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phoenix_title wx.lib.agw.thumbnailctrl.PILImageHandler

This image handler loads and manipulates the thumbnails with the help of PIL (the Python Imaging Library).

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class PILImageHandler:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default class constructor.
HighlightImage Adjust overall image brightness to highlight.
LoadThumbnail Load the file and rescale it.

api Class API

class PILImageHandler(object)

This image handler loads and manipulates the thumbnails with the help of PIL (the Python Imaging Library).



Default class constructor.


If PIL is not installed, this will raise an exception. PIL can be downloaded from .

HighlightImage(self, img, factor)

Adjust overall image brightness to highlight.


LoadThumbnail(self, filename, thumbnailsize)

Load the file and rescale it.

  • filename – a file containing an image;
  • thumbnailsize – the desired size of the thumbnail.