Source code for

""" ``builders`` module.

import re

from route import Route
from route import PlainRoute
from route import RegexRoute
from curly import RE_SPLIT as RE_CURLY_ROUTE
from curly import convert as curly_convert

RE_PLAIN_ROUTE = re.compile('^[\w/-]+$')

def try_build_plain_route(pattern, kwargs=None):
[docs] """ If the plain route regular expression match the pattern than create a PlainRoute instance. >>> r = try_build_plain_route(r'abc') >>> assert isinstance(r, PlainRoute) Otherwise return None. >>> r = try_build_plain_route(r'ab[c]') >>> assert r is None """ if pattern == '' or RE_PLAIN_ROUTE.match(pattern): return PlainRoute(pattern, kwargs) return None def try_build_curly_route(pattern, kwargs=None):
[docs] """ Convert pattern expression into regex with named groups and create regex route. >>> r = try_build_curly_route('abc/{n}') >>> assert isinstance(r, RegexRoute) Otherwise return None. >>> r = try_build_curly_route('abc') """ if return RegexRoute(curly_convert(pattern), kwargs) return None def try_build_regex_route(pattern, kwargs=None):
[docs] """ There is no special tests to match regex selection strategy. >>> r = try_build_regex_route(r'abc') >>> assert isinstance(r, RegexRoute) """ return RegexRoute(pattern, kwargs) def build_route(pattern, kwargs, route_builders):
[docs] """ If ``pattern`` is an object drived from ``Route`` than it simply returned. >>> pattern = PlainRoute(r'abc') >>> r = build_route(pattern, None, []) >>> assert pattern == r If ``pattern`` is a string than try to find sutable route builder to create a route. >>> from config import route_builders >>> r = build_route(r'abc', {'a': 1}, route_builders) >>> assert isinstance(r, PlainRoute) >>> r.kwargs {'a': 1} Otherwise raise LookupError >>> r = build_route(r'abc', None, []) Traceback (most recent call last): ... LookupError: No matching route factory found """ if isinstance(pattern, Route): route = pattern else: for try_build_route in route_builders: route = try_build_route(pattern, kwargs) if route: break else: raise LookupError("No matching route factory found") return route