.. These docs require the following sphinx extensions: - sphinx.ext.autodoc - repoze.sphinx.autointerface - collective.sphinx.includedoc Note that some extensions are not yet upgraded for Sphinx > 1.0. You may need to fix the add_directive call in the setup function in their directive module to only pass the directive name and class. Documentation for uwosh.pfg.d2c =============================== Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 README Configuration and setup ----------------------- .config module ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: uwosh.pfg.d2c.config .. data:: PROJECTNAME .. data:: ADD_PERMISSIONS Interfaces ---------- .. autointerface:: uwosh.pfg.d2c.interfaces.IFormSaveData2ContentEntry .. autointerface:: uwosh.pfg.d2c.interfaces.IFormSaveData2ContentAdapter .. autointerface:: uwosh.pfg.d2c.interfaces.IFormSaveData2ContentEntryFinalizedEvent Content types ------------- There are two content types defined in modules within the 'content' package: .content.dataentry module ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: uwosh.pfg.d2c.content.dataentry .. autoclass:: FormSaveData2ContentEntry :members: Title, getValue .content.savedataadapter module ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: uwosh.pfg.d2c.content.savedataadapter .. autoclass:: FormSaveData2ContentAdapter :members: entry_types, setEntryType, createEntry, onSuccess, fieldVocabulary Events ------ .events module ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: uwosh.pfg.d2c.events :members: Doctest usage examples ====================== .. includedoc:: uwosh.pfg.d2c:/browser.txt Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`