Source code for wheezy.routing.curly

""" ``curly`` module.

import re

RE_SPLIT = re.compile('(?P<n>\{[\w:]+\})')

patterns = {
    # one or more digits
    'i': r'\d+',
    'int': r'\d+',
    'number': r'\d+',
    'digits': r'\d+',
    # one or more word characters
    'w': r'\w+',
    'word': r'\w+',
    # everything until ``/``
    's': r'[^/]+',
    'segment': r'[^/]+',
    'part': r'[^/]+',
    # any
    'a': r'.+',
    'any': r'.+',
    'rest': r'.+'

default_pattern = 's'

def convert(s):
[docs] """ Convert curly expression into regex with named groups. >>> convert(r'abc/{id}') 'abc/(?P<id>[^/]+)' >>> convert(r'abc/{id:i}') 'abc/(?P<id>\\\d+)' >>> convert(r'abc/{n}/{x:w}') 'abc/(?P<n>[^/]+)/(?P<x>\\\w+)' """ parts = RE_SPLIT.split(s) return ''.join(map(replace, parts)) def replace(val):
[docs] """ Replace ``{group_name:pattern_name}`` by regex with named groups. If the ``val`` is not an expression in curly brackets simply return it. >>> replace('abc') 'abc' If the ``pattern_name`` is not specified, use default one. >>> replace('{abc}') '(?P<abc>[^/]+)' Replace the ``pattern_name`` with regex from ``patterns`` dict. >>> replace('{abc:i}') '(?P<abc>\\\d+)' The ``pattern_name`` not found raise ``KeyError``. >>> replace('{abc:x}') Traceback (most recent call last): ... KeyError: 'x' """ if val.startswith('{') and val.endswith('}'): group_name, pattern_name = parse(val[1:-1]) pattern = patterns[pattern_name] return '(?P<%s>%s)' % (group_name, pattern) return val def parse(s):
[docs] """ Parse ``s`` according to ``group_name:pattern_name``. There is just ``group_name``, return default ``pattern_name``. >>> parse('abc') ('abc', 's') Otherwise both. >>> parse('abc:i') ('abc', 'i') """ if ':' in s: return tuple(s.split(':', 1)) return s, default_pattern