#       m   
#      u    apswdbapi2.py - Thu Sep 05 16:24 CEST 2013
#  SQLite   standard interface based on APSW
#    d      part of sqmediumlite
#   e       copyright (C): nobody
#  m        

DB-API style interface to SQLite3, based on APSW "Another Python 
Sqlite Wrapper". Makes it possible to easily switch between the 
standard Python sqlite3 module (Pysqlite) and APSW.  Advantages 
are stricter transactions, increased speed, apswtrace-ability and 
customization in Python.

Mandatory DB-API attributes NOT included:
    Connection.*Error (references to module exceptions)

Pysqlite attributes not included:
    SQLITE_* (SQLite3 constants)
    Connection.iterdump (but it knows dump)

Operational differences:
    Connection.rollback fails if there are unfinished cursors.
    Connection.rowcount is undefined after non-DML queries.
    Missing bind variables are not detected if supplied in a dict
    APSW issue 126: 

APSW can be directly referred via the attributes:
    Connection.* (from super class)

import sys
import apsw

# module-level DB-API attributes
def connect (fname="", **kwargs):
    return Connection (fname=fname, **kwargs)
apilevel = "2.0"
threadsafety = 3
paramstyle = "qmark" # ignored, automatically determined
Binary = sys.version < "3" and buffer or memoryview
class Warning(Exception): pass
class Error(Exception): pass
class InterfaceError(Error): pass
class DatabaseError(Error): pass
class DataError(DatabaseError): pass
class OperationalError(DatabaseError): pass
class IntegrityError(DatabaseError): pass
class InternalError(DatabaseError): pass
class ProgrammingError(DatabaseError): pass
class NotSupportedError(DatabaseError): pass

# module-level Pysqlite attributes
version = apsw.apswversion () # can not use properties at this level
sqlite_version = apsw.sqlitelibversion ()

# module-level pysqlite classes
class Connection (apsw.Connection, object):
    Sub-class of APSW Connection.
    def __init__ (self, fname="", **kwargs):
        busytimeout = 5000 # Pysqlite default (in msec)
        for k in tuple (kwargs):
            if k == "isolation_level":
                self.isolation_level = kwargs.pop (k)
            elif k == "timeout":
                busytimeout = int (1000 * kwargs.pop (k))
            elif k == "cached_statements":
                kwargs ["statementcachesize"] = kwargs.pop (k)
            elif k == "check_same_thread":
                if kwargs.pop (k):
                    raise NotSupportedError (k + " can not be True")
                pass # leave error for APSW
        try: apsw.Connection.__init__ (self, fname, **kwargs)
        except apsw.Error as e: raise _maperr (e)
        apsw.Connection.setbusytimeout (self, busytimeout)

    # Connection DB-API attributes
    def close (self):
        try: apsw.Connection.close (self)
        except apsw.Error as e: raise _maperr (e)
    def commit (self):
        if self.in_transaction:
            self.execute ("COMMIT")
    def rollback (self):
        Unlike Pysqlite, this module does not try to reset unfinished 
        cursors and one must be prepared for:
        'cannot rollback transaction - SQL statements in progress'.
        Well, Pysqlite does not succeed here either if a cursor is 
        in use by another thread.
        if self.in_transaction:
            self.execute ("ROLLBACK")
    def cursor (self):
        return Cursor (self)

    # Connection Pysqlite attributes
    row_factory = None
    isolation_level = "" # Pysqlite default
    total_changes = property (lambda self: self.totalchanges ())
    def create_function (self, name, numargs, callable):
        try: self.createscalarfunction (name, callable, numargs)
        except apsw.Error as e: raise _maperr (e)
    def create_aggregate (self, name, numargs, aggcls):
        try: self.createaggregatefunction (
                lambda: (aggcls (), aggcls.step, aggcls.finalize),
        except apsw.Error as e: raise _maperr (e)
    def create_collation (self, *args, **kwargs):
        try: self.createcollation (*args, **kwargs)
        except apsw.Error as e: raise _maperr (e)
    def set_authorizer (self, callable):
        try: self.setauthorizer (callable)
        except apsw.Error as e: raise _maperr (e)
    def set_progress_handler(self, callable, nsteps=20):
        try: self.setprogresshandler (callable, nsteps)
        except apsw.Error as e: raise _maperr (e)
    def enable_load_extension (self, b):
        try: self.enableloadextension (b)
        except apsw.Error as e: raise _maperr (e)
    def load_extension (self, filename, *args):
        try: self.loadextension (filename, *args)
        except apsw.Error as e: raise _maperr (e)
    def _get_in_transaction (self):
        try: return not self.getautocommit()
        except apsw.Error as e: raise _maperr (e)
    in_transaction = property (_get_in_transaction)
    def interrupt (self):
        try: apsw.Connection.interrupt (self)
        except apsw.Error as e: raise _maperr (e)
    def execute (self, *args):
        return Cursor (self).execute (*args)
    executescript = execute
    def executemany (self, *args):
        return Cursor (self).executemany (*args)
    def dump (self, stdout=None):
        " alternative for Pysqlite iterdump "
        apsw.Shell (db=self, stdout=stdout).process_command (".dump")

    # Connection sqmediumlite attributes
    def begin (self):
        if not self.in_transaction:
            self.execute ("BEGIN")

class Cursor (object):
    Adapts APSW cursor.
    The fetch* methods do not raise any error if the previous call
    to .execute*() did not produce any result set or no call was 
    issued yet. This is opposed to the DB-API specification but 
    conform Pysqlite.
    def __init__ (self, connection):
        self.connection = connection
        try: self.apswcursor = apsw.Connection.cursor (connection)
        except apsw.Error as e: raise _maperr (e)
        if connection.row_factory:
            self.row_factory = connection.row_factory

    # Cursor DB-API attributes
    description = None
    rowcount = property (
            lambda self: Connection.changes (self.connection))
    def close (self):
        try: self.apswcursor.close (True) # force=True
        except apsw.Error as e: raise _maperr (e)
    def execute (self, operation, parameters=(), many=None):
        Injects a 'begin' when needed for the isolation level.
        Note that the mechanism is blind for statements that begin
        with a comment (same as in Pysqlyte) and for statements in 
        the middle of a script. A perfect solution could involve an 
        authorizer function. But that is only invoked once and not
        when a statement is reused from the APSW statement cache.
        con = self.connection
            if con.isolation_level is not None and \
                    operation.lstrip () [:3].lower () != "sel" and \
                    con.getautocommit () and \
                    operation.lstrip () [:3].lower () in (
                        "cre", "del", "dro", "ins", "rep", "upd"):
                self.apswcursor.execute ("BEGIN " + con.isolation_level)
            # save the description before the cursor is finished
            self.description = (
                    many and self.apswcursor.executemany
                    or self.apswcursor.execute
                    ) (operation, parameters).getdescription ()
        except apsw.ExecutionCompleteError:
        except apsw.Error as e:
            raise _maperr (e)
        return self
    def executemany (self, operation, seq_of_parameters):
        return self.execute (operation, seq_of_parameters, True)
    def fetchone (self):
        for i in self:
            return i
    def fetchmany (self, size = None):
        if size is None: size = self.arraysize
        return list (i[1] for i in zip (range (size), self))
    def fetchall (self):
        try: return self.apswcursor.fetchall ()
        except apsw.Error as e: raise _maperr (e)
    if sys.version < '3':
        def next (self):
            return self.apswcursor.next ()
    else: # Python3
        def __next__ (self):
            return self.apswcursor.__next__ ()
    def __iter__ (self):
        try: return self.apswcursor.__iter__ ()
        except apsw.Error as e: raise _maperr (e)
    arraysize = 1
    def setinputsizes (self, *args): return self # conform Pysqlite
    def setoutputsize (self, *args): return self # conform Pysqlite

    # Cursor Pysqlite attributes 
    executescript = execute
    def _set_row_factory (self, row_factory):
        if row_factory:
            self.apswcursor.setrowtrace (
                    lambda cur, values: row_factory (self, values))
            self.apswcursor.setrowtrace (None)
    row_factory = property (
            lambda self: self.apswcursor.getrowtrace (),
            ### lambda self, v: self.apswcursor.setrowtrace (v),
    lastrowid = property (
            lambda self: Connection.last_insert_rowid (self.connection))

    # Cursor methods to support the interactive shell
    def setexectrace (self, callback):
        return self.apswcursor.setexectrace (callback)
    def getdescription (self):
        return self.apswcursor.getdescription ()

# Pysqlite row class
try: from rowfactory import Row
except ImportError:
    try: from sqmedium.rowfactory import Row
    except ImportError: pass # package not installed

# module-level Pysqlite methods
enable_shared_cache = apsw.enablesharedcache
complete_statement = apsw.complete

# module-level internal methods
def _maperr (e):
    return OperationalError ("%s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e))