Change Log ========== `Unreleased `__ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N/A `0.11.1 `__ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed ~~~~~ - Bump `ratelimiter `__ version to improve rate limiting for ``AsyncSpaceTrackClient`` Changed ~~~~~~~ - Documentation included in source distribution. `0.11.0 `__ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added ~~~~~ - Some unit tests added for ``AsyncSpaceTrackClient``. Fixed ~~~~~ - ``\r\n`` to ``\n`` newline conversion for async chunk iterator. Changed ~~~~~~~ - ``AsyncSpaceTrackClient`` can no longer be imported from the top level ``spacetrack`` module, since this would cause an error if optional dependency ``aiohttp`` was not installed. It must be imported from ``spacetrack.aio``. `0.10.0 `__ - 2016-02-04 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed ~~~~~ - Compatibility with ``file`` and ``download`` request classes for ``fileshare`` request controller. ``upload`` request class removed, unable to test. - Rate limit violation HTTP status code 500 handled during predicate information request. Changed ~~~~~~~ - ``iter_lines=True`` now raises ``ValueError`` if receiving binary data (currently only possible with ``download`` request class). - Removed internal method ``_get_predicate_fields``, set comprehension used inline instead. - ``Predicate`` class now has a ``default`` attribute. `0.9.0 `__ - 2016-01-28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ First release.