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phoenix_title wx.lib.filebrowsebutton.FileBrowseButton

A control to allow the user to type in a filename or browse with the standard file dialog to select file

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class FileBrowseButton:

super_classes Known Superclasses


method_summary Methods Summary

param labelText:
 Text for label to left of text field
createBrowseButton Create the browse-button control
createDialog Setup the graphic representation of the dialog
createLabel Create the label/caption
createTextControl Create the text control
GetLabel Retrieve the label’s current text
GetValue retrieve current value of text control
OnBrowse Going to browse for file...
SetLabel Set the label’s current text
SetValue set current value of text control

api Class API

class FileBrowseButton(wx.Panel)

A control to allow the user to type in a filename or browse with the standard file dialog to select file


__init__(self, parent, id= -1, pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize, style = wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL, labelText= "File Entry:", buttonText= "Browse", toolTip= "Type filename or click browse to choose file", dialogTitle = "Choose a file", startDirectory = ".", initialValue = "", fileMask = "*.*", fileMode = wx.FD_OPEN, changeCallback= lambda x:x, labelWidth = 0, name = 'fileBrowseButton')
  • labelText – Text for label to left of text field
  • buttonText – Text for button which launches the file dialog
  • toolTip – Help text
  • dialogTitle – Title used in file dialog
  • startDirectory – Default directory for file dialog startup
  • fileMask – File mask (glob pattern, such as .) to use in file dialog
  • fileMode – wx.FD_OPEN or wx.FD_SAVE, indicates type of file dialog to use
  • changeCallback – Optional callback called for all changes in value of the control
  • labelWidth – Width of the label


Create the browse-button control

createDialog(self, parent, id, pos, size, style, name)

Setup the graphic representation of the dialog


Create the label/caption


Create the text control


Retrieve the label’s current text


retrieve current value of text control

OnBrowse(self, event = None)

Going to browse for file...

OnChanged(self, evt)

SetBackgroundColour(self, color)

SetLabel(self, value)

Set the label’s current text

SetValue(self, value, callBack=1)

set current value of text control