1. Part 1: Introduction

The Troy Python module provides ...

1.1. Installation


Troy requires Python >= 2.5. It won’t work with an older version of Python.

1.1.1. Install Virtualenv

A small Python command-line tool called virtualenv allows you to create a local Python environment (sandbox) in user space, which allows you to install additional Python packages without having to be ‘root’.

To create your local Python environment run the following command (you can install virtualenv on most systems via apt-get or yum, etc.):

virtualenv $HOME/tutorial

If you don’t have virtualenv installed and you don’t have root access on your machine, you can use the following script instead:

curl --insecure -s https://raw.github.com/pypa/virtualenv/master/virtualenv.py | python - $HOME/tutorial


If you have multiple Python versions installed on your system, you can use the virtualenv --python=PYTHON_EXE flag to force virtualenv to use a specific version.

Next, you need to activate your Python environment in order to make it work:

source $HOME/tutorial/bin/activate

Activating the virtualenv is very important. If you don’t activate your virtualenv, the rest of this tutorial will not work. You can usually tell that your environment is activated properly if your bash command-line prompt starts with (tutorial).

1.1.2. Install Troy

The latest troy module is available via the Python Package Index (PyPi). PyPi packages are installed very similar to Linux deb or rpm packages with a tool called pip (which stands for “pip installs packages”). Pip is installed by default in your virtualenv, so in order to install Troy, the only thing you have to do is this:

pip install troy

You will see some downloading and unpacking action and if everything worked ok, the last two lines should look like this:

Finished processing dependencies for troy==0.1

To make sure that your installation works, run the following command to check if the troy module can be imported by the interpreter (the output of the command below should be version number of the troy module):

python -c "import troy; print troy.version"

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