Source code for xoutil.bound

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# xoutil.bound
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# Copyright (c) 2015 Merchise and Contributors
# Copyright (c) 2014 Merchise Autrement and Contributors
# All rights reserved.
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the LICENCE attached (see LICENCE file) in the distribution
# package.
# Created on 2014-07-21

'''Helpers for bounded execution of co-routines.


    >>> def fibonacci():
    ...   a, b = 1, 1
    ...   while True:
    ...       yield a
    ...       a, b = b, a + b

This function yields forever.  This module allows to get instances of that
function that run until a boundary condition is met.  For instance, the
`times`:func: boundary stops after a given numbers of results are generated::

    >>> fib8 = times(8)(fibonacci)
    >>> fib8()   # the 8th fibonacci number is

This is repeatable::

    >>> fib8()   # the 8th fibonacci number is

    >>> fib8()   # the 8th fibonacci number is

Unless you pass in a generator::

    >>> fib8 = times(8)(fibonacci())
    >>> fib8()

    >>> fib8() is None


from __future__ import (division as _py3_division,
                        print_function as _py3_print,
                        unicode_literals as _py3_unicode,
                        absolute_import as _py3_abs_import)

from types import GeneratorType
from xoutil.decorator.meta import decorator
from xoutil.eight.meta import metaclass

class BoundedType(type):
    '''A bounded generator/function.'''

[docs]class Bounded(metaclass(BoundedType)): '''The bounded function. This is the result of applying a `boundary definition` to an `unbounded function` (or generator). If `target` is a function this instance can be called several times. If it's a generator then it will be closed after either calling (``__call__``) this instance, or consuming the generator given by `generate`:meth:. ''' def __init__(self, target): = target # The following two methods are actually implemented as closures in the # apply method of BoundaryCondition. Nevertheless, they are documented # here as an API promise.
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Return the last value from the underlying `bounded generator`. ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def generate(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Return the `bounded generator`. This method exposes the `bounded generator`. This allows you to "see" all the values yielded by the `unbounded generator` up to the point when the boundary condition is met. ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class BoundaryCondition(object): '''Embodies the boundary protocol. The `definition` argument must a function that implements a `boundary definition`. This function may take arguments to initialize the state of the boundary condition. Instances are callables that will return a `Bounded`:class: subclass specialized with the application of the `boundary condition` to a given unbounded function (`target`). For instance, ``times(6)`` returns a class, that when instantiated with a `target` represents the bounded function that takes the 6th valued yielded by target. If the `definition` takes no arguments for initialization you may pass the `target` directly. This is means that if `__call__`:func: receives arguments they will be used to instantiate the `Bounded`:class: subclass, ie. this case allows only a single argument `target`. ''' def __new__(cls, definition, name=None): from types import FunctionType if not isinstance(definition, FunctionType): raise TypeError('"definition" must be a function') if not name: from xoutil.names import nameof name = nameof(definition, inner=True, full=True) result = super(BoundaryCondition, cls).__new__(cls) = name # needs to be set here or it'll be None return result def __init__(self, definition, name=None): from inspect import getargspec spec = getargspec(definition) self.args = spec[0] self.defaults = spec[3] self.varargs = spec[1] self.varkwargs = spec[2] self.definition = definition def __str__(self): return str('boundary %s(...)' % def __repr__(self): return str(self) @property def receive_args(self): return self.args or self.defaults or self.varargs or self.varkwargs def apply(self, args, kwargs): def execute(boundary, unbounded, initial): '''Executes the unbounded generator guarded by a boundary condition. `boundary` is the boundary condition. `unbounded` is the unbounded generator. Both must be generators. `initial` is the tuple of ``(args, kwargs)`` passed when calling the unbounded function or None. This function is used in the (closure) `generate` method of the Bounded subclass returned by `apply`. It contains the core algorithm that interleaves the boundary condition with the unbounded generator. ''' try: next(boundary) # Initialize the boundary condition stop = boundary.send(initial) except StopIteration: raise RuntimeError( 'Invalid boundary definition "%r"' % self.definition ) try: while stop is not True: try: data = next(unbounded) yield data except (GeneratorExit, StopIteration): stop = True else: try: stop = boundary.send(data) except StopIteration: raise RuntimeError( 'Invalid boundary definition "%r"' % self.definition ) finally: boundary.close() unbounded.close() class bounded(Bounded): @classmethod def build_pred(boundedcls): return self.build_generator(args, kwargs) def generate(me, *args, **kwargs): target = if isinstance(target, GeneratorType): return execute(me.build_pred(), target, None) else: generator = target(*args, **kwargs) return execute(me.build_pred(), generator, (args, kwargs)) def __call__(me, *args, **kwargs): data = None for data in me.generate(*args, **kwargs): pass return data return bounded # return from apply() def build_generator(self, args, kwargs): if self.receive_args: generator = self.definition(*args, **kwargs) else: generator = self.definition() return generator def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.receive_args: return self.apply(args, kwargs) elif args or kwargs: result = self.apply((), {})(*args, **kwargs) if len(args) == 1: from functools import update_wrapper update_wrapper(result, args[0]) return result else: return self.apply((), {})
[docs]def boundary(definition, name=None, base=BoundaryCondition): '''Helper to define a boundary condition. The `definition` must be a function that returns a generator. The following rules **must be** followed. Collectively these rules are called the `boundary protocol`. - The `boundary definition` will yield True when and only when the boundary condition is met. Only the value True will signal the boundary condition. - The `boundary definition` must yield at least 2 times: - First it will be called its ``next()`` method to allow for initialization of internal state. - Immediately after, it will be called its ``send()`` passing the tuple ``(args, kwargs)`` with the arguments passed to the `unbounded function`. At this point the boundary definition may yield True to halt the execution. In this case, the `unbounded generator` won't be asked for any value. - The `boundary definition` must yield True before terminating with a StopIteration. For instance the following definition is invalid cause it ends without yielding True:: @boundary def invalid(): yield yield False - The `boundary definition` must deal with GeneratorExit exceptions properly since we call the ``close()`` method of the generator upon termination. Termination occurs when the `unbounded generator` stops by any means, even when the boundary condition yielded True or the generator itself is exhausted or there's an error in the generator. Both `whenall`:func: and `whenany`:func: call the ``close()`` method of all their subordinate boundary conditions. Most of the time this reduces to *not* catching GeneratorExit exceptions. A RuntimeError may happen if any of these rules is not followed by the `definition`. Furthermore, this error will occur when invoking the `bounded function` and not when applying the boundary to the `unbounded generator`. ''' from functools import update_wrapper result = base(definition, name=name) return update_wrapper(result, definition)
[docs]def timed(maxtime): '''Becomes True after a given amount of time. The bounded generator will be allowed to yields values until the `maxtime` time frame has elapsed. Usage:: @timed(timedelta(seconds=60)) def do_something_in_about_60s(): while True: yield .. note:: This is a very soft limit. We can't actually guarrant any enforcement of the time limit. If the bounded generator takes too much time or never yields this predicated can't do much. This usually helps with batch processing that must not exceed (by too much) a given amount of time. The timer starts just after the ``next()`` function has been called for the predicate initialization. So if the `maxtime` given is too short this predicated might halt the execution of the bounded function without allowing any processing at all. If `maxtime` is not a timedelta, the timedelta will be computed as ``timedelta(seconds=maxtime)``. ''' from datetime import datetime, timedelta if isinstance(maxtime, timedelta): bound = maxtime else: bound = timedelta(seconds=maxtime) start = yield False # Deal with next-send calling scheme for boundaries while - start < bound: yield False yield True # Or we're not compliant with the boundary protocol.
[docs]def times(n): '''Becomes True after a given after the `nth` item have been produced.''' passed = 0 yield False while passed < n: yield False passed += 1 yield True
[docs]def accumulated(mass, *attrs, **kwargs): '''Becomes True after accumulating a given "mass". `mass` is the maximum allowed to accumulate. This is usually a positive number. Each value produced by the `unbounded generator` is added together. Yield True when this amount to more than the given `mass`. If any `attrs` are provided, they will be considered attributes (or keys) to search inside the yielded data from the bounded function. If no `attrs` are provided the whole data is accumulated, so it must allow addition. The attribute to be summed is extracted with `~xoutil.objects.get_first_of`:func:, so only the first attribute found is added. If the keyword argument `initial` is provided the accumulator is initialized with that value. By default this is 0. ''' from xoutil.objects import get_first_of accum = kwargs.pop('initial', 0) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Invalid keyword arguments %r' % kwargs.keys()) yield False while accum < mass: data = yield False accum += get_first_of(data, *attrs, default=data) yield True
[docs]def pred(func, skipargs=True): '''Allow "normal" functions to engage within the boundary protocol. `func` should take a single argument and return True if the boundary condition has been met. If `skipargs` is True then function `func` will not be called with the tuple ``(args, kwargs)`` upon initialization of the boundary, in that case only yielded values from the `unbounded generator` are passed. If you need to get the original arguments, set `skipargs` to False, in this case the first time `func` is called will be passed a single argument ``(arg, kwargs)``. Example:: >>> @pred(lambda x: x > 10) ... def fibonacci(): ... a, b = 1, 1 ... while True: ... yield a ... a, b = b, a + b >>> fibonacci() 13 ''' sentinel = object() data = yield False if skipargs: data = sentinel while data is sentinel or not func(data): data = yield False yield True
class HighLevelBoundary(BoundaryCondition): '''Boundary class for high-level boundary conditions. The `apply` method of this only accepts the `args`, which must be BoundaryCondition objects or BoundedType objects (ie. an instance of a boundary condition), then it replaces the normal boundary condition for that of the high-level given the subordinate definitions. ''' def apply(self, boundaries, kwargs): assert boundaries and not kwargs base = super(HighLevelBoundary, self).apply(boundaries, kwargs) class rebounded(base): @classmethod def build_pred(cls): from types import FunctionType, GeneratorType subordinates = [] for bound in boundaries: if isinstance(bound, FunctionType): bound = boundary(bound) elif isinstance(bound, GeneratorType): gen = bound # get a copy for the lambda below bound = boundary(lambda: gen) if isinstance(bound, BoundaryCondition): if bound.receive_args: raise TypeError( '"%s" must be initialized' % ) bound = bound.apply((), {}) if isinstance(bound, BoundedType): sub = bound.build_pred() else: raise TypeError('Invalid argument "%r"' % bound) subordinates.append(sub) return self.definition(*subordinates) return rebounded @boundary(base=HighLevelBoundary)
[docs]def whenall(*subordinates): '''An AND-like boundary condition. It takes several boundaries and returns a single one that behaves like the logical AND i.e, will yield True when **all** of its subordinate boundary conditions have yielded True. It ensures that once a subordinate yields True it won't be sent more data, no matter if other subordinates keep on running and consuming data. Calls ``close()`` of all subordinates upon termination. Each `boundary` should be either: - A "bare" boundary definition that takes no arguments. - A boundary condition (i.e an instance of `BoundaryCondition`:class:). This is result of calling a boundary definition. - A generator object that complies with the boundary protocol. This cannot be tested upfront, a misbehaving generator will cause a RuntimeError if a boundary protocol rule is not followed. Any other type is a TypeError. ''' preds = list(subordinates) # a copy of the list for pred in preds: next(pred) try: while preds: # When we are out of preds it means all have yielded # True data = yield False i = 0 while preds and i < len(preds): pred = preds[i] try: res = pred.send(data) except StopIteration: raise RuntimeError('Invalid predicated in %r' % preds) else: if res is True: del preds[i] # no more send() for this pred else: i += 1 yield True except GeneratorExit: pass for pred in subordinates: pred.close()
[docs]def whenany(*preds): '''An OR-like boundary condition. It takes several boundaries and returns a single one that behaves like the logical OR, i.e, will yield True when **any** of its subordinate boundary conditions yield True. Calls ``close()`` of all subordinates upon termination. Each `boundary` should be either: - A "bare" boundary definition that takes no arguments. - A boundary condition (i.e an instance of `BoundaryCondition`:class:). This is result of calling a boundary definition. - A generator object that complies with the boundary protocol. This cannot be tested upfront, a misbehaving generator will cause a RuntimeError if a boundary protocol rule is not followed. Any other type is a TypeError. ''' for pred in preds: next(pred) stop = False try: while stop is not True: data = yield stop i, top = 0, len(preds) while not stop and i < top: pred = preds[i] try: stop = stop or pred.send(data) except StopIteration: raise RuntimeError('Invalid predicated in %r' % preds) else: i += 1 yield stop except GeneratorExit: pass for pred in preds: pred.close()
del decorator, metaclass