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phoenix_title wx.lib.agw.labelbook.ImageInfo

This class holds all the information (caption, image, etc...) belonging to a single tab in LabelBook.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class ImageInfo:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default class constructor.
EnableTab Sets the tab enabled or disabled.
GetCaption Returns the tab caption.
GetEnabled Returns whether the tab is enabled or not.
GetImageIndex Returns the tab image index.
GetPosition Returns the tab position.
GetSize Returns the tab size.
GetTextRect Returns the client rectangle available for the tab text.
SetCaption Sets the tab caption.
SetImageIndex Sets the tab image index.
SetPosition Sets the tab position.
SetSize Sets the tab size.
SetTextRect Sets the client rectangle available for the tab text.

api Class API

class ImageInfo(object)

This class holds all the information (caption, image, etc...) belonging to a single tab in LabelBook.


__init__(self, strCaption="", imageIndex=-1, enabled=True)

Default class constructor.

  • strCaption – the tab caption;
  • imageIndex – the tab image index based on the assigned (set) wx.ImageList (if any);
  • enabled – sets the tab as enabled or disabled.

EnableTab(self, enabled)

Sets the tab enabled or disabled.

Parameters:enabledTrue to enable a tab, False to disable it.


Returns the tab caption.


Returns whether the tab is enabled or not.


Returns the tab image index.


Returns the tab position.


Returns the tab size.


Returns the client rectangle available for the tab text.

SetCaption(self, value)

Sets the tab caption.

Parameters:value – the new tab caption.

SetImageIndex(self, value)

Sets the tab image index.

Parameters:value – an index into the image list..

SetPosition(self, value)

Sets the tab position.

Parameters:value – the new tab position, an instance of wx.Point.

SetSize(self, value)

Sets the tab size.

Parameters:value – the new tab size, an instance of wx.Size.

SetTextRect(self, rect)

Sets the client rectangle available for the tab text.

Parameters:rect – the tab text client rectangle, an instance of wx.Rect.