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phoenix_title wx.lib.floatcanvas.FCObjects.LineOnlyMixin

Mixin class for objects that have just a line, rather than a fill color and line color

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class LineOnlyMixin:

method_summary Methods Summary

SetLineColor Set the LineColor
SetLineStyle Set the LineStyle
SetLineWidth Set the LineWidth

api Class API

class LineOnlyMixin

Mixin class for objects that have just a line, rather than a fill color and line color


SetLineColor(self, LineColor)

Set the LineColor

Parameters:LineColor – see SetColor for valid values

SetLineStyle(self, LineStyle)

Set the LineStyle

Parameters:LineStyle – see SetLineStyle for valid values

SetLineWidth(self, LineWidth)

Set the LineWidth

Parameters:LineWidth (integer) – line width in pixels