twod.wsgi: WSGI as first-class citizen in Django applications

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Latest release:1.1a2


This library is now deprecated in favour of django-wsgi.

twod.wsgi unlocks Django applications so that developers can take advantage of the wealth of existing WSGI software, as the other popular Python frameworks do. It won’t break you existing Django applications because it’s 100% compatible with Django and you can start using the functionality offered by this library progressively. It should be really easy to get started, particularly for developers who are familiar with frameworks like Pylons or TurboGears.

Among many other things, one of the components alone provides solutions to some enterprise requirements for Django:

  • It’s now possible to run code at startup time, in a straight-forward yet extremely flexible fashion, which will also work on development servers if you want it to – not only when deployed on a production server.
  • You can now stop using a Python module to store your application settings, in order to use an intuitive and widely used mechanism that scales up and scales down. It will just work and you won’t have to update any other file in your application.
  • It’s finally possible to run WSGI middleware in development servers, the same way you may do it on production servers.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. By improving Django’s interoperability, you gain the ability to rapidly integrate many third party software with Django, or simply use a component which you think outperforms Django’s current implementation.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning that:

  • This project is comprehensively tested and fully documented.
  • Most of the functionality has been in heavy use for over 4 months before the initial alpha release, as a patched version of Django.
  • Our long-term goal is to see these improvements in Django itself – Either with our implementation or someone else’s. Before deciding to start an independent project, we had already offered our help to people within the Django community working towards similar aims and the offer still stands.
  • It is known to work with Django 1.1.1 and Python 2.5, and we expect it to work with Django 1.1-1.2 and Python 2.4-2.6 too – Please let us know if it doesn’t.

You may want to start by checking our presentation at the Django User Group in London (for a high-level introduction), read the twod.wsgi End-User Manual or learn more about the project! You can also download a demo application.