.. Titling ##++::==~~--''`` Start here ++++++++++ Turberfield is a **S** ur **PRISE**. a **Semantic** Turberfield can be understood by machines or human beings. **Persistent** Turberfield can be stopped and saved for later. **Reusable** Turberfield can be turned into something else. **Interactive** Turberfield listens to what you say. **Simulation** Turberfield knows what it's talking about. for **Economics** ...or Education, or Entertainment. Turberfield is deadly serious. And only a game. What's missing? **UR**! * If you've spotted a bug in Turberfield, please let me know so I can fix it. * If you think Turberfield lacks a feature, you can help drive development by describing your Use Case. In either event, please leave a message on the project's `message board`_. Contents :::::::: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 guide economics eargain api support Reference ::::::::: * :ref:`search` * :ref:`genindex` Legalities :::::::::: :Author: D Haynes :Copyright: 2014 Thuswise Ltd :Licence: `GNU Affero General Public License`_ .. _GNU Affero General Public License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html .. _message board: https://www.assembla.com/spaces/turberfield/messages