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phoenix_title wx.lib.agw.aui.framemanager.AuiManagerEvent

A specialized command event class for events sent by AuiManager.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class AuiManagerEvent:

super_classes Known Superclasses


method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default class constructor.
CanVeto Returns whether the event can be vetoed and has been vetoed.
GetButton Returns the associated AuiPaneButton instance (if any).
GetDC Returns the associated wx.DC device context (if any).
GetManager Returns the associated AuiManager (if any).
GetPane Returns the associated AuiPaneInfo structure (if any).
GetVeto Returns whether the event has been vetoed or not.
SetButton Associates a AuiPaneButton instance to this event.
SetCanVeto Sets whether the event can be vetoed or not.
SetDC Associates a wx.DC device context to this event.
SetManager Associates a AuiManager to the current event.
SetPane Associates a AuiPaneInfo instance to this event.
Veto Prevents the change announced by this event from happening.

api Class API

class AuiManagerEvent(wx.PyCommandEvent)

A specialized command event class for events sent by AuiManager.


__init__(self, eventType, id=1)

Default class constructor.

  • eventType (integer) – the event kind;
  • id (integer) – the event identification number.


Returns whether the event can be vetoed and has been vetoed.


Returns the associated AuiPaneButton instance (if any).


Returns the associated wx.DC device context (if any).


Returns the associated AuiManager (if any).


Returns the associated AuiPaneInfo structure (if any).


Returns whether the event has been vetoed or not.

SetButton(self, b)

Associates a AuiPaneButton instance to this event.

Parameters:b – a AuiPaneButton instance.

SetCanVeto(self, can_veto)

Sets whether the event can be vetoed or not.

Parameters:can_veto (bool) – True if the event can be vetoed, False otherwise.

SetDC(self, pdc)

Associates a wx.DC device context to this event.

Parameters:pdc – a wx.DC device context object.

SetManager(self, mgr)

Associates a AuiManager to the current event.

Parameters:mgr – an instance of AuiManager.

SetPane(self, p)

Associates a AuiPaneInfo instance to this event.

Parameters:p – a AuiPaneInfo instance.

Veto(self, veto=True)

Prevents the change announced by this event from happening.

It is in general a good idea to notify the user about the reasons for vetoing the change because otherwise the applications behaviour (which just refuses to do what the user wants) might be quite surprising.

Parameters:veto (bool) – True to veto the event, False otherwise.