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Interpreter based on code.InteractiveInterpreter.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class Interpreter:

super_classes Known Superclasses


method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Create an interactive interpreter object.
getAutoCompleteKeys Return list of auto-completion keycodes.
getAutoCompleteList Return list of auto-completion options for a command.
getCallTip Return call tip text for a command.
push Send command to the interpreter to be executed.
runModule Compile and run an ast module in the interpreter.
runsource Compile and run source code in the interpreter.

api Class API

class Interpreter(InteractiveInterpreter)

Interpreter based on code.InteractiveInterpreter.


__init__(self, locals=None, rawin=None, stdin=sys.stdin, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, showInterpIntro=True)

Create an interactive interpreter object.


Return list of auto-completion keycodes.

getAutoCompleteList(self, command='', *args, **kwds)

Return list of auto-completion options for a command.

The list of options will be based on the locals namespace.

getCallTip(self, command='', *args, **kwds)

Return call tip text for a command.

Call tip information will be based on the locals namespace.

push(self, command, astMod=None)

Send command to the interpreter to be executed.

Because this may be called recursively, we append a new list onto the commandBuffer list and then append commands into that. If the passed in command is part of a multi-line command we keep appending the pieces to the last list in commandBuffer until we have a complete command. If not, we delete that last list.

runModule(self, mod)

Compile and run an ast module in the interpreter.

runsource(self, source)

Compile and run source code in the interpreter.