.. Titling ##++::==~~--''`` .. _performing: Performing :::::::::: Making a name for yourself ========================== Congratulations on self-publishing your screenplay. You can build on that and start to socialise the use of the name you chose for your project. Remember way back when you were putting `__name__` as the **pkg** argument to declare your :py:class:`~turberfield.dialogue.model.SceneScript.Folder` object? No need to do that any more. `mydrama` (or whatever you picked instead) is the name of the package now. Likewise in scene script files, if there's a particular type you specify for an entity, that will be `mydrama.logic.VeterinarySurgeon` and so on. And because you have published your work, the whole world knows what you mean by that. Getting discovered ================== Here's how a Python developer, after installing your package, might look for some dialogue suited to his modern reimagining of some Shakespearian tragedy: .. code-block:: python from turberfield.utils.misc import gather_installed guid, folder = next( (i for i in gather_installed("turberfield.interfaces.folder") if "betrayal" in v.metadata), (None, None) ) Constraining entity selection ============================= One last tip. The :py:func:`~turberfield.dialogue.player.rehearse` function has been good to us. But it is very forgiving in the way it allows even minimally-cast scenes to play through. Sometimes we want all or nothing. Here is a way to pre-filter scenes so that only those fully cast are performed. `The code is illustrative and lacks some error handling`. .. code-block:: python def is_fully_cast(folder, references): for script in SceneScript.scripts(**folder._asdict()) with script as dialogue: selection = dialogue.select(references) if all(selection.values()): continue: else: return False return True .. _packaging tutorials: http://thuswise.co.uk/packaging-python-for-scale-part-one.html .. _reStructuredText: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/quickref.html .. _PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi .. _Gemfury: https://gemfury.com .. _calculate loan interest: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tallywallet-common