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phoenix_title wx.GraphicsGradientStop

Represents a single gradient stop in a collection of gradient stops as represented by wx.GraphicsGradientStops.

New in version 2.9.1.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class GraphicsGradientStop:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Creates a stop with the given colour and position.
GetColour Return the stop colour.
GetPosition Return the stop position.
SetColour Change the stop colour.
SetPosition Change the stop position.

property_summary Properties Summary

Colour See GetColour and SetColour
Position See GetPosition and SetPosition

api Class API

class wx.GraphicsGradientStop(object)

Possible constructors:

GraphicsGradientStop(col=TransparentColour, pos=0.)

Represents a single gradient stop in a collection of gradient stops as represented by GraphicsGradientStops.


__init__(self, col=TransparentColour, pos=0.)

Creates a stop with the given colour and position.

  • col (wx.Colour) – The colour of this stop. Note that the alpha component of the colour is honoured thus allowing the background colours to partially show through the gradient.
  • pos (float) – The stop position, must be in [0, 1] range with 0 being the beginning and 1 the end of the gradient.


Return the stop colour.

Return type: wx.Colour


Return the stop position.

Return type:float

SetColour(self, col)

Change the stop colour.

Parameters:col (wx.Colour) – The new colour.

SetPosition(self, pos)

Change the stop position.

Parameters:pos (float) – The new position, must always be in [0, 1] range.



See GetColour and SetColour


See GetPosition and SetPosition