
Generate a static h5bp html5/css/js structure, with js-yuno incorporated.

Available commands:


Install with:

virtualenv env_web_skeleton
source env_web_skeleton/bin/activate
easy_install web_skeleton


remember install

sudo apt-get install ruby-compass sudo easy_install -U scour

Quick Start

Build a project

Create a new project directory with the command:

web-skeleton init myblog

This command creates the myblog directory with the next structure:

* The `web-skeleton.ini` file is the configuration file.
  • The assets directory contains the assets skeletons.

    It’s the structure of the preconfigured directories with js, css, img files, etc.

  • The htmlrendercode contains the python code that generate the html code.

  • The tags directory contains the final result, organized by tag versions.

Create a new tag (new h5bp structure)

Create a new tag output directory with the command:

web-skeleton skeleton

Execute this command in the myblog directory to create a new skeleton, a new directory in the tags directory with the name of the current tag. The current tag is defined in the web-skeleton.ini file. The selected skeleton is the one configurated in the web-skeleton.ini file.

Create your static html code

Create your index.html with the command:

web-skeleton render

This command executes the code of the htmlrendercode directory, generating the content of index.html file.

The index.html file is created in the current tag directory. The called code is:

from base import get_base
base = get_base(code_path, output_path, debug)
html = base.render()

get_base is the only function being called from web_skeleton. The rest is up to you. This function must return a class with a render method. The render method must return a string with the html code. The parameters are:

:param code_path: path where python and templates code reside.
:param output_path: current output tag directory.
:param debug: True if you want debug.

Create a new gclass

This command create a new gclass:

web-skeleton gclass name

It will create four files: name.js and name.css in the gclasss directory.

Addition to creating the files, two symbolic links are created:

  • A link to javascript file is created in the current output tag directory plus static/js/bottom/gclass.
  • A link to css file is created in the current output tag directory plus static/css/gclass.

If some file already exists, it is not overridden.

Publish the static html code

You can publish your static html code in the configurated servers with the command:

web-skeleton rsync


Assets currently avaiable:


A skeleton based on:


needed webassets >= 0.8.dev.

You need to download this webassets version from https://github.com/miracle2k/webassets.git

Html render code

web-skeleton execute the next code when render command is executed:

from base import get_base
base = get_base(code_path, output_path, debug)
html = base.render()


  • code_path: path where python and templates code reside.
  • output_path: current output tag directory.
  • debug: True if you want debug.

That is, in your htmlrendercode directory you only need a base.py module, with a get_base() factory function that returns a class with the render method.

In the supplied code, I use the next packages to generate html code:

  • ghtml (Mako and ginsfsm)
  • webassets


This is the initial configuration file:

current_tag = 0.00.aa

0.00.aa =

assets = assets/h5bp+jquery
remote-server =

In each tag you configure the assets used to create a new tag skeleton and the remote server to rsync the output. The current tag it will be used with the render and rsync commands.


Copyright (c) 2015, Niyamaka.

web-skeleton is released under terms of the MIT License.

Indices and tables