Source code for todopy.model

# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Todo.txt manager in Python
# Copyright (C) 2011 Ilkka Laukkanen <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import re

[docs]class Todo(object): """Class representing single todo. >>> t = Todo(1, "My todo") >>> 1 >>> t.todo 'My todo' """ PRIORITY_REGEX = r'^\(([A-Z])\)\s+' DONE_REGEX = r'^x\s+' def __init__(self, id, todo): = id self.todo = todo
[docs] def append(self, text): """Append string to todo text, separated by a space. >>> t = Todo(2, "My") >>> t.append('todo') >>> t.todo 'My todo' """ self.todo += " " + text.strip()
[docs] def prepend(self, text): """Prepend string to todo text, separated by a space. Takes care to keep priority in correct place >>> t = Todo(2, "(A) todo") >>> t.prepend('My') >>> t.todo '(A) My todo' """ if self.priority(): self.todo = "(" + self.priority() + ") " + \ text.strip() + " " + \ re.sub(Todo.PRIORITY_REGEX, '', self.todo) else: self.todo = text.strip() + " " + self.todo
[docs] def set_priority(self, priority): """Set priority, or remove if None. >>> t = Todo(1, "My todo") >>> t.set_priority('A') >>> t.todo '(A) My todo' >>> t.set_priority(None) >>> t.todo 'My todo' """ if priority: if re.match(Todo.PRIORITY_REGEX, self.todo): self.todo = re.sub(Todo.PRIORITY_REGEX, '(' + priority + ') ', self.todo) else: self.todo = '(' + priority + ') ' + self.todo else: self.todo = re.sub(Todo.PRIORITY_REGEX, '', self.todo)
[docs] def priority(self): """Get priority. >>> t = Todo(1, "My todo") >>> t.priority() >>> t.set_priority('A') >>> t.priority() 'A' """ match = re.match(Todo.PRIORITY_REGEX, self.todo) if match: return return None
[docs] def set_done(self, done=True): """Change 'done' state of this todo. >>> t = Todo(1, "(A) My todo") >>> t.set_done() >>> t.todo 'x My todo' """ if done: if not self.done(): self.set_priority(None) self.todo = 'x ' + self.todo else: if self.done(): self.todo = re.sub(Todo.DONE_REGEX, '', self.todo)
[docs] def done(self): """Check done state of todo. >>> t = Todo(1, "My todo") >>> t.done() False """ m = re.match(Todo.DONE_REGEX, self.todo) return m != None
[docs]class Model(object): """Class representing a todo model. >>> m = Model() >>> len(m) 0 >>> m.add("My todo") >>> len(m) 1 >>> m[0].todo 'My todo' >>> m[0].id 1 >>> m[1] Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: list index out of range """ def __init__(self): self.todos = [] self.next_id = 1 @staticmethod
[docs] def sort_comparator(a, b): """Compare two todos and priority sort them. >>> t1 = Todo(1, "(B) A todo") >>> t2 = Todo(2, "(A) Another todo") >>> Model.sort_comparator(t1, t2) 1 >>> Model.sort_comparator(t1, t1) 0 >>> Model.sort_comparator(t2, t1) -1 """ p_a = a.priority() if a.priority() else 'Z' p_b = b.priority() if b.priority() else 'Z' return cmp(p_a, p_b)
[docs] def from_store(cls, store): """Create a Model from some iterable that yields todo strings. >>> s = ["(A) A todo", "(B) Another todo", "Third todo"] >>> m = Model.from_store(s) >>> len(m) 3 >>> m[0].todo '(A) A todo' """ model = cls() model.extend(store) return model
def __iter__(self): class Iter(object): def __init__(self, model): self.model = model self.index = 0 def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): if self.index >= len(self.model): raise StopIteration() data = self.model[self.index] self.index += 1 return data return Iter(self) def __len__(self): return len(self.todos) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.todos[index]
[docs] def add(self, item): """Add a todo from a string. >>> m = Model() >>> m.add("My todo") >>> m[0].todo 'My todo' """ todo = Todo(self.next_id, item) self.next_id += 1 self.todos.append(todo) self.todos = sorted(self.todos, Model.sort_comparator)
[docs] def append(self, id, text): """Append text to a given todo. >>> m = Model() >>> m.add("My") >>> m.append(1, 'todo') >>> m[0].todo 'My todo' """ self.get_by_id(id).append(text)
[docs] def prepend(self, id, text): """prepend text to a given todo. >>> m = Model() >>> m.add("todo") >>> m.prepend(1, 'My') >>> m[0].todo 'My todo' """ self.get_by_id(id).prepend(text)
[docs] def extend(self, iterable): """Extend this model with todos from some iterable. >>> m = Model() >>> m.add('My todo') >>> m.extend(['My other todo']) >>> len(m) 2 >>> m[1].todo 'My other todo' """ for item in iterable: self.add(item)
[docs] def total(self): """Return the total number of items in the model. For plain models this is the same as len(model). Filtered models must return the total unfiltered item count, i.e. total() of the original model. """ return len(self)
[docs] def get_by_id(self, id): """Get todo by id. >>> m = Model() >>> m.add("My todo") >>> m.add("Other todo") >>> m.get_by_id(1).todo 'My todo' >>> m.get_by_id(2).todo 'Other todo' """ return filter(lambda t: == id, self.todos)[0]
[docs] def set_priority(self, id, priority): """Set the priority of the todo with the given id. If priority is None, the priority gets unset. >>> m = Model() >>> m.add("My todo") >>> m.set_priority(1, "A") >>> m[0].todo '(A) My todo' >>> m.set_priority(1, 'D') >>> m[0].todo '(D) My todo' >>> m.set_priority(1, None) >>> m[0].todo 'My todo' """ self.get_by_id(id).set_priority(priority)
[docs] def set_done(self, id, done=True): """Change the value of 'done' for a given todo. >>> m = Model() >>> m.add("My todo") >>> m.set_done(1) >>> m[0].done() True """ self.get_by_id(id).set_done(done)
[docs] def contexts(self): """Get all contexts defined in the todos. >>> m = Model() >>> m.add("My todo @context1") >>> m.contexts() ['@context1'] >>> m.add("My other todo @context1 @context2") >>> m.contexts() ['@context1', '@context2'] >>> m.add("Send email to") >>> m.contexts() ['@context1', '@context2'] """ class ContextIter(object): def __init__(self, model): self.iter = iter(model) def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): todo = return re.findall(r'(?<!\w)@\w+', todo.todo) return sorted(list(set([c for ctxs in ContextIter(self) for c in ctxs])), cmp)
[docs] def projects(self): """Get all projects defined in the todos. >>> m = Model() >>> m.add("My todo +project1") >>> m.projects() ['+project1'] >>> m.add("My other todo +project1 +project2") >>> m.projects() ['+project1', '+project2'] >>> m.add("Solve this math problem: 1+x=2") >>> m.projects() ['+project1', '+project2'] """ class ProjectIter(object): def __init__(self, model): self.iter = iter(model) def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): todo = return re.findall(r'(?<!\w)\+\w+', todo.todo) return sorted(list(set([p for projects in ProjectIter(self) for p in projects])), cmp)
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()