This is an example session as a mini-tutorial on SmartDC’s most striking features.
We begin by importing the library and initializing the DataCenter, which is effectively our persistent connection object:
from smartdc import DataCenter
sdc = DataCenter(location='us-sw-1', key_id='/test/keys/test_key',
secret='~/.ssh/id_rsa', verbose=True)
The key_id is the only parameter that requires user input. It has the form /<username>/keys/<key_name> with the key_name being the label attached to the Public SSH key uploaded to your Smart Data Center ( account (and corresponding to the private key identified in the secret parameter). SmartDC looks for an ssh-agent when the allow_agent parameter is set to True. Default behavior is to seek a private ssh key at the path identified by secret. verbose=True means SmartDC echoes each CloudAPI connection to stderr to aid in debugging.
Once connected to a datacenter, you can look at all sorts of account information, such as listing your uploaded public SSH keys:
Given one datacenter, you can connect to another with your existing credentials and configuration:
east = sdc.datacenter('us-east-1')
While we’re setting up, let’s save a boot script for later upload:
with open('./', 'w') as f:
f.write('#!/usr/bin/sh\n\ntouch /home/admin/FTW\n')
You can list packages and datasets available at a given datacenter:
Packages, datasets and most other CloudAPI entities are returned as dicts or lists of dicts. You can extract the unique identifiers pointing to these entities from these representations or pass the dicts themselves to methods that refer to these entities. The name, id, or URN – as appropriate – is extracted and passed to the CloudAPI.
py-smartdc defines a few convenience functions beyond the ones offering raw results directly from the CloudAPI, such as filtering through available packages or datasets to return the default assigned by the datacenter:
...or locally filtering for packages or datasets that match a regular expression:
a_base = east.datasets('base(64)?:')[0]
In some situations we can create a smartmachine with no arguments at all: a default dataset and a default package are sometimes defined by the datacenter, and a unique name will always be defined if you omit one. However, besides valuing convenience and terseness, this python package is also about exercising fine control:
test_machine = east.create_machine(name='test-machine', dataset=a_base,
Note that this illustrates some of the flexibility of py-smartdc. The dataset parameter happens to be an arbitrary dict we got from by querying the CloudAPI, but use within the create_machine method extracts the appropriate URN from the dict. More conventionally, the package parameter is identified by a string, the name of the bundle of machine resources. We upload the previously-saved boot_script, and add a tag to the machine, so we can quickly identify test instances.
Although boot scripts are tremendously useful, the SMF service that runs the boot script will kill processes that exceed 300 seconds execution time, so this is not necessarily the best vehicle for long pkgin installations, for example.
This method call instantiates a smartdc.machine.Machine object that has its own methods and properties that allow you to examine data about the remote machine controlled via CloudAPI. Many methods correspond with the HTTP API driving it, but there are additional convenience methods here, as well.
For example, poll_while and poll_until block while continually polling the datacenter for the machine’s .state to be updated. Note that if you model the state transition wrongly (or don’t trigger a state change correctly), these methods can block in an infinite loop. We can also change the wait interval (from a default of 2 seconds) if we’re feeling particularly impatient or conscientious.
test_machine.poll_while('provisioning', interval=3)
The Machine object we are working with is the same as what would be instantiated when listing machines from the datacenter or directly instantiated on a smartdc.machine.Machine object with a datacenter and id. When obtaining lists of machine resources from the Smart Data Center, the DataCenter object method returns instantiated Machine objects that are the same as those yielded by the freshly created machines. You can quickly demonstrate this to yourself by searching for the new machine amongst the datacenter’s machines:
test_machine == east.machines(name='test-machine')[0]
Now that we have both provisioned a machine and ensured that it is running, we can connect to it and perform some remote commands. In order to do this, we use the ssh package. SmartDC uses it internally to connect with an ssh-agent if one is available. (For more extensive workflows, Fabric, which shares most of SmartDC’s dependencies, is commonly used, but we don’t use it for this illustrative tutorial.)
We find the user-accessible IP address using the public_ips property of our machine instance. We use the key that we know works with the Smart Data Center, and connect using the admin account:
import ssh
ssh_conn = ssh.SSHClient()
ssh_conn.connect(test_machine.public_ips[0], username='admin')
We can list the installed packages, and trivially parse them into id-description pairs:
_, rout, _ = ssh_conn.exec_command('pkgin ls')
dict(ln.split(None,1) for ln in rout)
Let’s take a look to see if the boot script fired:
print ssh_conn.exec_command('ls')[1].read()
Close the connection, stop the machine, wait until stopped, and delete the machine:
If you have accumulated many test instances in a datacenter and you need to shut them all down quickly, you might consider the following use of a thread pool. This particular example usage is predicated upon the machines being given a common tag.
from operator import methodcaller
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool
simultaneous = Pool(min(east.num_machines(tags={'type':'test'}), 8))
test_machines = east.machines(tags={'type':'test'})'stop'), test_machines)'poll_until','stopped'), test_machines)'status'), test_machines)'delete'), test_machines)
east.num_machines(tags={'type':'test'}) == 0
To learn more, you can read the API documentation for both the smartdc.datacenter.DataCenter and smartdc.machine.Machine classes.