CLI Reference


A utility to perform a folder of dramatic screenplay.

There are command line options to change the timing of dialogue, to repeat the action, and to control the number of roles an entity may take.


turberfield-rehearse    --references=logic:references
usage: turberfield-rehearse [-h] [--version] [-v] [--log LOG_PATH]
                            [--references REFERENCES] [--folder FOLDER]
                            [--repeat REPEAT] [--roles ROLES] [--strict]
                            [--pause PAUSE] [--dwell DWELL] [--web] [--db DB]
                            [--session SESSION] [--locn LOCN] [--port PORT]

Named Arguments

--version Print the current version number
-v, --verbose Increase the verbosity of output
--log Set a file path for log output
--references Give an import path to a list of Python references.
--folder Give an import path to a SceneScript folder.
--repeat Repeat the rehearsal [0] times.
--roles The number of roles [1] permitted for each member of cast.
--strict Only perform fully-cast scene files.
--pause Time in seconds [1.5] to pause after a line.
--dwell Time in seconds [0.2] to dwell on each word.
--web Activate the web interface
--db Database URL.
--session Session id (internal use only)
--locn Script location (internal use only)
--port Set the port number of the web interface [8080]


This tool has a web mode which is experimental. It may not work perfectly in your web browser.

It also presents a potential security risk while it is running, since its CGI interface facilitates code execution on your computer.

Always check that your PC firewall does not permit outside access to the port configured by the program options. If in doubt, disconnect your PC from all networks while web mode is in operation.