CookBook ******** Quick Installation Guide ------------------------ The steps below lead to a usable installation on ``:: # we need the python and git module loaded [merzky@i136 ~]$ module load git python git version loaded Python version 2.7 loaded [merzky@i136 ~]$ python -V Python 2.7 [merzky@i136 ~]$ which virtualenv /N/soft/python/2.7/bin/virtualenv [merzky@i136 ~]$ virtualenv ve PYTHONHOME is set. You *must* activate the virtualenv before using it New python executable in ve/bin/python Installing setuptools............done. Installing pip...............done. # use the virtualenv [merzky@i136 ~]$ source ve/bin/activate # these two don't install cleanly via pip on india, so use easy_install (ve)[merzky@i136 ~]$ easy_install apache-libcloud threadpool ... # we need radical.utils from master branch (ve)[merzky@i136 ~]$ pip install git+git:// # install troy and remaining dependencies. 'pip install' cannot access provate # github repos on india, so we have to clone first (ve)[merzky@i136 ~]$ git clone Cloning into 'troy'... remote: Counting objects: 2677, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1185/1185), done. remote: Total 2677 (delta 1467), reused 2632 (delta 1422) Receiving objects: 100% (2677/2677), 2.85 MiB | 3.49 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (1467/1467), done. # now install (ve)[merzky@i136 ~]$ pip install --upgrade troy/ ... # ready to run the demo -- set verbosity to see things happening: (ve)[merzky@i136 ~]$ export TROY_VERBOSE=DEBUG (ve)[merzky@i136 ~]$ python troy/examples/ Caveats: -------- You may encounter the following problems during your installation:: # If a 'pip install' command complains about # Permission denied: '/tmp/pip-build/....' # then add the following flag to the pip command line: # --build=/tmp/pip-build-`id -un` # which will then use the respective temp dir. You may want to clean that dir # up after installation. # If a 'pip install' command complains about # CompressionError: bz2 module is not available # then use 'easy_install' for that specific module. # If after one of the above problems, 'pip install' complains about # pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: setuptools==2.0 # then you are screwed -- pip corrupted your virtualenv. # Remove everything and start over from fresh...