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phoenix_title wx.aui.AuiButtonIdΒΆ

The AuiButtonId enumeration provides the following values:

Description Value
wx.aui.AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE Shows a close button on the pane.
wx.aui.AUI_BUTTON_MAXIMIZE_RESTORE Shows a maximize/restore button on the pane.
wx.aui.AUI_BUTTON_MINIMIZE Shows a minimize button on the pane.
wx.aui.AUI_BUTTON_PIN Shows a pin button on the pane.
wx.aui.AUI_BUTTON_OPTIONS Shows an option button on the pane (not implemented)
wx.aui.AUI_BUTTON_WINDOWLIST Shows a window list button on the pane (for wx.aui.AuiNotebook)
wx.aui.AUI_BUTTON_LEFT Shows a left button on the pane (for wx.aui.AuiNotebook)
wx.aui.AUI_BUTTON_RIGHT Shows a right button on the pane (for wx.aui.AuiNotebook)
wx.aui.AUI_BUTTON_UP Shows an up button on the pane (not implemented)
wx.aui.AUI_BUTTON_DOWN Shows a down button on the pane (not implemented)
wx.aui.AUI_BUTTON_CUSTOM1 Shows one of three possible custom buttons on the pane (not implemented)
wx.aui.AUI_BUTTON_CUSTOM2 Shows one of three possible custom buttons on the pane (not implemented)
wx.aui.AUI_BUTTON_CUSTOM3 Shows one of three possible custom buttons on the pane (not implemented)