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phoenix_title wx.lib.docview.DocPrintout

DocPrintout is a default wx.Printout that prints the first page of a document view.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class DocPrintout:

super_classes Known Superclasses


method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Constructor.
GetPageInfo Indicates that the DocPrintout only has a single page.
GetView Returns the DocPrintout’s view.
HasPage Indicates that the DocPrintout only has a single page.
OnPrintPage Prints the first page of the view.

api Class API

class DocPrintout(wx.Printout)

DocPrintout is a default wx.Printout that prints the first page of a document view.


__init__(self, view, title="Printout")



Indicates that the DocPrintout only has a single page.


Returns the DocPrintout’s view.

HasPage(self, pageNum)

Indicates that the DocPrintout only has a single page.

OnPrintPage(self, page)

Prints the first page of the view.