=========================== Version Tools Documentation =========================== .. automodule:: versiontools .. seealso:: To get started quickly see :ref:`usage` .. seealso:: See what's new in :ref:`version_1_8_2` .. note:: This document may be out of date, the bleeding edge version is always available at http://versiontools.rtfd.org/ Features ======== * Keep a *single version definition* inside your package or module * Get proper versioning of development snapshots coupled with your :abbr:`VCS (Version Control System)` (pluggable support for additional systems available). Git, Mercurial and Bazaar are supported out of the box. * Produce nice version strings for released files that are compliant with :pep:`386` * Remain comparable as tuple of integers How version tuple affects version string ======================================== This is pulled from the documentation of the string method on the :class:`~versiontools.Version` class. In general you don't need to explicitly use that class to benefit from this system. To learn more check the :ref:`usage` section. .. automethod:: versiontools.Version.__str__ :noindex: Indices and tables ================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 installation.rst usage.rst vcs-integration.rst changes.rst reference.rst * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`