============= Configuration ============= This section contains information about how to configure your Django projects to use *sysscope* and also contains a quick reference of the available *settings* that can be used in order to customize the functionality of this application. Configuring your project ======================== In the Django project's ``settings`` module, add ``sysscope`` to the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting:: INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'sysscope', ) URLS ==== Add the ``sysscope`` specific URL patterns to the ``urls.py`` file of your project:: # URLs for sysscope urlpatterns += patterns('', url('^sysscope/', include('sysscope.urls')), ) Reference of the application settings ===================================== The following settings can be specified in the Django project's ``settings`` module to customize the functionality of *sysscope*. ``SETTING_A`` Setting A ... Synchronize the project database ================================ Finally, synchronize the project's database using the following command:: python manage.py syncdb