.. _`wheezy.http`: Wheezy HTTP ============ Introduction ------------ :ref:`wheezy.http` is a `python`_ package written in pure Python code. It is a lightweight http library for things like request, response, headers, cookies and many others. It a wrapper around the `WSGI`_ request environment. It is optimized for performance, well tested and documented. Resources: * `source code`_, `examples`_ and `issues`_ tracker are available on `bitbucket`_ * `documentation`_, `readthedocs`_ * `eggs`_ on `pypi`_ Contents -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 gettingstarted examples userguide testing modules .. _`bitbucket`: https://bitbucket.org/akorn/wheezy.http .. _`documentation`: http://packages.python.org/wheezy.http .. _`eggs`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/wheezy.http .. _`examples`: https://bitbucket.org/akorn/wheezy.http/src/tip/demos .. _`issues`: https://bitbucket.org/akorn/wheezy.http/issues .. _`pypi`: http://pypi.python.org .. _`python`: http://www.python.org .. _`readthedocs`: http://readthedocs.org/builds/wheezyhttp/ .. _`source code`: https://bitbucket.org/akorn/wheezy.http/src .. _`WSGI`: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3333