source, target) True ''' from operator import eq, ne res = True tests = ((eq, force_equals), (ne, force_differents)) j = 0 get_from_source = smart_getter(source) get_from_target = smart_getter(target) while res and (j < len(tests)): passed, attrs = tests[j] i = 0 while res and (i < len(attrs)): attr = attrs[i] if passed(get_from_source(attr), get_from_target(attr)): i += 1 else: res = False j += 1 return res
# Mark this so that informed people may use it. validate_attrs._positive_testing = True
[docs]def iterate_over(source, *keys): '''Yields pairs of (key, value) for of all `keys` in `source`. If any `key` is missing from `source` is ignored (not yielded). If `source` is a `collection <xoutil.types.is_collection>`:func:, iterate over each of the items searching for any of keys. This is not recursive. If no `keys` are provided, return an "empty" iterator -- i.e will raise StopIteration upon calling `next`. .. versionadded:: 1.5.2 ''' from xoutil.types import is_collection def inner(source): get = smart_getter(source) for key in keys: val = get(key, Unset) if val is not Unset: yield key, val def when_collection(source): from xoutil.iterators import map for generator in map(inner, source): for key, val in generator: yield key, val if is_collection(source): res = when_collection(source) else: res = inner(source) return res
[docs]def get_first_of(source, *keys, **kwargs): '''Return the value of the first occurrence of any of the specified `keys` in `source` that matches `pred` (if given). Both `source` and `keys` has the same meaning as in :func:`iterate_over`. :param default: A value to be returned if no key is found in `source`. :param pred: A function that should receive a single value and return False if the value is not acceptable, and thus `get_first_of` should look for another. .. versionchanged:: 1.5.2 Added the `pred` option. ''' default = kwargs.pop('default', None) pred = kwargs.pop('pred', None) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Invalid keywords %s for get_first_of' % (kwargs.keys(), )) _key, res = next(((k, val) for k, val in iterate_over(source, *keys) if not pred or pred(val)), (Unset, Unset)) return res if res is not Unset else default
[docs]def pop_first_of(source, *keys, **kwargs): '''Similar to :func:`get_first_of` using as `source` either an object or a mapping and deleting the first attribute or key. Examples:: >>> somedict = dict(bar='bar-dict', eggs='eggs-dict') >>> class Foo(object): pass >>> foo = Foo() >>> = 'bar-obj' >>> foo.eggs = 'eggs-obj' >>> pop_first_of((somedict, foo), 'eggs') 'eggs-dict' >>> pop_first_of((somedict, foo), 'eggs') 'eggs-obj' >>> pop_first_of((somedict, foo), 'eggs') is None True >>> pop_first_of((foo, somedict), 'bar') 'bar-obj' >>> pop_first_of((foo, somedict), 'bar') 'bar-dict' >>> pop_first_of((foo, somedict), 'bar') is None True ''' from xoutil.types import is_collection def inner(source): get = smart_getter_and_deleter(source) res, i = Unset, 0 while (res is Unset) and (i < len(keys)): res = get(keys[i], Unset) i += 1 return res if is_collection(source): res = Unset source = iter(source) probe = next(source, None) while res is Unset and probe: res = inner(probe) probe = next(source, None) else: res = inner(source) return res if res is not Unset else kwargs.get('default', None)
get_and_del_first_of = deprecated(pop_first_of)(pop_first_of) @deprecated(get_first_of)
[docs]def smart_getattr(name, *sources, **kwargs): '''Gets an attr by `name` for the first source that has it. This is roughly that same as:: get_first_of(sources, name, default=Unset, **kwargs) .. warning:: Deprecated since 1.5.1 ''' from xoutil.iterators import dict_update_new dict_update_new(kwargs, {'default': Unset}) return get_first_of(sources, name, **kwargs)
[docs]def popattr(obj, name, default=None): '''Looks for an attribute in the `obj` and returns its value and removes the attribute. If the attribute is not found, `default` is returned instead. Examples:: >>> class Foo(object): ... a = 1 >>> foo = Foo() >>> foo.a = 2 >>> popattr(foo, 'a') 2 >>> popattr(foo, 'a') 1 >>> popattr(foo, 'a') is None True ''' res = getattr(obj, name, Unset) if res is Unset: res = default else: try: delattr(obj, name) except AttributeError: try: delattr(obj.__class__, name) except AttributeError: pass return res
get_and_del_attr = deprecated(popattr)(popattr) class lazy(object): '''Marks a value as a lazily evaluated value. See :func:`setdefaultattr`. ''' def __init__(self, value, *args, **kwargs): self.value = value self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self): res = self.value if callable(res): return res(*self.args, **self.kwargs) else: return res # TODO: Implement this as an ABC def mixin(base): '''Create a valid mixin base. If several mixins with the same base are used all-together in a class inheritance, Python generates ``TypeError: multiple bases have instance lay-out conflict``. To avoid that, inherit from the class this function returns instead of desired `base`. ''' org = "\n\nOriginal doc:\n\n%s" % base.__doc__ if base.__doc__ else '' doc = "Generated mixin base from %s.%s" % (repr(base), org) name = str('%s_base_mixin' % base.__name__) return type(name, (base,), {'__doc__': doc}) def iter_branch_subclasses(cls, include_this=True): '''Internal function, see `get_branch_subclasses`:func:.''' children = type.__subclasses__(cls) if children: for sc in children: for item in iter_branch_subclasses(sc): yield item elif include_this: yield cls
[docs]def get_branch_subclasses(cls): '''Similar to `type.__subclasses__`:meth: but recursive. Only return sub-classes in branches (those with no sub-classes). Instead of returning a list, yield each valid value. .. versionadded:: 1.7.0 ''' return list(iter_branch_subclasses(cls, include_this=False))
[docs]class classproperty(object): '''A descriptor that behaves like property for instances but for classes. Example of its use:: class Foobar(object): @classproperty def getx(cls): return cls._x Class properties are always read-only, if attribute values must be set or deleted, a metaclass must be defined. ''' def __init__(self, fget): '''Create the class property descriptor. :param fget: is a function for getting the class attribute value ''' self.__get = fget self.__name__ = fget.__name__ self.__doc__ = fget.__doc__ def __get__(self, instance, owner): cls = type(instance) if instance is not None else owner return self.__get(cls)
[docs]def setdefaultattr(obj, name, value): '''Sets the attribute name to value if it is not set:: >>> class Someclass(object): pass >>> inst = Someclass() >>> setdefaultattr(inst, 'foo', 'bar') 'bar' >>> 'bar' >>> inst.spam = 'egg' >>> setdefaultattr(inst, 'spam', 'with ham') 'egg' (`New in version 1.2.1`). If you want the value to be lazily evaluated you may provide a lazy-lambda:: >>> inst = Someclass() >>> inst.a = 1 >>> def setting_a(): ... print('Evaluating!') ... return 'a' >>> setdefaultattr(inst, 'a', lazy(setting_a)) 1 >>> setdefaultattr(inst, 'ab', lazy(setting_a)) Evaluating! 'a' ''' res = getattr(obj, name, Unset) if res is Unset: if isinstance(value, lazy): value = value() setattr(obj, name, value) res = value return res
[docs]def copy_class(cls, meta=None, ignores=None, new_attrs=None, new_name=None): '''Copies a class definition to a new class. The returned class will have the same name, bases and module of `cls`. :param meta: If None, the `type(cls)` of the class is used to build the new class, otherwise this must be a *proper* metaclass. :param ignores: A sequence of attributes names that should not be copied to the new class. An item may be callable accepting a single argument `attr` that must return a non-null value if the the `attr` should be ignored. :param new_attrs: New attributes the class must have. These will take precedence over the attributes in the original class. :type new_attrs: dict :param new_name: The name for the copy. If not provided the name will copied. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 .. versionchanged:: 1.7.1 The `ignores` argument must an iterable of strings or callables. Removed the glob-pattern and regular expressions as possible values. They are all possible via the callable variant. .. versionadded:: 1.7.1 The `new_name` argument. ''' from xoutil.eight import iteritems, callable from xoutil.eight._types import new_class from xoutil.eight.types import MemberDescriptorType from xoutil.string import safe_str def _get_ignored(what): if callable(what): return what else: return lambda s: s == what if not meta: meta = type(cls) if ignores: ignores = tuple(_get_ignored(i) for i in ignores) ignored = lambda name: any(ignore(name) for ignore in ignores) else: ignored = None valids = ('__class__', '__mro__', '__name__', '__weakref__', '__dict__') attrs = {name: value for name, value in iteritems(cls.__dict__) if name not in valids # Must remove member descriptors, otherwise the old's class # descriptor will override those that must be created here. if not isinstance(value, MemberDescriptorType) if ignored is None or not ignored(name)} if new_attrs: attrs.update(new_attrs) exec_body = lambda ns: ns.update(attrs) if new_name: name = safe_str(new_name) else: name = cls.__name__ result = new_class(name, cls.__bases__, {'metaclass': meta}, exec_body) return result
# Real signature is (*sources, target, *, default=None) where target is a # positional argument, and not a keyword. # TODO: First look up "target" in keywords and then in positional arguments.
[docs]def smart_copy(*args, **kwargs): '''Copies the first apparition of attributes (or keys) from `sources` to `target`. :param sources: The objects from which to extract keys or attributes. :param target: The object to fill. :param defaults: Default values for the attributes to be copied as explained below. Defaults to False. :type defaults: Either a bool, a dictionary, an iterable or a callable. Every `sources` and `target` are always positional arguments. There should be at least one source. `target` will always be the last positional argument. If `defaults` is a dictionary or an iterable then only the names provided by itering over `defaults` will be copied. If `defaults` is a dictionary, and one of its key is not found in any of the `sources`, then the value of the key in the dictionary is copied to `target` unless: - It's the value :class:`xoutil.types.Required` or an instance of Required. - An exception object - A sequence with is first value being a subclass of Exception. In which case :class:`` is used. In these cases a KeyError is raised if the key is not found in the sources. If `default` is an iterable and a key is not found in any of the sources, None is copied to `target`. If `defaults` is a callable then it should receive one positional arguments for the current `attribute name` and several keyword arguments (we pass ``source``) and return either True or False if the attribute should be copied. If `defaults` is False (or None) only the attributes that do not start with a "_" are copied, if it's True all attributes are copied. When `target` is not a mapping only valid Python identifiers will be copied. Each `source` is considered a mapping if it's an instance of `collections.Mapping` or a `MappingProxyType`. The `target` is considered a mapping if it's an instance of `collections.MutableMapping`. :returns: `target`. .. versionchanged:: 1.7.0 `defaults` is now keyword only. ''' from collections import MutableMapping from xoutil.types import is_collection, is_mapping, Required from import adapt_exception from xoutil.validators.identifiers import is_valid_identifier defaults = kwargs.pop('defaults', False) if kwargs: raise TypeError('smart_copy does not accept a "%s" keyword argument' % kwargs.keys()[0]) sources, target = args[:-1], args[-1] if not sources: raise TypeError('smart_copy requires at least one source') if isinstance(target, (bool, type(None), int, float, str_base)): raise TypeError('target should be a mutable object, not %s' % type(target)) if isinstance(target, MutableMapping): def setter(key, val): target[key] = val else: def setter(key, val): if is_valid_identifier(key): setattr(target, key, val) _mapping = is_mapping(defaults) if _mapping or is_collection(defaults): for key, val in ((key, get_first_of(sources, key, default=Unset)) for key in defaults): if val is Unset: if _mapping: val = defaults.get(key, None) else: val = None exc = adapt_exception(val, key=key) if exc or val is Required or isinstance(val, Required): raise KeyError(key) setter(key, val) else: keys = [] for source in sources: get = smart_getter(source) if is_mapping(source): items = (name for name in source) else: items = dir(source) for key in items: private = isinstance(key, str_base) and key.startswith('_') if (defaults is False or defaults is None) and private: copy = False elif callable(defaults): copy = defaults(key, source=source) else: copy = True if key not in keys: keys.append(key) if copy: setter(key, get(key)) return target
[docs]def extract_attrs(obj, *names, **kwargs): '''Extracts all `names` from an object. If `obj` is a Mapping, the names will be search in the keys of the `obj`; otherwise the names are considered regular attribute names. If `default` is Unset and any name is not found, an AttributeError is raised, otherwise the `default` is used instead. Returns a tuple if there are more that one name, otherwise returns a single value. .. versionadded:: 1.4.0 .. versionchanged:: 1.5.3 Each `name` may be a path like in `get_traverser`:func:, but only "." is allowed as separator. ''' default = kwargs.pop('default', Unset) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Invalid keyword arguments for `extract_attrs`') getter = get_traverser(*names, default=default) return getter(obj)
# TODO: deprecate thid, use instead `` def register_with(abc): '''Register a virtual `subclass` of an ABC. For example:: >>> from collections import Mapping >>> @register_with(Mapping) ... class Foobar(object): ... pass >>> issubclass(Foobar, Mapping) True ''' def inner(subclass): abc.register(subclass) return subclass return inner
[docs]def traverse(obj, path, default=Unset, sep='.', getter=None): '''Traverses an object's hierarchy by performing an attribute get at each level. This helps getting an attribute that is buried down several levels deep. For example:: traverse(request, 'session.somevalue') If `default` is not provided (i.e is `~xoutil.Unset`:obj:) and any component in the path is not found an AttributeError exceptions is raised. You may provide `sep` to change the default separator. You may provide a custom `getter`. By default, does an :func:`smart_getter` over the objects. If provided `getter` should have the signature of `getattr`:func:. See `get_traverser`:func: if you need to apply the same path(s) to several objects. Actually this is equivalent to:: get_traverser(path, default=default, sep=sep, getter=getter)(obj) ''' _traverser = get_traverser(path, default=default, sep=sep, getter=None) return _traverser(obj)
[docs]def get_traverser(*paths, **kw): '''Combines the power of `traverse`:func: with the expectations from both `operator.itergetter`:func: and `operator.attrgetter`:func:. :param paths: Several paths to extract. Keyword arguments has the same meaning as in `traverse`:func:. :returns: A function the when invoked with an `object` traverse the object finding each `path`. .. versionadded:: 1.5.3 ''' def _traverser(path, default=Unset, sep='.', getter=None): if not getter: getter = lambda o, a, default=None: smart_getter(o)(a, default) def inner(obj): found = object() current = obj attrs = path.split(sep) while current is not found and attrs: attr = attrs.pop(0) current = getter(current, attr, found) if current is found: if default is Unset: raise AttributeError(attr) else: return default else: return current return inner if len(paths) == 1: result = _traverser(paths[0], **kw) elif len(paths) > 1: _traversers = tuple(_traverser(path, **kw) for path in paths) def _result(obj): return tuple(traverse(obj) for traverse in _traversers) result = _result else: raise TypeError('"get_traverser" requires at least a path') return result
[docs]def dict_merge(*dicts, **others): '''Merges several dicts into a single one. Merging is similar to updating a dict, but if values are non-scalars they are also merged is this way: - Any two :class:`sequences <collection.Sequence>` or :class:`sets <collections.Set>` are joined together. - Any two mappings are recursively merged. - Other types are just replaced like in :func:`update`. If for a single key two values of incompatible types are found, raise a TypeError. If the values for a single key are compatible but different (i.e a list an a tuple) the resultant type will be the type of the first apparition of the key, unless for mappings which are always cast to dicts. No matter the types of `dicts` the result is always a dict. Without arguments, return the empty dict. ''' from collections import Mapping, Sequence, Set from xoutil.eight import iteritems from xoutil.objects import get_first_of from xoutil.types import are_instances, no_instances if others: dicts = dicts + (others, ) dicts = list(dicts) result = {} collections = (Set, Sequence) while dicts: current = dicts.pop(0) for key, val in iteritems(current): if isinstance(val, Mapping): val = {key: val[key] for key in val} value = result.setdefault(key, val) if value is not val: if are_instances(value, val, collections): join = get_first_of((value, ), '__add__', '__or__') if join: constructor = type(value) value = join(constructor(val)) else: raise ValueError("Invalid value for key '%s'" % key) elif are_instances(value, val, Mapping): value = dict_merge(value, val) elif no_instances(value, val, (Set, Sequence, Mapping)): value = val else: raise TypeError("Found incompatible values for key '%s'" % key) result[key] = value return result