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phoenix_title wx.html2.WebViewFSHandler

A wx.html2.WebView file system handler to support standard wx.FileSystem protocols of the form example:page.htm The handler allows wx.html2.WebView to use wx.FileSystem in a similar fashion to its use with Html.

The wx.MemoryFSHandler documentation gives an example of how it may be used.


New in version 2.9.5.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class WebViewFSHandler:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Constructor.

api Class API

class wx.html2.WebViewFSHandler(WebViewHandler)

Possible constructors:


A WebView file system handler to support standard FileSystem protocols of the form example:page.htm The handler allows WebView to use FileSystem in a similar fashion to its use with Html.


__init__(self, scheme)


Parameters:scheme (string) –

GetFile(self, uri)
Parameters:uri (string) –
Return type:FSFile
Returns:A pointer to the file represented by uri .