Example 03: Collaborate timeseries measuresΒΆ

Walks through directory structure and collaborates timeseries based on metadata in the etc dictionaries and writes the aggregated data to a csv file.

By using a multiprocessing pool and specifying an elemlist to read_hd5 the datafiles can be quickly traversed.

from __future__ import print_function

# Copyright (c) 2013, Roger Lew
# All rights reserved.

Example timeseries reduction

from collections import OrderedDict
import glob
import os
import multiprocessing
import time

import numpy as np

from pyvttbl import DataFrame

from undaqTools import Daq

# dependent variables and indices that we want to analyze
dvs = [('CFS_Accelerator_Pedal_Position', 0),
       ('CFS_Brake_Pedal_Force', 0),
       ('CFS_Steering_Wheel_Angle', 0),
       ('SCC_Lane_Deviation', 1),
       ('VDS_Veh_Speed', 0)]

elemlist = [elem for elem,indx in dvs]

def collaborate_timeseries(hd5_file):
    global dvs, elemlist

    # load hd5
    daq = Daq()
    daq.read_hd5(hd5_file, elemlist=elemlist)

    results_list = []
    for (epoch, fslice) in daq.etc['epochs'].items():

        # figure out pid and independent variable conditions
        pid = daq.etc['pid']
        trial = epoch / 10
        scenario = daq.etc['scen_order'][trial]
        section = epoch % 10

        # pack pid and IV conditions into OrderedDict
        row = OrderedDict([('pid', pid),
                           ('trial', trial),
                           ('scenario', scenario),
                           ('section', section)])

        for (dv, indx) in dvs:
            vec = daq[dv][indx,fslice].flatten()

            row['%s_mean'%dv] = np.mean(vec)
            row['%s_min'%dv] = np.min(vec)
            row['%s_max'%dv] = np.max(vec)
            row['%s_range'%dv] = row['%s_max'%dv] - row['%s_min'%dv]
            row['%s_amean'%dv] = np.mean(np.abs(vec))
            row['%s_sd'%dv] = np.std(vec)
            row['%s_rms'%dv] = np.linalg.norm(vec)/np.sqrt(len(vec))


    return results_list

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # data is on a local SSD drive.
    data_dir = 'C:\\LocalData\\Left Lane\\'

    # change the directory of the kernel
    print("Changing wd to '%s'"%data_dir)

    print('\nCollaborating timeseries measures...')
    t0 = time.time()
    hd5_files = tuple(glob.glob('*/*.hdf5'))

    # parallel worker pool
    hd5_files = tuple(glob.glob('*/*.hdf5'))
    numcpus = 8
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(numcpus)
    list_of_results_lists = pool.imap(collaborate_timeseries, hd5_files)

    # pyvttbl is in pypi
    # container to hold the collaborated results
    df = DataFrame()
    for i, result_list in enumerate(list_of_results_lists):
        print('%s analyzed.'%hd5_files[i])
        for row in result_list:


    print('\nDone.\n\ncollaborating timeseries measures took %.1f s'%(time.time()-t0))

Example Output:

Changing wd to 'C:\LocalData\Left Lane\'

Collaborating timeseries measures...
Part01\Left_01_20130424102744.hdf5 analyzed.
Part02\Left_02_20130425084730.hdf5 analyzed.
Part03\Left_03_20130425102301.hdf5 analyzed.
Part04\Left_04_20130425142804.hdf5 analyzed.
Part05\Left_05_20130425161122.hdf5 analyzed.
Part06\Left_06_20130426111502.hdf5 analyzed.
Part07\Left_07_20130426143846.hdf5 analyzed.
Part08\Left_08_20130426164114.hdf5 analyzed.
Part08\Left_08_20130426164301.hdf5 analyzed.
Part09\Left09_20130423155149.hdf5 analyzed.
Part10\Left10_20130423155149.hdf5 analyzed.
Part111\Left_11_20130430081052.hdf5 analyzed.
Part12\Left_12_20130429163745.hdf5 analyzed.
Part13\Left_13_20130429182923.hdf5 analyzed.
Part14\Left_14_20130430102504.hdf5 analyzed.
Part15\Left_15_20130430171947.hdf5 analyzed.
Part16\Left_16_20130501103917.hdf5 analyzed.
Part170\Left_17_20130501163745.hdf5 analyzed.
Part18\Left_18_20130502084422.hdf5 analyzed.
Part18\Left_18_reset_20130502090909.hdf5 analyzed.
Part19\Left_19_20130502153547.hdf5 analyzed.
Part200\Left_20_20130509094509.hdf5 analyzed.


collaborating timeseries measures took 18.0 s

Traversing 30 GB of data in 18 seconds with 100 lines of code is a pretty impressive feat if you ask me.

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Example 02: stat, logstream, and Daq.etc

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Example 04: Multipanel ensemble plot

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