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phoenix_title wx.lib.plot.polyobjects.PolyBars

Creates a PolyBars object.

param points:The data to plot.
type points:sequence of (center, height) points
param **attr:keyword attributes
Keyword and Default Description Type
barwidth=1.0 bar width float or list of floats
edgecolour='black' edge color wx.Colour
edgewidth=1 edge width float
edgestyle=wx.PENSTYLE_SOLID edge style wx.PenStyle
fillcolour='red' fill color wx.Colour
fillstyle=wx.BRUSHSTYLE_SOLID fill style wx.BrushStyle
legend='' legend string str


If barwidth is a list of floats:

  • each bar will have a separate width
  • len(barwidth) must equal len(points).


All methods except __init__ are private.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class PolyBars:

method_summary Methods Summary

calc_rect Calculate the rectangle for plotting.
draw Draw the bars

api Class API

class PolyBars(PolyBarsBase)

Creates a PolyBars object.

  • points (sequence of (center, height) points) – The data to plot.
  • **attr – keyword attributes

Keyword and Default Description Type
barwidth=1.0 bar width float or list of floats
edgecolour='black' edge color wx.Colour
edgewidth=1 edge width float
edgestyle=wx.PENSTYLE_SOLID edge style wx.PenStyle
fillcolour='red' fill color wx.Colour
fillstyle=wx.BRUSHSTYLE_SOLID fill style wx.BrushStyle
legend='' legend string str


If barwidth is a list of floats:

  • each bar will have a separate width
  • len(barwidth) must equal len(points).


All methods except __init__ are private.


__init__(self, points, **attr)

calc_rect(self, x, y, w)

Calculate the rectangle for plotting.

draw(self, dc, printerScale, coord=None)

Draw the bars