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phoenix_title wx.ToolTip

This class holds information about a tooltip associated with a window (see wx.Window.SetToolTip ).

The four static methods, wx.ToolTip.Enable , wx.ToolTip.SetDelay wx.ToolTip.SetAutoPop and wx.ToolTip.SetReshow can be used to globally alter tooltips behaviour.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class ToolTip:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Constructor.
Enable Enable or disable tooltips globally.
GetTip Get the tooltip text.
GetWindow Get the associated window.
SetAutoPop Set the delay after which the tooltip disappears or how long a tooltip remains visible.
SetDelay Set the delay after which the tooltip appears.
SetMaxWidth Set tooltip maximal width in pixels.
SetReshow Set the delay between subsequent tooltips to appear.
SetTip Set the tooltip text.

property_summary Properties Summary

Tip See GetTip and SetTip
Window See GetWindow

api Class API

class wx.ToolTip(Object)

Possible constructors:


This class holds information about a tooltip associated with a window (see Window.SetToolTip()).


__init__(self, tip)


Parameters:tip (string) –

static Enable(flag)

Enable or disable tooltips globally.

Parameters:flag (bool) –


May not be supported on all platforms (eg. Cocoa).


Get the tooltip text.

Return type:string


Get the associated window.

Return type: wx.Window

static SetAutoPop(msecs)

Set the delay after which the tooltip disappears or how long a tooltip remains visible.

Parameters:msecs (long) –


May not be supported on all platforms (eg. Cocoa, GTK).

static SetDelay(msecs)

Set the delay after which the tooltip appears.

Parameters:msecs (long) –


May not be supported on all platforms (eg. Cocoa).

static SetMaxWidth(width)

Set tooltip maximal width in pixels.

By default, tooltips are wrapped at a suitably chosen width. You can pass -1 as width to disable wrapping them completely, 0 to restore the default behaviour or an arbitrary positive value to wrap them at the given width.

Notice that this function does not change the width of the tooltips created before calling it.

Parameters:width (int) –


Currently this function is MSW-only.

static SetReshow(msecs)

Set the delay between subsequent tooltips to appear.

Parameters:msecs (long) –


May not be supported on all platforms (eg. Cocoa, GTK).

SetTip(self, tip)

Set the tooltip text.

Parameters:tip (string) –



See GetTip and SetTip


See GetWindow