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phoenix_title wx.richtext.RichTextPrintout

This class implements print layout for wx.richtext.RichTextBuffer.

Instead of using it directly, you should normally use the wx.richtext.RichTextPrinting class.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class RichTextPrintout:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Constructor.
CalculateScaling Calculates scaling and text, header and footer rectangles.
GetHeaderFooterData Returns the header and footer data associated with the printout.
GetPageInfo Gets the page information.
GetRichTextBuffer Returns a pointer to the buffer being rendered.
HasPage Returns True if the given page exists in the printout.
OnPreparePrinting Prepares for printing, laying out the buffer and calculating pagination.
OnPrintPage Does the actual printing for this page.
SetHeaderFooterData Sets the header and footer data associated with the printout.
SetMargins Sets margins in 10ths of millimetre.
SetRichTextBuffer Sets the buffer to print.

api Class API

class wx.richtext.RichTextPrintout(Printout)

Possible constructors:


This class implements print layout for RichTextBuffer.


__init__(self, title="Printout")


Parameters:title (string) –

CalculateScaling(self, dc, textRect, headerRect, footerRect)

Calculates scaling and text, header and footer rectangles.



Returns the header and footer data associated with the printout.

Return type: wx.richtext.RichTextHeaderFooterData


Gets the page information.

Return type:tuple
Returns:( minPage, maxPage, selPageFrom, selPageTo )


Returns a pointer to the buffer being rendered.

Return type: wx.richtext.RichTextBuffer

HasPage(self, page)

Returns True if the given page exists in the printout.

Parameters:page (int) –
Return type:bool


Prepares for printing, laying out the buffer and calculating pagination.

OnPrintPage(self, page)

Does the actual printing for this page.

Parameters:page (int) –
Return type:bool

SetHeaderFooterData(self, data)

Sets the header and footer data associated with the printout.

Parameters:data (wx.richtext.RichTextHeaderFooterData) –

SetMargins(self, top=254, bottom=254, left=254, right=254)

Sets margins in 10ths of millimetre.

Defaults to 1 inch for margins.

  • top (int) –
  • bottom (int) –
  • left (int) –
  • right (int) –

SetRichTextBuffer(self, buffer)

Sets the buffer to print.

wx.richtext.RichTextPrintout does not manage this pointer; it should be managed by the calling code, such as wx.richtext.RichTextPrinting.

Parameters:buffer (wx.richtext.RichTextBuffer) –



See GetHeaderFooterData and SetHeaderFooterData


See GetRichTextBuffer and SetRichTextBuffer