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phoenix_title wx.lib.inspection.InspectionTree

All of the widgets in the app, and optionally their sizers, are loaded into this tree.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class InspectionTree:

super_classes Known Superclasses


method_summary Methods Summary

FindWidgetItem Find the tree item for a widget.
GetTextForSizer Returns the string to be used in the tree for a sizer
GetTextForWidget Returns the string to be used in the tree for a widget

api Class API

class InspectionTree(TreeBaseClass)

All of the widgets in the app, and optionally their sizers, are loaded into this tree.


__init__(self, *args, **kw)

BuildTree(self, startWidget, includeSizers=False, expandFrame=False)

FindWidgetItem(self, widget)

Find the tree item for a widget.

GetTextForSizer(self, sizer)

Returns the string to be used in the tree for a sizer

GetTextForWidget(self, widget)

Returns the string to be used in the tree for a widget

OnSelectionChanged(self, evt)

SelectObj(self, obj)