User Guide ========== :ref:`wheezy.core` comes with extensions to the following features: * benchmark * collections * config * datetime * db * descriptors * feistel * gzip * i18n * introspection * json * luhn * mail * pooling * retry * url * uuid benchmark --------- The :py:mod:`~wheezy.core.benchmark` module contains a single class :py:class:`~wheezy.core.benchmark.Benchmark` that measures execution time of your code. Here is an example:: class BenchmarkTestCase(PublicTestCase): def runTest(self): p = Benchmark(( self.test_home, self.test_about ), 1000)'public', baselines={ 'test_home': 1.0, 'test_about': 0.926 }) Sample output:: public: 2 x 1000 baseline throughput change target 100.0% 839rps +0.0% test_home 96.2% 807rps +3.9% test_about Each of the test cases has been run 1000 times. The shows productivity relative to the first test case (which serves as a baseline for other tests), throughput in requests per second, change from ``baselines`` argument passed to ``report`` method and target being benchmarked. Reports are being printed as soon as results are available. collections ----------- The :py:mod:`~wheezy.core.collections` module contains types and functions that define various collections, iterators and algorithms. Classes: * :py:class:`~wheezy.core.collections.ItemAdapter` - adapts ``defaultdict(list)``.__getitem__ accessor to return item at ``index`` from the list. If ``key`` is not found return None. * :py:class:`~wheezy.core.collections.attrdict` - a dictionary with attribute-style access. Maps attribute access to dictionary. * :py:class:`~wheezy.core.collections.defaultattrdict` - a dictionary with attribute-style access. Maps attribute access to dictionary. Extends ``defaultdict``. Functions: * :py:meth:`~wheezy.core.collections.first_item_adapter` - adapts ``defaultdict(list)``.__getitem__ accessor to return the first item from the list. * :py:meth:`~wheezy.core.collections.last_item_adapter` - adapts ``defaultdict(list)``.__getitem__ accessor to return the last item from the list. * :py:meth:`~wheezy.core.collections.distinct` - returns generator for unique items in ``seq`` with preserved order. * :py:meth:`~wheezy.core.collections.gzip_iterator` - iterates over ``items`` and returns generator of gzipped items. Argument ``compress_level`` sets compression level. config ------ :py:class:`~wheezy.core.config.Config` - promotes ``options`` dict to attributes. If an option can not be found in ``options``, tries to get it from ``master``. ``master`` must have a requested option otherwise an error is raised:: m = {'DEBUG': False} c = Config(options={'DEBUG': True}, master=m) assert True == c.DEBUG ``master`` - object with dictionary or attribute style of access. datetime -------- Represents an instant in time, typically expressed as a date and time of day. Classes: * :py:class:`~wheezy.core.datetime.utc` - defines UTC timezone. There are two instances of the class: GMT and UTC. Functions: * :py:meth:`~wheezy.core.datetime.format_http_datetime` - formats datetime to a string following rfc1123 pattern:: >>> from wheezy.core.datetime import UTC >>> now = datetime(2011, 9, 19, 10, 45, 30, 0, UTC) >>> format_http_datetime(now) 'Mon, 19 Sep 2011 10:45:30 GMT' * :py:meth:`~wheezy.core.datetime.parse_http_datetime` - parses a string in rfc1123 format to ``datetime``:: >>> parse_http_datetime('Mon, 19 Sep 2011 10:45:30 GMT') datetime.datetime(2011, 9, 19, 10, 45, 30) * :py:meth:`~wheezy.core.datetime.total_seconds` - returns a total number of seconds for the given time delta (``datetime.timedelta`` or ``int``):: >>> total_seconds(timedelta(hours=2)) 7200 db -- TODO descriptors ----------- TODO feistel ------- TODO gzip ---- One-shot compression and decompression is provided through the :py:meth:`~wheezy.core.gzip.compress` and :py:meth:`~wheezy.core.gzip.decompress` functions. httpclient ---------- :py:class:`~wheezy.core.httpclient.HTTPClient` sends HTTP requests to a server in order to accomplish an application specific use cases, e.g. remote web server API, etc:: >>> from wheezy.core.httpclient import HTTPClient >>> c = HTTPClient('') >>> c.get('project') 200 >>> project = c.json >>>> str(project.title) Buildbot Here is another example that demonstarates etag handling (the second time we request events the server responds with HTTP status code 304, not modified):: >>> c = HTTPClient('') >>> c.get('events') 200 >>> c.headers['content-encoding'] ['gzip'] >>> c.get('events') 304 Supports: HTTP(S) GET/HEAD/POST verbs, follows redirects, handles cookies and etags between requests, gzip content encoding. i18n ---- Internationalisation is the process of adapting an application to different languages, regional differences and technical requirements. Internationalization of software is designing an application so that it can be adapted to various languages and regions without engineering changes. ``gettext`` is an internationalization and localization (i18n) system commonly used for writing multilingual programs on Unix-like operating systems. :py:class:`~wheezy.core.i18n.TranslationsManager` - manages several languages and translation domains. You can use method :py:meth:`~wheezy.core.i18n.TranslationsManager.load` to load all available languages and domains from the given directory (typically it is ``i18n`` directory within our application root directory). Translations directory structure must follow ``gettext`` requirements (this is how it looks up data below the ``i18n`` directory):: {localedir}/{lang}/LC_MESSAGES/{domain}.mo In order to generate a .mo file from a .po file:: $ msgfmt domain.po :py:class:`~wheezy.core.i18n.TranslationsManager` supports the following arguments in initialization: * ``directories`` - a list of directories that holds translations. * ``default_lang`` - a default language in translations. Defaults to ``en``. :py:class:`~wheezy.core.i18n.TranslationsManager` supports a fallback mechanism. You can use :py:meth:`~wheezy.core.i18n.TranslationsManager.add_fallback` to add fallback languages. >>> from wheezy.core.i18n import TranslationsManager >>> tm = TranslationsManager(['i18n'], default_lang='en') >>> tm.add_fallback(('uk', 'ru')) >>> tm.fallbacks {'uk': ('uk', 'ru', 'en')} The default language is always appended to the fallback list. :py:class:`~wheezy.core.i18n.TranslationsManager` supports dictionary access that accepts a language code as a key. So the following represents all translations related to ``en`` language code:: lang = tm['en'] ``lang`` is an instance of :py:class:`~wheezy.core.collections.defaultattrdict` where attributes correspond to translation file (translation domain), if it is not available there is fallback to an instance of ``gettext.NullTranslations``:: assert 'Hello' == lang.messages.gettext('hello') Seamless integration with ``gettext`` module simplifies your application internationalization and localization. introspection ------------- Type introspection is a capability to determine the type of an object at runtime. :py:meth:`~wheezy.core.introspection.import_name` - dynamically imports an object by its full name. The following two imports are equivalent:: from datetime import timedelta import_name('datetime.timedelta') :py:meth:`~wheezy.core.introspection.import_name` lets you introduce lazy imports into your application. json ---- Extends the standard ``json`` module from Python2.6 and ``simplejson`` for Python2.5 with support for ``date``, ``datetime``, ``time`` and ``Decimal`` types. * :py:meth:`~wheezy.core.json.json_encode` encodes ``obj`` as a JSON formatted string. Correctly escapes forward slashes to be able to embed javascript code. Decimal objects are converted to string (same applies when used with ``simplejson``). * :py:meth:`~wheezy.core.json.json_decode` decodes a JSON document to a Python object. Float is parsed as Decimal. luhn ---- TODO mail ---- TODO pooling ------- TODO retry ----- TODO url --- Every URL consists of the following: the scheme name (or protocol), followed by a colon and two slashes, then, a domain name (alternatively, IP address), a port number (optionally), the path of the resource to be fetched, a query string, and an optional fragment identifier. Here is the syntax:: scheme://domain:port/path?query_string#fragment_id The :py:mod:`~wheezy.core.url` module provides integration with `urlparse`_ module. :py:class:`~wheezy.core.url.UrlParts` - concrete class for :func:`urlparse.urlsplit` results, where argument ``parts`` is a tupple of length 6. There are the following methods: * ``geturl()`` - returns the re-combined version of the original URL as a string. * ``join(other)`` - joins with another ``UrlParts`` instance by taking none-empty values from ``other``. Returns new ``UrlParts`` instance. There is a factory function :py:meth:`~wheezy.core.url.urlparts` for :py:class:`~wheezy.core.url.UrlParts`, that let you create an instance of :py:class:`~wheezy.core.url.UrlParts` with partial content. uuid ---- A universally unique identifier (UUID) is an identifier that enable distributed systems to uniquely identify information without significant central coordination. A UUID is a 16-byte (128-bit) number. The following functions available: * :py:meth:`~wheezy.core.uuid.shrink_uuid` - returns base64 representation of a ``uuid``:: >>> shrink_uuid(UUID('a4af2f54-e988-4f5c-bfd6-351c79299b74')) 'pK8vVOmIT1y_1jUceSmbdA' * :py:meth:`~wheezy.core.uuid.parse_uuid` - decodes a base64 string to ``uuid``:: >>> parse_uuid('pK8vVOmIT1y_1jUceSmbdA') UUID('a4af2f54-e988-4f5c-bfd6-351c79299b74') There is also a module attribute ``UUID_EMPTY`` defined, that is just an instance of UUID ``'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'``. .. _`urlparse`: