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phoenix_title wx.lib.inspection.InspectionFrame

This class is the frame that holds the wxPython inspection tools. The toolbar and AUI splitters/floating panes are also managed here. The contents of the tool windows are handled by other classes.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class InspectionFrame:

super_classes Known Superclasses


api Class API

class InspectionFrame(wx.Frame)

This class is the frame that holds the wxPython inspection tools. The toolbar and AUI splitters/floating panes are also managed here. The contents of the tool windows are handled by other classes.


__init__(self, wnd=None, locals=None, config=None, app=None, title="wxPython Widget Inspection Tool", *args, **kw)


Draw a highlight rectangle around the item represented by the current tree selection.

LoadSettings(self, config)


OnCaptureLost(self, evt)

OnClose(self, evt)

OnCollapseTree(self, evt)

OnExpandTree(self, evt)

OnFindWidget(self, evt)

OnHighlightItem(self, evt)

OnLeftDown(self, evt)

OnRefreshTree(self, evt)

OnShowSizers(self, evt)

OnShowSizersUI(self, evt)

OnToggleFilling(self, evt)

OnToggleFillingUI(self, evt)

OnWatchEvents(self, evt)

OnWatchEventsUI(self, evt)


SaveSettings(self, config)

SetObj(self, obj)
