
class undaqTools.DynObj

class to represent AI controlled dynamic objects.

The simulator only keeps track of the nearest 20 dynamic objects and packs them into the Daq in a haphazard fashion. Daq._process_dynobjs and DynObj.process sort out this data and create a DynObj instance for each dynamic object recorded during the drive.


hcsmType int don’t know what this is
colorIndex int the color of the vehicle
solId int vehicle type
cvedId int id unique to drive
name string name defined in Isat “Ado...”
interpolated bool (int) whether the data was interpolated
frames np.ndarray  
heading Element global heading in rads (rotated 90 degrees, need to fix.)
speed Element vehicle speed in mph
roll Element roll
pitch Element pitch
pos Element global x, y, z coordinates in feet
distance Element distance traveled since intialized
relative_distance Element headway distance
relative_distance_err float error in relative distance estimate (assuming you know apriori the dynamic object travels the same path as the OwnVehicle)


process(cvedId, frame_indices, row_indices, daq) unpacks data Daq instance
write_hd5(self[, filename=None][, root=None]) writes DynObj to hdf5.
read_hd5(self[, filename=None][, root=None]) reads a DynObj from a hdf5 file
process(cvedId, frame_indices, row_indices, daq)

unpacks data from the SCC_DynObj* Elements

Parameters :

cvedId : int

numerical id of the dynamic object. Used to sort out what rows and columns in the SCC_DynObj* Elements coorespond to this vehicle

frame_indices : array_like

indices in the parent daq that contain information relevent to the dynamic object

row_indices : array_like

column by column indices specifying which rows coorespond to the dynamic object

daq : Daq

pointer to the parent Daq instance


This should really be a private method.

write_hd5(self[, filename=None][, root=None])

writes DynObj to hdf5.

Parameters :

filename : string

path to write to

root : h5py.File

handle to group

read_hd5(self[, filename=None][, root=None])

reads a DynObj from a hdf5 file.

Parameters :

filename : string

path to write to

root : h5py.File

handle to group


provides dicionary-esque access to the Element Attributes

__setitem__(indx, value)

provides dicionary-esque access to the Element Attributes


provides dicionary-esque access to the Element Attributes

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