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phoenix_title wx.propgrid.PGEditor

Base class for custom wx.propgrid.PropertyGrid editors.


  • Names of built-in property editors are: TextCtrl, Choice, ComboBox, CheckBox, TextCtrlAndButton, and ChoiceAndButton. Additional editors include SpinCtrl and DatePickerCtrl, but using them requires calling wx.propgrid.PropertyGrid.RegisterAdditionalEditors prior use.
  • Pointer to built-in editor is available as PGEditor_EditorName (eg. PGEditor_TextCtrl).
  • Before you start using new editor you just created, you need to register it using static function wx.propgrid.PropertyGrid.RegisterEditorClass , with code like this:
editorPointer = wx.propgrid.PropertyGrid.RegisterEditorClass(MyEditorClass(), “MyEditor”)

After that, wx.propgrid.PropertyGrid will take ownership of the given object, but you should still store editorPointer somewhere, so you can pass it to wx.propgrid.PGProperty.SetEditor , or return it from PGEditor.DoGetEditorClass().

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class PGEditor:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Constructor.
CanContainCustomImage Returns True if control itself can contain the custom image.
CreateControls Instantiates editor controls.
DeleteItem Deletes item from existing control.
DrawValue Draws value for given property.
GetName Returns pointer to the name of the editor.
GetValueFromControl Returns value from control, via parameter ‘variant’.
InsertItem Inserts item to existing control.
OnEvent Handles events.
OnFocus Extra processing when control gains focus.
SetControlAppearance Called by property grid to set new appearance for the control.
SetControlIntValue Sets control’s value specifically from int (applies to choice etc.).
SetControlStringValue Sets control’s value specifically from string.
SetValueToUnspecified Sets value in control to unspecified.
UpdateControl Loads value from property to the control.

property_summary Properties Summary

Name See GetName
m_clientData A public C++ attribute of type ````.

api Class API

class wx.propgrid.PGEditor(Object)

Possible constructors:


Base class for custom PropertyGrid editors.





Returns True if control itself can contain the custom image.

Default implementation returns False.

Return type:bool

CreateControls(self, propgrid, property, pos, size)

Instantiates editor controls.

Return type:



DeleteItem(self, ctrl, index)

Deletes item from existing control.

Default implementation does nothing.


DrawValue(self, dc, rect, property, text)

Draws value for given property.



Returns pointer to the name of the editor.

For example, PGEditor_TextCtrl has name “TextCtrl”. If you dont’ need to access your custom editor by string name, then you do not need to implement this function.

Return type:string

GetValueFromControl(self, property, ctrl)

Returns value from control, via parameter ‘variant’.

Usually ends up calling property’s StringToValue() or IntToValue(). Returns True if value was different.

Return type:



( bool, variant )

InsertItem(self, ctrl, label, index)

Inserts item to existing control.

Index -1 means end of list. Default implementation does nothing. Returns index of item added.

  • ctrl (wx.Window) –
  • label (string) –
  • index (int) –
Return type:


OnEvent(self, propgrid, property, wnd_primary, event)

Handles events.

Returns True if value in control was modified (see wx.propgrid.PGProperty.OnEvent for more information).

Return type:



wx.propgrid.PropertyGrid will automatically unfocus the editor when wxEVT_TEXT_ENTER is received and when it results in property value being modified. This happens regardless of editor type (ie. behaviour is same for any wx.TextCtrl and wx.ComboBox based editor).

OnFocus(self, property, wnd)

Extra processing when control gains focus.

For example, wx.TextCtrl based controls should select all text.


SetControlAppearance(self, pg, property, ctrl, appearance, oldAppearance, unspecified)

Called by property grid to set new appearance for the control.

Default implementation sets foreground colour, background colour, font, plus text for wx.TextCtrl and wx.ComboCtrl.

The parameter appearance represents the new appearance to be applied.

The parameter oldAppearance is the previously applied appearance. Used to detect which control attributes need to be changed (e.g. so we only change background colour if really needed).

Finally, the parameter unspecified if True tells this function that the new appearance represents an unspecified property value.


SetControlIntValue(self, property, ctrl, value)

Sets control’s value specifically from int (applies to choice etc.).


SetControlStringValue(self, property, ctrl, txt)

Sets control’s value specifically from string.


SetValueToUnspecified(self, property, ctrl)

Sets value in control to unspecified.


UpdateControl(self, property, ctrl)

Loads value from property to the control.




See GetName


A public C++ attribute of type ````.