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phoenix_title wx.Matrix2D

A simple container for 2x2 matrix.

This simple structure is used with wx.AffineMatrix2D.

New in version 2.9.2.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class Matrix2D:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default constructor.

property_summary Properties Summary

m_11 A public C++ attribute of type Double . The matrix elements in the usual mathematical notation.
m_12 A public C++ attribute of type Double .
m_21 A public C++ attribute of type Double .
m_22 A public C++ attribute of type Double .

api Class API

class wx.Matrix2D(object)

Possible constructors:

Matrix2D(v11=1, v12=0, v21=0, v22=1)

A simple container for 2x2 matrix.


__init__(self, v11=1, v12=0, v21=0, v22=1)

Default constructor.

Initializes the matrix elements to the identity.

  • v11 (wx.Double) –
  • v12 (wx.Double) –
  • v21 (wx.Double) –
  • v22 (wx.Double) –



A public C++ attribute of type Double . The matrix elements in the usual mathematical notation.


A public C++ attribute of type Double .


A public C++ attribute of type Double .


A public C++ attribute of type Double .