Source code for truepy._license_data

# coding: utf-8
# truepy
# Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Moses Palmér
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <>.

import json

from datetime import datetime

from ._name import Name
from ._bean_serializers import bean_class

[docs]class LicenseData(object): TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' UNKNOWN_NAME = 'CN=Unknown' @property def not_before(self): """The notBefore timestamp of this license""" return self._not_before @property def not_after(self): """The notAfter timestamp of this license""" return self._not_after @property def issued(self): """The issued timestamp of this license""" return self._issued @property def issuer(self): """The license issuer distinguished name""" return self._issuer @property def holder(self): """The license holder distinguished name""" return self._holder @property def subject(self): """The license subject""" return self._subject @property def consumer_type(self): """The type of entity to which this license is issued""" return self._consumer_type @property def info(self): """Generic information about this license""" return self._info @property def extra(self): """The license extra data""" return self._extra def __init__(self, not_before, not_after, issued=None, issuer=None, holder=None, subject=None, consumer_type=None, info=None, extra=None): """A class representing a license with a validity window and meta data. Any timestamps passed must be either instances of datetime.datetime, or strings parsable by License.TIMESTAMP_FORMAT; the timezone is assumed to be UTC. :param not_before: The timestamp when this license starts to be valid. :type not_before: datetime.datetime or str :param not_after: The timestamp when this license ceases to be valid. This must be strictly after `not_before`. :type not_after: datetime.datetime or str :param issued: The timestamp when this license was issued. This defaults to not_before. :type issued: datetime.datetime or str :param issuer: The issuer of this certificate. If not specified, UNKNOWN_NAME will be used. :type issuer: truepy.Name or str :param holder: The holder of this certificate. If not specified, UNKNOWN_NAME will be used. :type issuer: truepy.Name or str :param str subject: Free-form string data to associate with the license. This value will be stringified. :param str consumer_type: Free-form string data to associate with the license. This value will be stringified. :param str info: Free-form string data to associate with the license. This value will be stringified. :param object extra: Any type of data to store in the license. If this is not a string, it will be JSON serialised. """ def timestamp(v): if isinstance(v, datetime): return v else: return datetime.strptime( v + ' UTC', self.TIMESTAMP_FORMAT + ' %Z') self._not_before = timestamp(not_before) self._not_after = timestamp(not_after) if self._not_before >= self._not_after: raise ValueError( '%s is not before %s', self._not_before, self._not_after) self._issued = timestamp(issued or not_before) self._issuer = Name(str(issuer or self.UNKNOWN_NAME)) self._holder = Name(str(holder or self.UNKNOWN_NAME)) self._subject = str(subject or '') self._consumer_type = str(consumer_type or '') self._info = str(info or '') if not isinstance(extra, str): self._extra = json.dumps(extra) else: self._extra = extra