tune_reporting.api package


tune_reporting.api.advertiser_report_actuals module

TUNE Reporting API ‘/advertiser/stats/’

class tune_reporting.api.advertiser_report_actuals.AdvertiserReportActuals[source]

Bases: tune_reporting.base.endpoints.advertiser_report_actuals_base.AdvertiserReportActualsBase

TUNE Reporting API endpoint ‘/advertiser/stats/’

The constructor.

tune_reporting.api.advertiser_report_cohort_retention module

TUNE Reporting API ‘/advertiser/stats/retention/’

class tune_reporting.api.advertiser_report_cohort_retention.AdvertiserReportCohortRetention[source]

Bases: tune_reporting.base.endpoints.advertiser_report_cohort_base.AdvertiserReportCohortBase

TUNE Reporting API controller ‘advertiser/stats/retention/reduced’

The constructor.


Counts all existing records that match filter criteria and returns an array of found model data.

Parameters:map_params ((dict)) –

start_date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

end_date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

cohort_type: Cohort types: click, install.

cohort_interval: Cohort intervals:
year_day, year_week, year_month, year.

group: Group results using this endpoint’s fields.

filter: Apply constraints based upon values
associated with this endpoint’s fields.
response_timezone: Setting expected timezone for results,
default is set in account.

Places a job into a queue to generate a report that will contain records that match provided filter criteria, and it returns a job identifier to be provided to action /export/download.json to download completed report.

param (dict) map_params:

start_date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

end_date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

cohort_type: Cohort types: click, install.

cohort_interval: Cohort intervals:

year_day, year_week, year_month, year.

fields: Present results using these endpoint’s fields.

group: Group results using this endpoint’s fields.

filter: Apply constraints based upon values

associated with this endpoint’s fields.

response_timezone: Setting expected timezone for results,

default is set in account.




Helper function for fetching report upon completion. Starts worker for polling export queue.

param str job_id:
 Provided Job Identifier to reference requested report on export queue.

Finds all existing records that match filter criteria and returns an array of found model data.

param (dict) map_params:

start_date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

end_date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

cohort_type: Cohort types: click, install.

cohort_interval: Cohort intervals:

year_day, year_week, year_month, year.

fields: Present results using these endpoint’s fields.

group: Group results using this endpoint’s fields.

filter: Apply constraints based upon values

associated with this endpoint’s fields.

limit: Limit number of results, default 10, 0 shows all.

page: Pagination, default 1.

sort: Sort results using this endpoint’s fields.

Directions: DESC, ASC.

response_timezone: Setting expected timezone for results,

default is set in account.



tune_reporting.api.advertiser_report_cohort_values module

TUNE Reporting API ‘/advertiser/stats/ltv/’

class tune_reporting.api.advertiser_report_cohort_values.AdvertiserReportCohortValues[source]

Bases: tune_reporting.base.endpoints.advertiser_report_cohort_base.AdvertiserReportCohortBase

TUNE Reporting API controller ‘advertiser/stats/ltv’

The constructor.


Counts all existing records that match filter criteria and returns an array of found model data.

Parameters:map_params ((dict)) –

start_date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

end_date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

cohort_type: Cohort types: click, install.

cohort_interval: Cohort intervals:
year_day, year_week, year_month, year.

group: Group results using this endpoint’s fields.

filter: Apply constraints based upon values
associated with this endpoint’s fields.
response_timezone: Setting expected timezone for results,
default is set in account.

Places a job into a queue to generate a report that will contain records that match provided filter criteria, and it returns a job identifier to be provided to action /export/download.json to download completed report.

param (dict) map_params:

start_date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

end_date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

cohort_type: Cohort types: click, install.

cohort_interval: Cohort intervals:

year_day, year_week, year_month, year.

aggregation_type: Aggregation types:

year_day, year_week, year_month, year.

fields: Present results using these endpoint’s fields.

group: Group results using this endpoint’s fields.

filter: Apply constraints based upon values

associated with this endpoint’s fields.

response_timezone: Setting expected timezone for results,

default is set in account.




Helper function for fetching report upon completion. Starts worker for polling export queue.

param str job_id:
 Provided Job Identifier to reference requested report on export queue.

Finds all existing records that match filter criteria and returns an array of found model data.

param (dict) map_params:

start_date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

end_date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

cohort_type: Cohort types: click, install.

cohort_interval: Cohort intervals:

year_day, year_week, year_month, year.

aggregation_type: Aggregation types:

year_day, year_week, year_month, year.

fields: Present results using these endpoint’s fields.

group: Group results using this endpoint’s fields.

filter: Apply constraints based upon values

associated withthis endpoint’s fields.

limit: Limit number of results, default 10, 0 shows all.

page: Pagination, default 1.

sort: Sort results using this endpoint’s fields.

Directions: DESC, ASC.

response_timezone: Setting expected timezone for results,

default is set in account.



tune_reporting.api.advertiser_report_log_clicks module

TUNE Reporting API ‘/advertiser/stats/clicks/’

class tune_reporting.api.advertiser_report_log_clicks.AdvertiserReportLogClicks[source]

Bases: tune_reporting.base.endpoints.advertiser_report_log_base.AdvertiserReportLogBase

TUNE Reporting API endpoint ‘/advertiser/stats/clicks’

The constructor.

tune_reporting.api.advertiser_report_log_event_items module

TUNE Reporting API ‘/advertiser/stats/event/items/’

class tune_reporting.api.advertiser_report_log_event_items.AdvertiserReportLogEventItems[source]

Bases: tune_reporting.base.endpoints.advertiser_report_log_base.AdvertiserReportLogBase

Advertiser Stats logs pertaining to event items.

The constructor.

tune_reporting.api.advertiser_report_log_events module

TUNE Reporting API ‘/advertiser/stats/events/’

class tune_reporting.api.advertiser_report_log_events.AdvertiserReportLogEvents[source]

Bases: tune_reporting.base.endpoints.advertiser_report_log_base.AdvertiserReportLogBase

Advertiser Stats logs pertaining to events.

The constructor.

tune_reporting.api.advertiser_report_log_installs module

TUNE Reporting API ‘/advertiser/stats/installs/’

class tune_reporting.api.advertiser_report_log_installs.AdvertiserReportLogInstalls[source]

Bases: tune_reporting.base.endpoints.advertiser_report_log_base.AdvertiserReportLogBase

Advertiser Stats logs pertaining to installs.

The constructor.

tune_reporting.api.advertiser_report_log_postbacks module

TUNE Reporting API ‘/advertiser/stats/postbacks/’

class tune_reporting.api.advertiser_report_log_postbacks.AdvertiserReportLogPostbacks[source]

Bases: tune_reporting.base.endpoints.advertiser_report_log_base.AdvertiserReportLogBase

Advertiser Stats logs pertaining to postbacks.

The constructor.

tune_reporting.api.export module


class tune_reporting.api.export.Export[source]

Bases: tune_reporting.base.endpoints.endpoint_base.EndpointBase

TUNE Reporting API endpoint ‘/export/’.

The constructor.


Action ‘download’ for polling export queue for status information on request report to be exported.

param str job_id:
 Job identifier assigned for report export.

Helper function for fetching report upon completion. Starts worker for polling export queue.

param str job_id:
 Job identifier assigned for report export.
return:Document contents
static parse_response_report_url(response)[source]

Helper function for parsing export status response to gather report url.

param object response:
return (str):Report Url

tune_reporting.api.session_authenticate module


class tune_reporting.api.session_authenticate.SessionAuthenticate[source]

Bases: tune_reporting.base.endpoints.endpoint_base.EndpointBase

TUNE Reporting API endpoint ‘/session/authenticate/’.

The constructor.


Generate session token is returned to provide access to service.

param api_keys (string):
 Generate ‘session token’ for this api_keys.

Module contents

tune management api module